From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site
These are the so-called hidden variables. They can't be accessed in the Actor Properties Window (but see that page for ways to work around this).
- vector Acceleration
- For physics types that move the actor based on its Velocity, the Acceleration is constantly applied.
- float AccumKarmaAngleError
- ActorRenderDataPtr ActorRenderData (const native)
- array<Actor> Attached (const)
- Array of actors attached to this actor.
- name AttachmentBone (const)
- Name of bone to which actor is attached (if attached to center of base.
- bool bAlreadyPrecachedMaterials
- bool bAlreadyPrecachedMeshes
- bool bAlwaysRelevant
- Always relevant for network.
- bool bAlwaysTick (const)
- Update even when players-only.
- bool bAlwaysZeroBoneOffset
- If true, offset always zero when attached to skeletalmesh.
- bool bAnimByOwner
- Animation dictated by owner.
- Actor Base (const)
- Actor we're standing on.
- bool bBadStateCode
- Used for recovering from illegal state transitions (hack)
- bool bBlockPlayers
- OBSOLETE - no longer used
- bool bBlockProjectiles
- bool bBlocksTeleport
- bool bCanBeDamaged
- Can take damage.
- bool bClientAnim
- Don't replicate any animations - animation done client-side.
- bool bClientAuthoritative (const)
- Remains ROLE_Authority on client (only valid for bStatic or bNoDelete actors).
- bool bClientDemoNetFunc (const)
- True if we're client-side demo recording and this call originated from the remote.
- bool bClientDemoRecording (const)
- True we are currently recording a client-side demo.
- bool bClientTrigger
- replicated property used to trigger client side ClientTrigger() event.
- bool bCollideWorld
- Collides with the world.
- bool bCompressedPosition
- Used by networking code to flag compressed position replication.
- bool bDeleteMe (const)
- About to be deleted.
- bool bDemoOwner (const)
- Demo recording driver owns this actor.
- bool bDemoRecording (const)
- True we are currently demo recording.
- bool bDestroyInPainVolume
- Destroy this actor if it enters a pain volume.
- bool bDetailAttachment (const)
- If actor is attached to Karma object, only move once a frame regardless of timestep subdivision. Only valid when bCollideActors is false.
- bool bDisturbFluidSurface
- Cause ripples when in contact with FluidSurface.
- bool bDramaticLighting
- bool bEdSnap
- Should snap to grid in UnrealEd.
- bool bForceSkelUpdate
- Update skeleton (and attached actor positions) even if not rendered.
- bool bHurtEntry
- Keep HurtRadius from being reentrant,
- bool bIgnoreOutOfWorld
- Don't destroy if enters zone zero.
- bool bIgnoreVehicles
- Ignore collisions between vehicles and this actor (only relevant if
is false).
- bool bInterpolating
- Performing interpolating.
- bool bJustTeleported (const)
- Used by engine physics - not valid for scripts.
- bool bLightChanged
- Recalculate this light's lighting now.
- bool bNetDirty (transient const)
- Set when any attribute is assigned a value in unrealscript,
- bool bNetInitial (const)
- Initial network update.
- bool bNetInitialRotation (const)
- Should replicate initial rotation.
- bool bNetNotify
- The actor wishes to be notified of replication events. The actor gets the simulated function PostNetReceive() called whenever replication occurs, e.g. in Ammunition whenever AmmoAmount gets changed.
- bool bNetOwner (const)
- Player owns this actor.
- bool bNetRelevant (const)
- Actor is currently relevant. Only valid server side, only when replicating variables.
- bool bNetTemporary (const)
- Tear-off simulation in network play.
- bool bNoRepMesh
- Don't replicate mesh.
- bool bNotifyLocalPlayerTeamReceived
- Wants
- bool bNotOnDedServer
- Destroy if on dedicated server and
RemoteRole== ROLE_None
(emitters, etc.)
- bool bObsolete
- Actor is obsolete - warn level designers to remove it.
- bool bOnlyAffectPawns (const)
- Optimisation - only test overlap against Pawns. Used for influences etc.
- bool bOnlyDirtyReplication
- If true, only replicate actor if
is true - useful if no C++ changed attributes (such as physics)
- bool bOnlyDrawIfAttached
- Don't draw this actor if not attached (useful for net clients where attached actors and their bases' replication may not be synched).
- bool bOnlyOwnerSee
- Only owner can see this actor.
- bool bOnlyRelevantToOwner
- This actor is only relevant to its owner.
- bool bOrientOnSlope
- When landing, orient base on slope of floor.
- bool bOwnerNoSee
- Everything but the owner can see this actor.
- bool bPathTemp (transient)
- Internal/path building.
- bool bPendingDelete
- Set when actor is about to be deleted (since endstate and other functions called during deletion process before
is set).
- bool bRepClientDemo (const)
- True if remote client is recording demo.
- bool bReplicateAnimations
- Should replicate SimAnim.
- bool bReplicateInstigator
- Replicate instigator to client (used by bNetTemporary projectiles).
