I'm a doctor, not a mechanic


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_tprintf(_T("Hello, Wiki!\n"));


New to Unreal as of UT2k3, currently leeching off the collective knowledge of the community. Can't map worth a damn and MSPaint is my texture editor of choice. By day I'm a win32 "Software Engineer" and lately, most nights are spent exploring the depths of this thing we call Unreal.


Since I'm still in the exciting exploration phase, I'm currently writing mutators just for a better understanding of the underlying system. If I stumble upon something that I'm not embarrased of I'll share it, but don't expect anything soon. Have a few more ambitious mutator and game type ideas, but at this point in the learning curve they're little more than a design doc full of questions. "Is it even possible to do this?"

Wormbo: Welcome to the Wiki. :)

Tarquin: Hello & welcome. Feel free to update our "introduction to Unrealscript" areas if they're not clear enough for beginners :)

EntropicLqd: Welcome to the Wiki. Have fun :)

ZxAnPhOrIaN: Hi and welcome to the wiki! :) :tup: