My program doesn't have bugs. It just develops random features.

Legacy:Brimstone And Sulphur Content Pack Documentation And Links

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Revision as of 12:47, 23 February 2008 by AcidSphinx (Talk)

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Item #01: BaSCP Steam Vents - Shows how I made a Steam Vent, with information on all aspects of its design, including Textures (made with Texture Maker and Photoshop), Static Meshes (Made with 3DS Max), Materials (Made with UTEd4), and Particles (Made with UTEd4 - Cascade Component).Original Author: AcidSphinx

Item #02: BaSCP Hot Water - Shows how I made a Water Volume, with information on all aspects of its design, including Textures (made with Texture Maker and Photoshop), Materials (Made with UTEd4), and Particles (Made with UTEd4 - Cascade Componet), as well as information on various editor related features such as Height Fogs, and Post Process Volumes.Original Author: AcidSphinx

File Links[edit]

DM-BaSCP-Item01.7z Item #01 of the tutorails asociated file, hosted on FileFront.BaSCP-Item01 Details

Size: 14.76 MB (15,480,938 Bytes)



Acidsphinx's Journal Into UT3