Legacy:Extruder Brushbuilder

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Revision as of 15:29, 21 October 2013 by Dr.Flay (talk | contribs) (Updated the download links)
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Tarquin's Extruder Brushbuilder can be downloaded from http://wayback.archive.org/web/20051219205823/http://www.planetunreal.com/Tarquin/pack.extrude.html


I'll import the documentation at some point.

Extruder Topics

Related Topics

ProjectX: Tarquin, i've seen your extruder builder and for a n00b who has no experience in pretty much anything, i found it hard to use, depite the tutorials. Would it be possible to implement the brushbuilder so it takes a sheet (possibly created in the 2D Shape Editor) and extrude it? I wouldn't know though 'cos i have absolutely no knowledge of coding whatsoever, hey, i'm just a mapper :)

Tarquin: Sadly no. The red builder brush knows what shape it is, but the BrushBuilder objects than run scripts when you click a button can't read it. :( See the BuF-Ed forum – I',m running a poll on whether the custom brushbuilders are useful any more. Does the Extruder run under UnrealEd 3?

ProjectX: I don't know because i haven't been able to run UED3.0 long enough to use it.

Hellkeeper: Hum, the extruder is impossible do find on the net. Is there a possibility to find it somewhere ? And Where is Tarquin now ?

MythOpus: Tarquin has Ascended into a being of ultimate power. No jokes. He is everywhere. Actually, I really don't know what he's been up to lately. PS: Follow the link at the top of the page for the extruder.

Hellkeeper: I don't have an account at PlanetUnreal (that is wrong I know). I finally found the extruder brushbuilder, along with all the Tarquinbrush builder pack, in a little modification "UED_TOOLS" on filefront. Now, I'm going to found a sect to honour tarquin :) Anyway, thank you MythOpus.

MythOpus: No problem. There was a link to Download Mirrors though, in specific one for beyondunreal, but whatever works :)

Hellkeeper: Nope, the only links for TarquinExtruder for Unrealed 2.0 are fileplanet (need a account, costs money) or 3dDownnload (broken link :(). The Beyond Unreal ones are only for Unrealed 3.0 or tribes vengenance.