Once I get that upgrade to 36-hour days, I will tackle that. – Mychaeel


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class Interpreter extends Object dependsOn(AST) dependsOn(Scope) dependsOn(Compiler);
var private AST a;
var private Scope s;
var private array<string> input;
// keywords
const __BEGIN                 = "begin";
const __VAR                   = "var";
const __INTEGER               = "int";
const __STRING                = "string";
const __FLOAT                 = "float";
const __BOOLEAN               = "bool";
const __FUNC                  = "function";
const __BECOMES               = "=";
const __WHILE                 = "while";
const __IF                    = "if";
const __LT                    = "<";
const __LE                    = "<=";
const __GT                    = ">";
const __GE                    = ">=";
const __EQ                    = "==";
const __NE                    = "!=";
const __AND                   = "&&";
const __OR                    = "||";
const __PLUS                  = "+";
const __MINUS                 = "-";
const __MULTIPLY              = "*";
const __DIVIDE                = "/";
const __MOD                   = "%";
const __NOT                   = "!";
const __TRUE                  = "true";
const __FALSE                 = "false";
// terminals -- end

These are the keywords that we can encounter in the AST

const FUNCRESULT              = "result";

the name of the default local variable of function, the one that will contain the result.

function Create(AST inAst, Scope inScope, array<string> inInput)
  a = inAst;
  s = inScope;
  input = inInput;
function Execute()
  local int i;
  for (i = 0; i < a.Tree.length; i++)
    if (a.Tree[i].parent == -1) ExecuteRoot(i);

Execute will walk through all the tree nodes to search for the main root nodes, without a parent, and execute those.

private function ExecuteRoot(int node)
  local Scope.Declaration d;
  if (a.Tree[node].type == NT_Keyword)
    if (a.Tree[node].value == __VAR) _var(node);
    if (a.Tree[node].value == __BECOMES) _assignment(node);
    if (a.Tree[node].value == __IF) _ifthenelse(node);
    if (a.Tree[node].value == __WHILE) _whiledo(node);
    if (a.Tree[node].value == __FUNC) _function(node);
  if (a.Tree[node].type == NT_Function)
    d = _functioncall(node);

This will execute a root node. A root node can be a variable or function declaration, an assigment, if statement , while statement or a function call.

Each node type has it's own way of handling, but basically it's all the same. Each function will be called with the current AST node to use.

  returns the value of the nth child
private function string ChildValue(int node, optional int n)
  return a.Tree[a.Tree[node].children[n]].value;
  returns the id of the nth child
private function int Child(int node, optional int n)
  return a.Tree[node].children[n];

These two function has as only purpose to keep the code below a bit more readable. Just imagine what a mess it would be if I repeated the above code in the rest of the class.

  converts BruteForce bool to UScript bool
private function bool boolean(string in)
  return !(in ~= __FALSE);
  uscript bool to BruteForce bool
private function string boolToString(bool in)
  if (in) return __TRUE;
  else return __FALSE;

We can't use the built-in boolean type cast because out bools are true and false instead of not 0 and 0.

  Convert from one type to the other
private function Scope.Declaration typeCast(Scope.Declaration d, Scope.DeclarationType type)
  if (d.type == type) return d;
  if (type == DT_Int)
    if (d.type == DT_Bool) d.value = String(Int(boolean(d.value)));
    else d.value = String(Int(d.value));
    d.type = DT_Int;
  else if (type == DT_Int)
    if (d.type == DT_Bool) d.value = String(Float(boolean(d.value)));
    else d.value = String(Float(d.value));
    d.type = DT_Float;
  else if (type == DT_Bool)
    if (d.type == DT_String) d.value = boolToString(d.value != "");
    else if (d.type == DT_Int) d.value = boolToString(Int(d.value) != 0);
    else if (d.type == DT_Float) d.value = boolToString(Float(d.value) != 0.0);
    else d.value = boolToString(Boolean(d.value));
    d.type = DT_Bool;
  else if (type == DT_String)
    d.type = DT_String;
  return d;

This function makes type completeness possible, each type will be converted into an other type.

private function _var(int node, optional string initval)
                   // name                                 value
  s.newDeclaration(ChildValue(node, 1), s.stringToType(ChildValue(node, 0)), initval);

Declare a new variable in the current scope. The optional initval is used during the passing of the function arguments.

