Legacy:Face Drag

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Face Drag is a mode that allows you to shape a brush in various ways by moving its edges or vertices that define the polygons that make the face.

This is an experimental mode in UnrealEd 2 and therefore does not have a button, although custom toolbox buttons can be made for this command. All commands are accessible from the UnrealEd Console. The command for Face Drag is: MODE FACEDRAG

Note: This tool does not function in UnrealEd 3.0, nor is it needed for UT2003 at all; Static Meshes cause all brush deformation tools to be outdated. Use Static Meshes for all detailed geometry in UT2003.

Shaping tools

Face Drag
Stretches a face on a brush by dragging its edge. This is similar to brush scaling except that it moves only one face of a brush in any direction. It is more efficient than brush scaling because you can choose which face to scale and do not have to move the brush after scaling.
Rotates the selected brushes around the red pivot point. Similar to the brush rotate mode.
Vertex Edit
Moves the vertices of a brush underneath the pivot point. Allows you to specify the exact shape of a brush. If your brush is not a terrain and requires extensive editing, you may find the 2D shape editor easier.
Move Pivot
Moves the red pivot point which can be used for the rotate function or the brush rotate mode.
Function Key/Mouse control Where
Face Drag Ctl + Left mouse Edge
Rotate Ctl + Right mouse Brush
Rotate w/viewport Shift + Right mouse Brush
Vertex Edit Alt + Left mouse Vertex
Move Pivot Alt + Left mouse Brush


  • The face drag mode does not let you select other brushes with the left mouse button like other modes. Selecting another brush or adding another brush in this mode can still be accessed by the marquee pressing Ctl + Alt + LMB.
  • You will need to move the brush away from the pivot point to select the pivot again because the key + mouse combinations are the same as vertex editing.
  • Make the changes permanent by using transform permanently from the brush context menu when complete.

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