- bool bReplicateMovement
- If true, replicate movement/location related properties.
- Model Brush (const export)
- Used by Brush subclass actors with
. The Model object is the actual shape of the brush.
- bool bScriptInitialized
- Set to prevent re-initializing of actors spawned during level startup
- bool bSelected (const)
- Selected in UnrealEd.
- bool bShouldStopKarma (transient const)
- bool bShowOctreeNodes
- bool bSkipActorPropertyReplication
- f true, don't replicate actor class variables for this actor.
- bool bSmoothKarmaStateUpdates
- When true, karma state updates will be smoothly interpolated.
- bool bStatic (const)
- Does not move or change over time. Level designers should not change this, it will screw up net play.
- bool bTearOff
- If true, this actor is no longer replicated to new clients, and is "torn off" (becomes a
) on clients to which it was being replicated.
- bool bTempEditor
- bool bTicked (transient const)
- Actor has been updated.
- bool bTimerLoop
- Timer loops (else is one-shot).
- bool bTraceWater
- If true,
by this actor returns collisions with water volumes.
- bool bTrailerAllowRotation
- If
and want independent rotation control.
- bool bTrailerPrePivot
- If
and true, offset from owner byPrePivot
- bool bTrailerSameRotation
- If
and true, have same rotation as owner.
- bool bTravel
- Actor is capable of travelling among servers.
- bool bUpdateSimulatedPosition
- f true, update velocity/location after initialization for simulated proxies.
- bool bUseCollisionStaticMesh
- bool bWasSNFiltered
- Mainly for debugging - the way this actor was inserted into Octree.
- bool bWorldGeometry
- Collision and Physics treats this actor as world geometry.
- Matrix CachedLocalToWorld
- vector CachedLocation (const)
- rotator CachedRotation (const)
- int CollisionTag (const native)
- vector ColLocation (const)
- Actor's old location one move ago. Only for debugging.
- Actor Deleted (const)
- Next actor in just-deleted chain. (not accessible through UnrealScript)
- float FluidSurfaceShootStrengthMod
- If
bDisturbFluidSurface== true
, FluidSurface's ShootStrength is multiplied by this before doing the ripples.
- Matrix HardRelMatrix (const)
- Transform of actor in base's ref frame. Doesn't change after SetBase.
- Material HighDetailOverlay
- If high detail mode, use this overlay when no other overlay is active.
- Pawn Instigator
- Pawn responsible for damage caused by this actor.
- Inventory Inventory
- This actor's Inventory chain. Usually used by Pawns to store the player's inventory and by the Inventory class itself to build the linked list of inventory items.
- int JoinedTag (const transient)
- int KStepTag (const native)
- float LastRenderTime (transient)
- Last time this actor was rendered.
- float LatentFloat (const)
- Internal latent function use.
- array<int> Leaves (transient)
- BSP leaves this actor is in.
- LevelInfo Level (const)
- Level this actor is on.
- LightRenderDataPtr LightRenderData (const native)
- MeshInstance MeshInstance (transient)
- Mesh instance.
- class<LocalMessage> MessageClass
- A LocalMessage class associated with this actor.
- float NetPriority
- Higher priorities means update it more frequently.
- int NetTag (const transient)
- float NetUpdateFrequency
- How many net updates per seconds.
- float NetUpdateTime
- Time of last update
- Box OctreeBox (const transient)
- Actor bounding box cached when added to Octree. Internal use only.
- vector OctreeBoxCenter (const transient)
- vector OctreeBoxRadii (const transient)
- array<pointer> OctreeNodes (const transient)
- Array of nodes of the octree Actor is currently in. Internal use only.
- Actor Owner
- Owner actor.
- Actor PendingTouch
- Actor touched during move which wants to add an effect after the movement completes.
- PhysicsVolume PhysicsVolume (const)
- physics volume this actor is currently in.
- array<ProjectorRenderInfoPtr> Projectors (const native)
- Projected textures on this actor.
- PointRegion Region (const)
- A struct describing the region this actor is in. Oly one property in this struct is commonly used: Region.Zone references the ZoneInfo of the zone containing the actor.
- vector RelativeLocation (const)
- Location relative to base/bone (valid if base exists).
- rotator RelativeRotation (const)
- Rotation relative to base/bone (valid if base exists).
- ENetRole RemoteRole
- Remote network role. See Role.
- int RenderRevision (const native)
- Material RepSkin
- Replicated skin (sets Skins[0] if not none)
- ENetRole Role
- Local network role. See Role.
- AnimRep SimAnim
- Only replicated if
is true
- EFilterState StaticFilterState
- StaticMeshInstance StaticMeshInstance
- Contains per-instance static mesh data, like static lighting data.
- array<StaticMeshProjectorRenderInfoPtr> StaticMeshProjectors (const native)
- array<BatchReference> StaticSectionBatches (const, native)
- float TimerCounter (const)
- Counts up until it reaches TimerRate.
- float TimerRate
- Timer event, 0=no timer.
- array<Actor> Touching (const)
- List of touching actors.