private function _assignment(int node)
{                  // name              expression            left hand type
  s.setDeclaration(ChildValue(node, 0), typeCast(_expr(Child(node, 1)), s.getType(ChildValue(node, 0))).value );
private function _ifthenelse(int node)
  if (boolean(typeCast(_expr(Child(node, 0)), DT_Bool).value)) //if true
    _codeblock(Child(node, 1)); // then
  else if (a.Tree[node].children.length >= 3) // else
    _codeblock(Child(node, 2));

Check if the first child node evaluates to true, and if so execute the second child node which is the then statement. If not check if there's a third child (the optional else part), and execute it.

private function _whiledo(int node)
  while (boolean(typeCast(_expr(Child(node, 0)), DT_Bool).value)) //while true
    _codeblock(Child(node, 1)); // do
private function _codeblock(int node)
  local int i;
  if ((a.Tree[node].type == NT_Keyword) && (a.Tree[node].value == __BEGIN))
    for (i = 0; i < a.Tree[node].children.length; i++)
  else {

If the current node is a begin root node we will execute all it's children, if not it's just a single statement and we execute that one.

Note that I just call the ExecuteRoot function, this means that there is a possibility for inline variable and function declaration even tho the language specification doesn't allow it the interpreter accepts it.

private function Scope.Declaration _expr(int node, optional Scope.DeclarationType type)
  return _boolex(node, type);
private function Scope.Declaration _boolex(int node, optional Scope.DeclarationType type)
  local Scope.Declaration d;
  if (a.Tree[node].type == NT_Keyword)
    if (a.Tree[node].value == __LT)
      d = _expr(Child(node, 0), type);
      type = d.type;
      if (type == DT_Int) d.value = boolToString(Int(d.value) < Int(_expr(Child(node, 1), type).value));
      if (type == DT_Float) d.value = boolToString(Float(d.value) < Float(_expr(Child(node, 1), type).value));
      if (type == DT_Bool) d.value = boolToString(Int(Boolean(d.value)) < Int(Boolean(_expr(Child(node, 1), type).value)));
      if (type == DT_String) d.value = boolToString(d.value < _expr(Child(node, 1), type).value);
      d.type = DT_Bool;
      return d;
    else if (a.Tree[node].value == __LE)
      d = _expr(Child(node, 0), type);
      type = d.type;
      if (type == DT_Int) d.value = boolToString(Int(d.value) <= Int(_expr(Child(node, 1), type).value));
      if (type == DT_Float) d.value = boolToString(Float(d.value) <= Float(_expr(Child(node, 1), type).value));
      if (type == DT_Bool) d.value = boolToString(Int(Boolean(d.value)) <= Int(Boolean(_expr(Child(node, 1), type).value)));
      if (type == DT_String) d.value = boolToString(d.value <= _expr(Child(node, 1), type).value);
      d.type = DT_Bool;
      return d;
    else if (a.Tree[node].value == __GT)
      d = _expr(Child(node, 0), type);
      type = d.type;
      if (type == DT_Int) d.value = boolToString(Int(d.value) > Int(_expr(Child(node, 1), type).value));
      if (type == DT_Float) d.value = boolToString(Float(d.value) > Float(_expr(Child(node, 1), type).value));
      if (type == DT_Bool) d.value = boolToString(Int(Boolean(d.value)) > Int(Boolean(_expr(Child(node, 1), type).value)));
      if (type == DT_String) d.value = boolToString(d.value > _expr(Child(node, 1), type).value);
      d.type = DT_Bool;
      return d;
    else if (a.Tree[node].value == __GE)
      d = _expr(Child(node, 0), type);
      type = d.type;
      if (type == DT_Int) d.value = boolToString(Int(d.value) >= Int(_expr(Child(node, 1), type).value));
      if (type == DT_Float) d.value = boolToString(Float(d.value) >= Float(_expr(Child(node, 1), type).value));
      if (type == DT_Bool) d.value = boolToString(Int(Boolean(d.value)) >= Int(Boolean(_expr(Child(node, 1), type).value)));
      if (type == DT_String) d.value = boolToString(d.value >= _expr(Child(node, 1), type).value);
      d.type = DT_Bool;
      return d;
    else if (a.Tree[node].value == __EQ)
      d = _expr(Child(node, 0), type);
      type = d.type;
      if (type == DT_Int) d.value = boolToString(Int(d.value) == Int(_expr(Child(node, 1), type).value));
      if (type == DT_Float) d.value = boolToString(Float(d.value) == Float(_expr(Child(node, 1), type).value));
      if (type == DT_Bool) d.value = boolToString(Boolean(d.value) == Boolean(_expr(Child(node, 1), type).value));
      if (type == DT_String) d.value = boolToString(d.value == _expr(Child(node, 1), type).value);
      d.type = DT_Bool;
      return d;
    else if (a.Tree[node].value == __NE)
      d = _expr(Child(node, 0), type);
      type = d.type;
      if (type == DT_Int) d.value = boolToString(Int(d.value) != Int(_expr(Child(node, 1), type).value));
      if (type == DT_Float) d.value = boolToString(Float(d.value) != Float(_expr(Child(node, 1), type).value));
      if (type == DT_Bool) d.value = boolToString(Boolean(d.value) != Boolean(_expr(Child(node, 1), type).value));
      if (type == DT_String) d.value = boolToString(d.value != _expr(Child(node, 1), type).value);
      d.type = DT_Bool;
      return d;
    else if (a.Tree[node].value == __AND)
      d = _expr(Child(node, 0));
      d.value = boolToString( Boolean(d.value) && Boolean(_expr(Child(node, 1)).value) );
      d.type = DT_Bool;
      return d;
    else if (a.Tree[node].value == __OR)
      d = _expr(Child(node, 0));
      d.value = boolToString(Boolean(d.value) || Boolean(_expr(Child(node, 1)).value));
      d.type = DT_Bool;
      return d;
  return _accum(node, type);

