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UT2003 :: Actor >> Info >> ZoneInfo >> LevelInfo (Package: Engine)

LevelInfo holds:

  • information about the map (default gamemode, author, music, etc).
  • information about the zones in the map that don't have a ZoneInfo.

UnrealEd will automatically place a LevelInfo when you create a new map. It's located at the origin (0,0,0), but its Advanced -> bHiddenEd flag is set so you can't see it.

The properties of the LevelInfo can be accessed

  • UnrealEd Main Menu -> View -> Level Properties
  • by pressing the F6 key.
  • In script by the Level pointer in any actor.

More details here: Level Properties

See LevelInfo (UT) for the UT version of this class.


Audio Group

float MusicVolumeOverride
float PlayerDoppler
Player doppler shift, 0=none, 1=full.
string Song
Filename (without extension) of the song played in this level. This song should be an OGG file in {Base Directory}\Music.

Camouflage Group

These are used by the Camouflage combo in the Epic Bonuspack.

StaticMesh IndoorCamouflageMesh
Static mesh used when player doesn't stand on terrain.
float IndoorMeshDrawscale
Drawscale for the IndoorMeshDrawscale.
StaticMesh OutdoorCamouflageMesh
Static mesh used when player stands on terrain.
float OutdoorMeshDrawscale
Drawscale for the OutdoorCamouflageMesh.

Karma Group

bool bKStaticFriction
Better rag-doll/ground friction model, but more CPU.
float KarmaGravScale (initial value replicated)
Allows you to make ragdolls use lower friction than normal.
float KarmaTimeScale (initial value replicated)
Karma physics timestep scaling.
int MaxRagdolls
Maximum number of simultaneous rag-dolls.
float RagdollTimeScale (initial value replicated)
Ragdoll physics timestep scaling. This is applied on top of KarmaTimeScale.

LevelInfo Group

bool bKNoInit
Start NO Karma for this level. Only use this for an Entry level.
bool bLonePlayer
No multiplayer coordination, i.e. for entranceways.
float Brightness
vector CameraLocationDynamic
vector CameraLocationFront
vector CameraLocationSide
vector CameraLocationTop
rotator CameraRotationDynamic
Used for saving the UnrealEd viewport camera positions.
string DefaultGameType
Class name of the default gametype for this level, in the format "Package.ClassName" e.g. xGame.xCTFGame for CTF maps. See DeathMatch subclasses for valid classes.
string LevelEnterText (localized)
Message to tell players when they enter.
string LocalizedPkg
Package to look in for localizations.
EPhysicsDetailLevel PhysicsDetailLevel (config)
string PreCacheGame
Class name of the GameInfo class used for precaching if no DefaultGameType was specified.
float TimeDilation (replicated when changed)
Limits the height of flying vehicles. Once you reach this limit the vehicle is pushed back down to safer altitudes. Shows as a blue line in side-view orthogonal UnrealEd Viewports.

LevelSummary Group

This group is mostly about what appears on the map selection screen in the game.

string Author
Who built it. This is displayed on the the map selection screen.
string DecoTextName
Name of the map for loading a description from the XMaps INT file. This method was required before the first patches, but not anymore - instead, use the Description property.
string Description
A description for the level. This is displayed on the the map selection screen.
bool HideFromMenus
Don't show in any map list.
int IdealPlayerCountMax, int IdealPlayerCountMin
Ideal number of players for this level. If the option to match playercount to recommended is enabled (instant action), the game will pick the average of these numbers to add bots.
Material Screenshot
Preview screenshot(s) of this level. This is displayed on the the map selection screen. See Level Screenshot.
string Title (localized)
Name of this level. This is displayed on the scoreboard.

