Cogito, ergo sum
From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site
Intermediate between the engine's Pawn and Postal 2's pawns.
- EP_Think
- Drops down and starts living his life
- EP_AttackPlayer
- Find a player and kick his butt
- EP_Panic
- Run like a rabbit
- EP_ScaredOfPlayer
- Find a player and be scared of him
- EP_HoldPosition
- Stand here until bothered
- EP_KickNearest
- Go to the nearest person and kick him
- EP_PatrolJail
- Patrol walk, but only in a jail. Makes footstep noises
- EP_Dance
- Dance until interrupted
- EP_StandWithGun
- Stand with your gun out (don't report gun)
- EP_StandWithGunReady
- Stand with your gun ready (don't report gun)
- EP_PlayArcade
- Play an arcade game
- EP_GoStandInQueue
- Go stand in StartInterest
- EP_Turret
- Stand with your gun ready, wait for your enemy to approach then attack
- EP_KeyboardType
- Typing away at a keyboard until interrupted
- EP_WatchPlayer
- Watch the player with curiosity
- EP_ConfusedWatchPlayer
- Act confused, watch the player
- EP_CheerPlayer
- Applaud the player
- EP_LaughAtPlayer
- Laugh at the player
- EP_BystanderGoFindCop
- Find a cop and sic him on the player
- EP_Dead
- Start out dead
- Gender_Any
- Gender_Male
- Gender_Female
- Race_Any
- Race_White
- Race_Black
- Race_Mexican
- Race_Asian
- Race_Hindu
- Race_Fanatic
- Body_Any
- Body_Avg
- Body_Fat
- float HealthMax
- Max amount of health this guy has.
- bool bPlayerIsFriend
- They will fight along side you, unless you shoot them
- bool bPlayerIsEnemy
- They will attack you on sight if they have a weapon, or run from you if they don't have a weapon
- bool bIgnoresSenses
- Markers and player that tell him about things don't register. Triggering most controllers turns this off.
- string Gang
- What gang I associate with. If you're in a gang, you'll fight alongside other members of your gang.
- float DonutLove
- How much we love donuts. 0 to 1.
- EPawnInitialState PawnInitialState
- What a pawn does after he spawns.
- bool bCanEnterHomes
- This pawn can use HomeNodes
- Name HomeTag
- Tag of group of HomeNodes I consider my home, or use for other things
- float StartTimeTillStasis
- Set in the editor, this determines TimeTillStasis, but only after the pawn gets started well enough.
- bool bPersistent
- Set this to true and Tag this pawn with a unique tag for that level. If the pawn dies or travels with the player (like an animal friend) the game will remember. Must have a unique tag or this value is useless.
- bool bCanTeleportWithPlayer
- Whether pawn can teleport with player.
- float SeeViewCone
- -1.0 to 1 float saying how large an area he can see another character in. 0.75 is about a 30 degree area in front of a pawn. -1.0 would be 180
- bool bFriendWithAuthority
- Don't mind getting shot by cops/military, and cops try not to shoot them.
- bool bAngryWithHomeInvaders
- Gets mad if true, and someone in the same ZoneInfo tagged as your HomeTag
- float DamageMult
- How much more(or less) damage we cause to people when shooting them. Most people default to 1.0. The dude should use something higher like 2.0
- name HeroTag
- Sets the Hero variable in LambController if not None
- float FriendDamageThreshold
- How much a player has to hurt you before you turn on him
- name StartAnimation
- Provide a string for the animation to use
- bool bBodyDisappears
- By default bodies eventually disappear.
- bool bReportDeath
- Report death (so people get scared/puke when they see a body) If this is FALSE, then the body will automatically never disappear
- bool bIgnoresHearing
- Like IgnoreSenses, but can still 'see' player with a gun.
- bool bUsePawnSlider
- If this is true, then this pawn's existance is controlled with the Pawn slider in the game info. (Options -> Performance -> Bystander Count)
- bool bKeepForMovie
- Whether we want to keep this pawn around for a cutscene
- bool bUseForErrands
- I'm used for an errand, so for instance, when I die I'll tell the errand system to check if I completed an errand goal.
- bool bNoTriggerAttackPlayer
- If true, then triggering him won't make him attack the player. Usually NPC's will attack the player when triggered.
- bool bRiotMode
- Used only for the apocalypse–makes them carry their gun out all the time so as to get in more fights.
Known Subclasses
FPSPawn +- AnimalPawn | +- CatPawn | +- CowPawn | +- DogPawn | +- ElephantPawn +- P2Pawn +- P2MoCapPawn +- MpPawn +- PersonPawn +- AuthorityFigure | +- Police | +- ATFAgent | +- CopBlack | +- CopBlue | +- CopBrown +- Bystander +- Dude | +- PostalDude | +- xMpPawn | +- MpBandmember | +- MpBum | +- MpDude | | +- MpMenuPawn | +- MpFanatic | +- MpGary | +- MpGimp | +- MpMilitary | +- MpPriest | +- MpRobber | +- MpSWAT | +- xMpPawnSS | +- MpButcher | +- MpCop | +- MpHabib | +- MpParcelWorker | +- MpRedneck | +- MpRWSBryan | +- MpRWSGeoff | +- MpRWSJosh | +- MpRWSMike | +- MpRWSMikeJ | +- MpRWSNathan | +- MpRWSSteve | +- MpRWSTimb | +- MpRWSVince | +- MpUncleDave +- Marchers | +- Protestors | | +- BookProtestors | | +- MeatProtestors | | +- RWSProtestors | +- BandMembers +- RWSStaff | +- RWSBryan | +- RWSGeoff | +- RWSJosh | +- RWSMike | +- RWSMikeJ | +- RWSNathan | +- RWSSteve | +- RWSTimb | +- RWSVince +- BankRobber +- Bums +- Bystanders +- Fanatics +- GangMembers +- Gary +- Gimp_AMW +- JunkyardGuy +- Krotchy +- Kumquat +- Librarian_AFW +- MallWorkers +- Nurses +- ParcelWorkers +- Priest_AMW +- Rednecks +- Scientist +- Shopkeeper_AMH +- Slaughterers +- UncleDave +- Zealot