Right hand side will be type casted to the left hand side, that's why we temporarily save the result of the left hand side so that we can pass the type to the right hand side.

private function Scope.Declaration _accum(int node, optional Scope.DeclarationType type)
  local Scope.Declaration d;
  if (a.Tree[node].type == NT_Keyword)
    if (a.Tree[node].value == __PLUS)
      d = _expr(Child(node, 0), type);
      type = d.type;
      if (type == DT_Int) d.value = String(Int(d.value) + Int(_expr(Child(node, 1), type).value));
      if (type == DT_Float) d.value = String(Float(d.value) + Float(_expr(Child(node, 1), type).value));
      if (type == DT_Bool) d.value = String(Boolean(d.value) && !Boolean(_expr(Child(node, 1), type).value));
      if (type == DT_String) d.value = d.value $ _expr(Child(node, 1), type).value;
      return d;
    else if (a.Tree[node].value == __MINUS)
      d = _expr(Child(node, 0), type);
      type = d.type;
      if (type == DT_Int) d.value = String(Int(d.value) - Int(_expr(Child(node, 1), type).value));
      if (type == DT_Float) d.value = String(Float(d.value) - Float(_expr(Child(node, 1), type).value));
      if (type == DT_Bool) d.value = String(Boolean(d.value) && !Boolean(_expr(Child(node, 1), type).value));
      if (type == DT_String) _expr(Child(node, 1), type).value;
      return d;
  return _mult(node, type);
private function Scope.Declaration _mult(int node, optional Scope.DeclarationType type)
  local Scope.Declaration d;
  if (a.Tree[node].type == NT_Keyword)
    if (a.Tree[node].value == __MULTIPLY)
      d = _expr(Child(node, 0), type);
      type = d.type;
      if (type == DT_Int) d.value = String(Int(d.value) * Int(_expr(Child(node, 1), type).value));
      if (type == DT_Float) d.value = String(Float(d.value) * Float(_expr(Child(node, 1), type).value));
      if (type == DT_Bool) d.value = String(Boolean(d.value) || Boolean(_expr(Child(node, 1), type).value)); 
      if (type == DT_String) _expr(Child(node, 1), type); // ??
      return d;
    else if (a.Tree[node].value == __DIVIDE)
      d = _expr(Child(node, 0), type);
      type = d.type;
      if (type == DT_Int) d.value =  String(Int(d.value) / Int(_expr(Child(node, 1), type).value));
      if (type == DT_Float) d.value = String(Float(d.value) / Float(_expr(Child(node, 1), type).value));
      if (type == DT_Bool) d.value = String(Boolean(d.value) || !Boolean(_expr(Child(node, 1), type).value)); 
      if (type == DT_String) _expr(Child(node, 1), type); //?
      return d;
    else if (a.Tree[node].value == __MOD)
      d = _expr(Child(node, 0), type);
      type = d.type;
      if (type == DT_Int) d.value =  String(Int(Int(d.value) % Int(_expr(Child(node, 1), type).value)));
      if (type == DT_Float) d.value = String(Float(d.value) % Float(_expr(Child(node, 1), type).value));
      if (type == DT_Bool) _expr(Child(node, 1), type); // ??
      if (type == DT_String) _expr(Child(node, 1), type); //?
      return d;
  return _preop(node, type);
private function Scope.Declaration _preop(int node, optional Scope.DeclarationType type)
  local Scope.Declaration d;
  if (a.Tree[node].type == NT_Keyword)
    if (a.Tree[node].value == __NOT)
      d.type = DT_Bool;
      d.value = BoolToString(!Boolean(_expr(Child(node, 0), DT_Bool).value));
