My program doesn't have bugs. It just develops random features.

Difference between revisions of "Legacy:Sandbox"

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Experiment with Wiki markup on this page: click the "edit" link at the bottom of the page to start.
#REDIRECT [[Project:Sandbox]]
* See also: [[Legacy:Wiki Markup|Wiki Markup]]
* some quick examples... this is a bullet list
* it's just a * at the start of a paragraph. a single return character ends the list item
* ''this is emphasized text''
* '''this is very emphasized text'''
* '''''this is extremely emphasized text'''''
* some simple html tags work:<sup>2</sup>, underlined with this <nowiki><u></u></nowiki> tag.''</u>, but it's best to stick to Wiki markup.
:this is indented
::this is double indented... and so on.
; this is a Definition List (DL in HTML) : this is the definition for the term
# this is a numbered list
# next item
# unfortunately, # and * lists don't mix
* Bullet 1
*# Number 1 in bullet 1
*# Number 2 in bullet 1
* Bullet 2
==This is a header ==
* the space on the inside of the == is important
* use more = signs to make lower level headings (h2 up to h5)
==Test Links ==
Yes, all the below are links.
* [[Legacy:Yeah|yeah]]
* [[Legacy:Is This A Link|is this a link]]?
/me tries something.
''Mychaeel'' yadda
''Mychaeel'' Mychaeel
:''To quote text without applying wiki formatting rules, enclose within a <nowiki><nowiki>[[Legacy:Baby, Baby, Baby|Baby, Baby, Baby]]</nowiki></nowiki> section.'' [[Legacy:Baby, Baby, Baby|Baby, Baby, Baby]]
''Nuclear Fuzz Grunge'' would like to know what: <pre>&mdash;</pre> is. I see it everywhere. Is this a function that is yet to be coded?
:''tarquin'': "& mdash ;" is a standard HTML entity for the m-dash character. I've since created wiki markup for this so use of it here is obsolete. Type two hyphens together and they'll render as a long dash. (I'm fussy about typography like that, you see!)<br />See [[Legacy:Wiki Markup|Wiki Markup]]. There's also [[Legacy:Wiki Development|wiki development]] to discuss the system.
::Actually "& mdash" syndrome occurs when you view this with good ole netscape 4.7 whether or not the code has double hyphens in it, it all looks ''much'' nicer in mozilla and probably that other browser who's name I forget.
: You get "mdash" appearing as text in Netscape 4.7? Uh-oh. Upgrade :) Mozilla is in fact my target browser for CSS. I try and make sure it's ok in Opera too. IE can go hang.  &ndash; ''Tarquin''
: Quite right too! :-)  actually there's a bonus with 4.7 ... no banner ads! still looks ugly though &ndash; ''Zedsquared''
<nowiki></nowiki>:-)  Smiley:-) :-) 123:-)  :D:tup:  mesh=doodedoo  mesh =doodedoo
Different monospaced fonts?
<pre> The quick [[Legacy:Brown Fox|brown fox]] jumps over &ndash; the ''lazy dog''. (<pre></pre>)</pre>
The quick [[Legacy:Brown Fox|brown fox]] jumps over &ndash; the ''lazy dog''. (verbatim paragraph, character markup is processed)
<tt>&nbsp;</tt><code>The [[Legacy:Quick Brown|quick brown]] fox jumps over the ''lazy dog''. (<code></code>)</code>
<uscript> The quick [[brown fox]] jumps over the ''lazy dog''. (<uscript>)</uscript>
Wah!  I figured it out.  Opera seems to fail to switch back to the normal monospaced font after inserting a HTML entity (from a different font, like <code>&rarr;</code>), and thus everything following the arrow in the following paragraph is formatted as Lucida Sans Unicode:
  File -> Save -> File Format
I'm filing a bug report to Opera Software at the moment.  [ Here's the test case.]
:''I saw it too, but now (after several crashes and Tweak UI -> Repair Font Folder) it works like it's supposed to. &ndash; [[Legacy:Wormbo|Wormbo]] (No wait! That en-dash in front of'' Wormbo ''is displayed inside of the'' W''. Another bug of Opera?)''
: You mean, Opera 6.01 displays "Save -> File Format" in Courier New after the first "->"?  &rarr;[[Legacy:Mychaeel|Mychaeel]]

Latest revision as of 21:35, 21 April 2008