Cogito, ergo sum


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Starting with Unreal Engine 3 UnrealScript supports Metadata for Variables which are used by UnrealEd to help out mappers to understand more about the variable by setting a friendly name for your variables and adding comments.


Metatags can be added for almost any variable type some of them are struct's, enum members and variables.

A metatag is placed at the end of variable before the final semi colon like:

var [modifiers] type variablename<[tag]=[value]>;

You can also declare more than one metatag by separating them with | like:

var [modifiers] type variablename<[tag1]=[value]|[tag2]=[value]>;


  • 3 – The tag is available in Unreal Engine 3.
  • 3+ – The tag is available in later Unreal Engine 3 versions, such as the UDK.
  • (no number) – The tag is available in all Unreal Engine generations.

String ToolTip3
Sets the ToolTip description to show in the UnrealEd's properties window, you can also add a /** ... */ comment above the variable's declaration and the UnrealScript compiler will automatic use that as ToolTip however you can still use the ToolTip tag to override the automatic set ToolTip.
String DisplayName3
Sets the variable's name to the specified DisplayName value in UnrealEd.
Variable EditCondition3
Makes the variable non-editable in UnrealEd if the specified value of this tag is false, and editable if the specified value of this tag is true.
Bool AllowAbstract3
Specifies whether the user can select abstract classes from the UnrealEd drop-down list.
Bool AutoComment3
Bool FullyExpand+3?