Gah - a solution with more questions. – EntropicLqd

UnrealScript syntax

From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site
Revision as of 11:36, 24 May 2010 by Eliot (Talk | contribs) (Keywords: Added AutoCollapseCategories and DontAutoCollapseCategories)

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This section lists all known UnrealScript keywords this includes hardcoded funtionality of arrays like Insert etc, as well deprecated, postponed and canceled keywords.

173 UnrealScript keywords
Abstract Add AddIndex AddItem Array ArrayCount Assert Atomic
AtomicWhenCooked Auto AutoCollapseCategories AutoExpandCategories Automated Begin Bool Break
Byte Case CacheExempt Cache Class Client CppStruct CppText
Coerce CollapseCategories Config Const Continue CrossLevelPassive DataBinding Default
DefaultProperties Delegate DemoRecording DependsOn Deprecated Do DontAutoCollapseCategories DontCollapseCategories
DLLBind DLLImport DuplicateTransient EdFindable EditConst EditConstArray EditFixedSize EditHide
EditorOnly EditInline EditInlineNew EditInlineNotify EditInlineUse EditTextBox Else Empty
End Enum EnumCount Event Exec Expands Export ExportStructs
Extends False Final Find Float For ForEach Function
Global GlobalConfig GoTo Guid HideCategories HideDropDown If Ignores
Immutable ImmutableWhenCooked Implements Import Inherits Init Input Insert
InsertItem Instanced Int Interface Interp Intrinsic Invariant Iterator
Latent Length Local Localized Long Map Name Native
NativeReplication New NoExport NoExportHeader NoClear NoImport None NonTransactional
NotEditInlineNew NotForConsole NotInstanced NotPlaceable NotTransient NoUserCreate Operator Optional
Out ParseConfig PerObjectConfig PerObjectLocalized Placeable Private PrivateWrite PreOperator
Protected ProtectedWrite Pointer PostOperator Public Reliable Remove RemoveIndex
RemoveItem Replace Replication RepNotify Return Rot Rng ShowCategories
StructCppText StructDefaultProperties StructDefaults SafeReplace Self Server SerializeText Simulated
Singular Skip Sort State Stop StrictConfig String Struct
Super Switch Transient Travel True Unreliable Until Using
Var Vect Virtual While Within      


These sections explain styles you should use. The style is based upon Epic's style used in UnrealScript.


All variable/function names should be UpperCamelCased, e.g. var Object OwnerObject.


Bool's should start with a lowercase b, e.g. bool bUnrealScriptStyle.


Enum's should start with uppercase E, e.g. enum EUnrealScriptStyle. Members should all start with all uppercase characters of the enum's name followed by a _, e.g.

enum EUnrealScriptStyle


Interface's should start with a uppercase I, e.g. interface IUnrealScriptStyle.