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Revision as of 16:23, 19 April 2002 by Wormbo (talk | contribs) (added functions, but no descriptions)
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Actor >> HUD (UT) >> ChallengeHUD

The HUD class used in DeathMatchPlus and its subclasses. (basically in all UT game types)


int SizeY
int Count
string CurrentMessage
float MOTDFadeOutTime
float IdentifyFadeTime
PlayerReplicationInfo IdentifyTarget
Pawn (UT) PawnOwner
The Pawn currently managing this HUD. (May be the viewtarget of the owner rather than the owner.)
FontInfo MyFonts
A FontInfo object used to load different font sizes for messages.
HUDLocalizedMessage ShortMessageQueue[4]
Up to four messages displayed in the chat area.
HUDLocalizedMessage LocalMessages[10]
Up to ten messages currently displayed on the screen.
Texture FaceTexture
float FaceTime
color FaceTeam
localized string VersionMessage
localized string PlayerCountString
localized string MapTitleString, MapTitleString2
localized string AuthorString, AuthorString2
localized string RankString
localized string SpreadString
int PlayerCount
bool bTiedScore
string ReceivedMessage
string ReceivedName
ZoneInfo ReceivedZone
float ReceivedTime
Texture TutIconTex
int TutIconX, TutIconY
float TutIconBlink
globalconfig int CrosshairCount
globalconfig string CrossHairs[20]
Texture CrossHairTextures[20]
Texture GrayWeapons[11]
Texture FP1[3], FP2[3], FP3[3]
int LastReportedTime
bool bStartUpMessage
bool bForceScores
bool bTimeValid
bool bLowRes
bool bResChanged
int OldClipX
bool bAlwaysHideFrags
bool bHideCenterMessages
globalconfig bool bHideAllWeapons
globalconfig bool bHideStatus
globalconfig bool bHideAmmo
globalconfig bool bHideTeamInfo
globalconfig bool bHideFrags
globalconfig bool bHideHUD
globalconfig bool bHideNoviceMessages
globalconfig bool bHideFaces
globalconfig bool bUseTeamColor
globalconfig byte Opacity
should be between 1 and 16
globalconfig float HUDScale
globalconfig bool StatusScale
globalconfig bool WeaponScale
globalconfig color FavoriteHUDColor
globalconfig bool CrosshairColor
float Scale
byte Style
Set to either ERenderStyle.STY_Normal or (if Opacity < 16 and Level.bHighDetailMode == True ) ERenderStyle.STY_Translucent.
color BaseColor
color UnitColor
R=1, G=1, B=1
color WhiteColor, RedColor, GreenColor, CyanColor, BlueColor, GoldColor, PurpleColor, TurqColor, GrayColor
The colors white, red, green, etc.
color HUDColor, SolidHUDColor
color FaceColor
localized string IdentifyName, IdentifyHealth, IdentifyCallsign
localized string LiveFeed
float ScoreTime
int rank
int lead
vector HitPos[4]
float HitTime[4]
float HitDamage[4]
float PickupTime
Time index of the last item pickup.
float WeaponNameFade
float MessageFadeTime
int MessageFadeCount
bool bDrawMessageArea
bool bDrawFaceArea
float FaceAreaOffset, MinFaceAreaOffset
class<CriticalEventPlus> TimeMessageClass
ServerInfo ServerInfo
bool bShowInfo
class<ServerInfo> ServerInfoClass
globalconfig string FontInfoClass


Exec functions

exec function SetHUDR (int n)
exec function SetHUDG (int n)
exec function SetHUDB (int n)
exec function ShowServerInfo ( )
exec function GrowHUD ( )
exec function ShrinkHUD ( )

Simulated functions

simulated function PostRender (Canvas Canvas)
Main rendering function.
simulated function ChangeCrosshair (int d)
simulated function Texture LoadCrosshair (int c)
simulated function HUDSetup (Canvas Canvas)
simulated function DrawDigit (Canvas Canvas, int d, int Step, float UpScale, out byte bMinus )
simulated function DrawBigNum (Canvas Canvas, int Value, int X, int Y, optional float ScaleFactor)
simulated function DrawStatus (Canvas Canvas)
simulated function DrawAmmo (Canvas Canvas)
simulated function DrawFragCount (Canvas Canvas)
simulated function DrawGameSynopsis (Canvas Canvas)
simulated function DrawWeapons (Canvas Canvas)
simulated function DisplayProgressMessage (Canvas Canvas)
simulated function TellTime (int num)
simulated function Tick (float DeltaTime)
simulated function DrawMOTD (Canvas Canvas)
simulated function DrawCrossHair (Canvas Canvas, int X, int Y)
simulated function DrawTypingPrompt (Canvas Canvas, Console Console)
simulated function Message (PlayerReplicationInfo PRI, coerce string Msg, name MsgType)
simulated function bool DisplayMessages (Canvas Canvas)
simulated function float DrawNextMessagePart (Canvas Canvas, string MString, float XOffset, int YPos)
simulated function bool TraceIdentify (Canvas Canvas)
simulated function bool SpecialIdentify (Canvas Canvas, Actor Other)
simulated function SetIDColor (Canvas Canvas, int type)
simulated function DrawTwoColorID (Canvas Canvas, string TitleString, string ValueString, int YStart)
simulated function bool DrawIdentifyInfo (Canvas Canvas)
simulated function LocalizedMessage (class<LocalMessage (UT)> Message, optional int Switch, optional PlayerReplicationInfo RelatedPRI_1, optional PlayerReplicationInfo RelatedPRI_2, optional Object OptionalObject, optional String CriticalString )

Other functions

function SetDamage (vector HitLoc, float damage)
function DrawTalkFace (Canvas Canvas, int i, float YPos)
function bool DrawSpeechArea (Canvas Canvas, float XL, float YL)
function Timer ( )
function UpdateRankAndSpread ( )

Known subclasses