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Object >> Commandlet >> HelloWorldCommandlet


This class in other games:
RTNP, U1, UT, U2XMP, U2, UE2Runtime

A simple example commandlet.

You can run it with the following command:

ucc package.HelloWorld [intparm=number] [strparm=string]

Use ucc help package.HelloWorld to display the help text.

Source code[edit]

class HelloWorldCommandlet extends Commandlet;
var int intparm;
var string strparm;
function int Main(string Parms)
  log("Hello, world!");
  if (Parms != "")
    log("Command line parameters=" $ Parms);
  if (intparm != 0)
    log("You specified intparm=" $ intparm);
  if (strparm != "")
    log("You specified strparm=" $ strparm);
  return 0;
  HelpCmd="HelloWorld"                  // not for UE3
  HelpOneLiner="Sample"                 // not for UE3
  HelpDescription="Hello World example" // only for UE3
  HelpDesc(0)="An integer parameter"
  HelpDesc(1)="A string parameter"