SinglePlayer Group

int SinglePlayerTeamSize

Config Properties

bool bCapFramerate (globalconfig)
Frame rate is capped in net play if True, else the number of ServerMove updates is limited.
bool bLowSoundDetail
bool bNeverPrecache
bool bShouldPreload (globalconfig)
If true, preload all skins. (only set true if > 512 MB of system memory)
float DecalStayScale
0 to 2 – affects decal stay time
EPhysicsDetailLevel PhysicsDetailLevel (visible in the LevelInfo group)


bool bAggressiveLOD
Frame rate is well below DesiredFrameRate, so make LOD more aggressive. (What does "well below" mean in this case?)
bool bBegunPlay
Whether gameplay has begun.
bool bClassicView
FOV at least 90, eyeheight up, small weapons
bool bDropDetail
Frame rate is below DesiredFrameRate, so drop high detail actors.
bool bHasPathNodes
bool bLevelChange
bool bNextItems
bool bPathsRebuilt
True if path network is valid. See also Build.
bool bPlayersOnly
Only update players. See console commands (PLAYERSONLY).
bool bStartup
Starting gameplay.
string ComputerName
Machine's name according to the OS.
Controller ControllerList (const)
int Day (transient)
int DayOfWeek (transient)
float DefaultGravity (replicated when changed)
Texture DefaultTexture
EDetailMode DetailMode (const)
Client detail mode.
string EngineVersion
Engine version.
GameInfo Game
GameReplicationInfo GRI (transient)
int Hour (transient)
int HubStackLevel
Texture LargeVertex
int LastTaunt[2]
'Global' last taunts used.
ELevelAction LevelAction (transient)
PlayerController LocalPlayerController
int Millisecond (transient)
string MinNetVersion
Minimum engine version that is net compatible.
int Minute (transient)
int Month (transient)
float MoveRepSize
NavigationPoint NavigationPointList (const)
ENetMode NetMode
The network mode of this level: server, client etc. See NetMode.
float NextSwitchCountdown
string NextURL
ObjectPool ObjectPool (transient)
float PauseDelay
time at which to start pause
PlayerReplicationInfo Pauser (replicated when changed)
If paused, PRI of person pausing the game.
array<Material> PrecacheMaterials (transient)
array<StaticMesh> PrecacheStaticMeshes (transient)
PlayerController ReplicationViewer (const)
Actor ReplicationViewTarget (const)
int Second (transient)
LevelSummary Summary
float TimeSeconds
Time in seconds since level began play.
string VisibleGroups
List of the group names which were checked when the level was last saved.
Texture WhiteSquareTexture
Texture WireframeTexture
int Year (transient)





Also see NetMode.

Standalone game.
Dedicated server, no local client.
Listen server.
Client only, no local server.




Inherited From Actor

PostBeginPlay ( ) [simulated]
Limits the DecalStayScale to values between 0.0 and 2.0.
PreBeginPlay ( ) [simulated]
Initializes the level's ObjectPool.
Reset ( )
Performs garbage collection of objects. (not done during gameplay)

Native Functions

DetailChange (EDetailMode NewDetailMode) [simulated]
Switches the world detail mode.
string GetAddressURL ( ) [simulated]
Return the URL of this level, which may possibly exist on a remote machine.
string GetLocalURL ( ) [simulated]
Return the URL of this level on the local machine.
bool IsDemoBuild ( ) [simulated]
Returns whether this version of UT2003 is a demo build.
bool IsEntry ( ) [simulated]
Returns whether this is the entry level.

Other Functions

AddPrecacheMaterial (Material mat) [simulated]
Adds a material to the PrecacheMaterials array.
AddPrecacheStaticMesh (StaticMesh stat) [simulated]
Adds a static mesh to the PrecacheStaticMeshes array.
class<GameInfo> GetGameClass ( ) [simulated]
Returns this game's GameInfo class.
PlayerController GetLocalPlayerController ( ) [simulated]
Returns the local PlayerController. See also Netcode Idioms.
ThisIsNeverExecuted ( )
Well, this is never executed. ;) This function only contains a reference to the DefaultPhysicsVolume class to make sure it is loaded.


FillPrecacheMaterialsArray ( ) [simulated]
Tries to find the current game's GameInfo class, using GRI.GameClass, DefaultGameType and PreCacheGame in that order and calls its static PreCacheGameTextures function. Also calls all actors' UpdatePrecacheMaterials function.
FillPrecacheStaticMeshesArray ( ) [simulated]
Tries to find the current game's GameInfo class, using GRI.GameClass, DefaultGameType and PreCacheGame in that order and calls its static PreCacheGameStaticMeshes function. Also calls all actors' UpdatePrecacheStaticMeshes function.
ServerTravel (string URL, bool bItems)
Jump the server to a new level.