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UT2003 >> Actor >> NavigationPoint >> JumpDest >> JumpSpot >> GameObjective >> TouchableObjective

A TouchableObjective must be touched by a player of the attacking team (the team that's not the one specified by the DefenderTeamIndex property) to be disabled. In other words, it more or less acts as a TriggeredObjective with a TeamTrigger built in.


You'll find TouchableObjective in the actor browser then. Its code will automatically be saved with your map when you save it.

See Embedding Code for more information.


</span><div class="hidden">// ============================================================================
// TouchableObjective
// Copyright 2002 by Mychaeel <mychaeel@planetjailbreak.com>
// $Id: TouchableObjective.uc,v 1.2 2003/01/03 15:40:52 mychaeel Exp $
// GameObjective that must be touched to be disabled. TriggeredObjective
// requires an additional trigger for that.
// Originally developed for Jailbreak mapping support.
// ============================================================================
class TouchableObjective extends GameObjective
// ============================================================================
// DisableObjective
// Disables this objective if instigated by a player not of the defending team.
// ============================================================================
function DisableObjective(Pawn PawnInstigator) {
  if (PawnInstigator                            == None ||
      PawnInstigator.PlayerReplicationInfo      == None ||
      PawnInstigator.PlayerReplicationInfo.Team == None ||
      PawnInstigator.PlayerReplicationInfo.Team.TeamIndex == DefenderTeamIndex)
  SetCollision(False, False, False);
// ============================================================================
// Reset
// Resets this actor to its default state. Restores its collision properties.
// ============================================================================
function Reset() {
  SetCollision(Default.bCollideActors,  // resetting the collision will
               Default.bBlockActors,    // implicitly call Touch again if a
               Default.bBlockPlayers);  // player is still touching this actor
// ============================================================================
// Touch
// Disables this objective when touched by a player.
// ============================================================================
event Touch(Actor ActorOther) {
  if (Pawn(ActorOther) != None)
// ============================================================================
// Defaults
// ============================================================================
defaultproperties {
  bCollideActors = True;
  bBlockActors  = False;
  bBlockPlayers = False;