Mostly Harmless
Legacy:Punk129/Savegames 2k4 Gui
From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site
For my current project I played a bit with the savegame function of UT2004.
But because there is neither a GUI nor a chance to get a list of all savegames, I decided to make my own functions using config variables. (original is available here)
The parent class: Interface_SaveGamePage.uc[edit]
Because we have 2 different pages looking for the same information (load/save) we need a common parent class offering the globalconfig vars:
//============================================================================= // © 2004 Steffen 'punk129' Windhab // //============================================================================= // The parent class: Interface_SaveGamePage.uc //============================================================================= class Interface_SaveGamePage extends UT2K4GUIPage config(User); #EXEC OBJ LOAD FILE=BSInterface.utx var Automated GUIImage MyBackGround; //list including all saved games var Automated GUIList SaveGameList; //textbox showing the saved map's description var Automated GUIScrollTextBox TBDesc; //check if the "empty slot" is needed var bool bSaving; //the config var saving the savegame names var globalconfig array<string> SaveCaptions; //the config var saving the savegame descs var globalconfig array<string> SaveDescs; function InternalOnOpen() { local PlayerController PC; local BS_Pawn P; local int i; PC = PlayerOwner(); P = BS_Pawn(PC.Pawn); for(i=0; i < SaveCaptions.Length; i++) { //add all saved games to the savegame list SaveGameList.Add(SaveCaptions[i],,SaveDescs[i]); } if (bSaving) //if saving add an empty slot SaveGameList.Add("Empty Slot"); } function bool InternalOnDblClick(GUIComponent Sender) { //added for delegate return true; } function InternalOnChange(GUIComponent Sender) { if (sender == SaveGameList) { //set the textbox's content TBDesc.SetContent(SaveGameList.GetExtra()); } } DefaultProperties { OnOpen=InternalOnOpen Begin Object class=GUIImage name=BackGround WinWidth=1 WinHeight=1 WinLeft=0 WinTop=0 Image=Material'BSInterface.background_default' ImageStyle=ISTY_Scaled ImageRenderStyle=MSTY_Normal bVisible=true End Object MyBackGround=BackGround Begin Object class=GUIScrollTextBox name=TextBox_Desc WinWidth=0.4 WinHeight=0.4 WinLeft=0.55 WinTop=0.055 bNoTeletype=true bVisible=true End Object TBDesc=TextBox_Desc Begin Object Class=GUIList Name=List_Saves OnDblClick=InternalOnDblClick OnChange=InternalOnChange WinTop=0.055 WinLeft=0.05 WinWidth=0.4 WinHeight=0.89 End Object SaveGameList=List_Saves WinWidth=1.0 WinHeight=1.0 WinTop=0.0 WinLeft=0.0 bAllowedAsLast=true }
The savepage: Interface_SavePage.uc[edit]
This is the guipage, where games will be saved from.
//============================================================================= // © 2004 Steffen 'punk129' Windhab // //============================================================================= // The savepage: Interface_SavePage.uc //============================================================================= class Interface_SavePage extends Interface_SaveGamePage; var Automated GUIButton bSave; function bool LeftButtonClick(GUIComponent Sender) { local PlayerController PC; local int i; PC = PlayerOwner(); if (Sender == bSave) { //get the slot for save i = SaveGameList.FindIndex(SaveGameList.Get()); //save the game PC.ConsoleCommand("SaveGame "$i); //save caption and desc to the ini file SaveCaptions[i] = PC.Level.Title$" | "$PC.Level.Day$"/"$PC.Level.Month$"/"$PC.Level.Year$" | "$PC.Level.Hour$":"$PC.Level.Minute$":"$PC.Level.Second; SaveDescs[i] = PC.Level.Description; SaveConfig(); Controller.CloseMenu(false); } return true; } //just the same, but on double click function bool InternalOnDblClick(GUIComponent Sender) { local PlayerController PC; local int i; PC = PlayerOwner(); if (Sender == SaveGameList) { //get the slot for save i = SaveGameList.FindIndex(SaveGameList.Get()); //save the game PC.ConsoleCommand("SaveGame "$i); //save caption and desc to the ini file SaveCaptions[i] = PC.Level.Title$" | "$PC.Level.Day$"/"$PC.Level.Month$"/"$PC.Level.Year$" | "$PC.Level.Hour$":"$PC.Level.Minute$":"$PC.Level.Second; SaveDescs[i] = PC.Level.Description; SaveConfig(); Controller.CloseMenu(false); } return true; } DefaultProperties { Begin Object Class=GUIButton Name=Button_Save OnClick=LeftButtonClick bVisible=true bTabStop=False RenderWeight=0.6 TabOrder=0 WinWidth=0.26 WinHeight=0.08 WinLeft=0.63 WinTop=0.8 Caption="Save Game" End Object bSave=Button_Save //add empty slot bSaving=true }
screen of my dev. version: menu_save.jpg
The loadpage: Interface_LoadPage.uc[edit]
This is the guipage, where games will be saved from.
//============================================================================= // © 2004 Steffen 'punk129' Windhab // //============================================================================= // The loadpage: Interface_LoadPage.uc //============================================================================= class Interface_LoadPage extends Interface_SaveGamePage; var Automated GUIButton bLoad; function bool LeftButtonClick(GUIComponent Sender) { local PlayerController PC; local int i; PC = PlayerOwner(); if (Sender == bLoad) { //get the slot where the game is saved i = SaveGameList.FindIndex(SaveGameList.Get()); //load the savegame PC.ClientTravel( "?load="$i, TRAVEL_Absolute, false); } return true; } //just the same, but on double click function bool InternalOnDblClick(GUIComponent Sender) { local PlayerController PC; local int i; PC = PlayerOwner(); if (Sender == SaveGameList) { //get the slot where the game is saved i = SaveGameList.FindIndex(SaveGameList.Get()); //load the savegame PC.ClientTravel( "?load="$i, TRAVEL_Absolute, false); } return true; } DefaultProperties { Begin Object Class=GUIButton Name=Button_Load OnClick=LeftButtonClick bVisible=true bTabStop=False RenderWeight=0.6 TabOrder=0 WinWidth=0.26 WinHeight=0.08 WinLeft=0.63 WinTop=0.8 Caption="Load Game" End Object bLoad=Button_Load //don't add the empty slot, because we are loading bSaving=false }
screen of my dev. version: menu_load.jpg
Related Topics[edit]
- Punk129/Savegames_2k4 how to set up ut2004 for the savegame function