Mostly Harmless
Legacy:Mutator Availability (UT2004)
A note about mutators & the caching system:
In order for your mutator to appear in the game's mutator lists, you must create a cache file which contains your mutator's important information.
This can be done automatically using a commandlet. If you wish to ensure support for multiple languages in your mutator, you should always export localized strings to .int before exporting the mutator's cache information. This ensures that the caching system will recognize that your mutator has localized properties and will adjust your mutator's cache entry accordingly.
To generate a .int file containing all the localized properties, use the 'dumpint' commandlet as follows:
ucc dumpint <PackageFileName.ext>
To export the mutator's cache information (required for display), use the 'exportcache' commandlet as follows:
ucc exportcache <PackageName.ext>
For example, if I have a mutator that compiles into a package called ACoolMutator.u I would do the following:
ucc dumpint ACoolMutator.u
- This generates
ucc exportcache ACoolMutator.u
- This generates ACoolMutator.ucl file containing an entry for each mutator, gameinfo, weapon, and crosshair in the ACoolMutator package.
The upshot of all this is that Object=() lines within the mutator's .int file are no longer necessary.
If the caching system finds any Object=() lines within your .int file (because you've created it by hand or it has been carried over from UT2003), it will automatically create the necessary .ucl file the first time the game is started.
Related Topics
Kirk: Note that while dumpint has no problems with taking full path information, exportcache only works on packages that reside in the System folder, or at least directly under the base folder (haven't tested that yet). What exportcache can't do is generate the UCL for packages in your mod's System folder. You'll have to copy the package to the System folder UCC.exe is in, and then run the exportcache commandlet. Then you can just move everything back.
El Muerte: ucc exportcache MyModFile.u -mod=MyMod
Kirk: Hey, that helps :D Makes the batch file a lot easier. It works the same for dumpint, for those interested. For more information on exporting caches and ints when usig mod directories, check out It shows how to correctly set up your ini files so that the commandlets work.