      return d;
  return _operand(node, type);
private function Scope.Declaration _operand(int node, optional Scope.DeclarationType type)
  local Scope.Declaration d;
  d.value = a.Tree[node].value;
  if (a.Tree[node].type == NT_Identifier)
    d = s.getDeclaration(a.Tree[node].value);
  else if (a.Tree[node].type == NT_String)
    d.type = DT_String;
  else if (a.Tree[node].type == NT_Boolean)
    d.type = DT_Bool;
  else if (a.Tree[node].type == NT_Integer)
    d.type = DT_Int;
  else if (a.Tree[node].type == NT_Float)
    d.type = DT_Float;
  else if (a.Tree[node].type == NT_Function)
    d = _functioncall(node);
  else {
    Warn("Unexpected node:"@a.Tree[node].value);
  if ((type != DT_None) && (d.type != type)) d = typeCast(d, type); // from to
  return d;
private function Scope.Declaration _functioncall(int node)
  local Scope.Declaration d;
  if (a.Tree[node].value ~= "print")
    d = typeCast(_expr(Child(node, 0)), DT_String);
    return d;
  if (a.Tree[node].value ~= "argc")
    d.type = DT_Int;
    d.value = String(input.length);
    return d;
  if (a.Tree[node].value ~= "argv")
    d.type = DT_String;
    d.value = input[Int(_expr(Child(node, 0), DT_Int).value)];
    return d;
  if (a.Tree[node].value ~= "int")
    d = typeCast(_expr(Child(node, 0)), DT_Int);
    return d;
  if (a.Tree[node].value ~= "float")
    d = typeCast(_expr(Child(node, 0)), DT_Float);
    return d;
  if (a.Tree[node].value ~= "string")
    d = typeCast(_expr(Child(node, 0)), DT_String);
    return d;
  if (a.Tree[node].value ~= "bool")
    d = typeCast(_expr(Child(node, 0)), DT_Bool);
    return d;
  else {
    d = s.getDeclaration(a.Tree[node].value, DT_Function);
    d = _execfunction(int(d.value), node);
    return d;
  Warn("Undeclared function:"@a.Tree[node].value);

First check if the function call is a built-in function, otherwise look if there's a custom function defined. If so, execute that node.

private function _function(int node)
  //               function name        
  s.newDeclaration(ChildValue(node, 1), DT_Function, string(node));

A function declaration, just take the first node and skip the rest. We only need to read the rest when the function is executed.

private function Scope.Declaration _execfunction(int func, int node)
  local Scope.Declaration d;
  local int i, j;
  s.newDeclaration(FUNCRESULT, s.stringToType(ChildValue(func, 0))); // return type
  j = Child(func, 1);
  for (i = 0; i < a.tree[j].children.length; i++)
    _var(Child(j, i), _expr(Child(node, i)).value);
  for (i = 2; i < a.tree[func].children.length; i++) // 0 = return type, 1 = function name
  d = s.getDeclaration(FUNCRESULT);
  return d;

Jump to the node where the function is declared. We need node of the function call because we need to input arguments. We only read the number of argument that are defined. So it's possible to enter more arguments in a function call than required, we just ignore them.

Each function argument is a local variable with an initial value, which would be the result of the expression passed to it.

When we enter the function we will first open a new scope level, this is to distinguish local and global variables. A local and global variable may have the same name, but the most local variable is just.