I love the smell of UnrealEd crashing in the morning. – tarquin
From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site
This native, abstract class is a tire for use with vehicles.
- float Adhesion
- 'stickyness' in the normal dir
- bool bReceiveStateNew
- bool bTireOnGround
- If this tire is currently in contact with something.
- material GroundMaterial
- material that tyre is touching
- ESurfaceTypes GroundSurfaceType
- surface type that the tyre is touching
- float LateralFriction
- friction coeff. in sideways direction
- float LateralSlip
- max first-order (force ~ vel) slip in sideways direction
- float MinSlip
- minimum slip (both directions)
- KRigidBodyState ReceiveState
- float Restitution
- 'bouncyness' in the normal dir
- float RollFriction
- friction coeff. in tyre direction
- float RollSlip
- max first-order (force ~ vel) slip in tyre direction
- float SlipRate
- amount of extra slip per unit velocity
- float Softness
- 'softness' in the normal dir
- float SpinSpeed
- current speed (65535 = 1 rev/sec) of this wheel spinning about its axis
- KCarWheelJoint WheelJoint
- joint holding this wheel to chassis etc.
- TakeDamage(int Damage, Pawn instigatedBy, vector hitlocation, vector momentum, class<DamageType> damageType)
- EMTPY. By default, nothing happens if you shoot a tire.
- bool KUpdateState( out KRigidBodyState newState )
- This even is for updating the state (position, velocity etc.) of the tire's karma body when we get new information from the network.