I search for solutions in this order: Past Code, Unreal Source, Wiki, BUF, groups.yahoo, google, screaming at monitor. – RegularX

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Experiment with Wiki markup on this page: click the "edit" link at the bottom of the page to start. This page is periodically cleaned up so don't post anything you want to keep.
#REDIRECT [[Project:Sandbox]]
You may also want to read:
* [[Legacy:Wiki Markup|Wiki Markup]]: the tags used to write pages. It's not HTML.
* [[Legacy:Wiki FAQ|Wiki FAQ]]: more on Wiki
* [[Legacy:Project FAQ|Project FAQ]]: more about this place
The sandbox is used often as a scratchpad for coders to easily show other coders bits of code (for example, when asking someone to help troubleshoot your code in an IRC channel).  The sandbox, however, is intended as a place to tryout wiki markup.  How about we make a page for sharing code?  Something like [[Legacy:ScratchPad|ScratchPad]] →''Evolution''
* some quick examples... this is a bullet list
* it's just a * at the start of a paragraph. a single return character ends the list item
* ''this is emphasized text''
* '''this is very emphasized text'''
* '''''this is extremely emphasized text'''''
* some simple html tags work:<sup>2</sup>, underlined with this <nowiki><u></u></nowiki> tag.''</u>, but it's best to stick to Wiki markup.
:this is indented
::this is double indented... and so on.
; this is a Definition List (DL in HTML) : this is the definition for the term
# this is a numbered list
# next item
# unfortunately, # and * lists don't mix
* Bullet 1
*# Number 1 in bullet 1
*# Number 2 in bullet 1
* Bullet 2
==This is a header ==
* the space on the inside of the == is important
* use more = signs to make lower level headings (h2 up to h5)
==Test Links ==
Yes, all the below are links.
* [[Legacy:Yeah|yeah]]
* [[Legacy:Is This A Link|is this a link]]?
====My journey into the void is complete! ====
    '''''Mad Merse:''''' Thanks to Wiki, I have become a real virtual personality (if such things can be said).
Behold my cynicism! Witness my maniacal and narcissistic delusions of talent!! <br />
    I wonder if I'll ever be able to go outside again. :(
==Mychaeel demonstrates for WheatPuppet ==
===Subtopic 1 ===
===Subtopic 2 ===
==...continued ==
===Subtopic 3 ===
===Subtopic 4 ===
:''To quote text without applying wiki formatting rules, enclose within a <nowiki><nowiki>[[Legacy:Baby, Baby, Baby|Baby, Baby, Baby]]</nowiki></nowiki> section.'' [[Legacy:Baby, Baby, Baby|Baby, Baby, Baby]]
''Nuclear Fuzz Grunge'' would like to know what: <pre>&mdash;</pre> is. I see it everywhere. Is this a function that is yet to be coded?
:''tarquin'': "& mdash ;" is a standard HTML entity for the m-dash character. I've since created wiki markup for this so use of it here is obsolete. Type two hyphens together and they'll render as a long dash. (I'm fussy about typography like that, you see!)<br />See [[Legacy:Wiki Markup|Wiki Markup]]. There's also [[Legacy:Wiki Development|wiki development]] to discuss the system.
::Actually "& mdash" syndrome occurs when you view this with good ole netscape 4.7 – whether or not the code has double hyphens in it; it all looks ''much'' nicer in mozilla and probably that other browser — who's name I forget.
: You get "mdash" appearing as text in Netscape 4.7? Uh-oh. Upgrade :) Mozilla is in fact my target browser for CSS. I try and make sure it's ok in Opera too. IE can go hang.  &ndash; ''Tarquin''
: I say the same thing about mozilla, and funnily it does lol, unlike IE :P  (Wiki works fine) &ndash; ''L0cky''
: Quite right too! :-)  actually there's a bonus with 4.7 ... no banner ads! still looks ugly though &ndash; ''Zedsquared''
<nowiki></nowiki>:-)  Smiley:-) :-) 123:-)  :D:tup:  mesh=doodedoo  mesh =doodedoo
Different monospaced fonts:
<pre> The quick [[Legacy:Brown Fox|brown fox]] jumps over &ndash; the ''lazy dog''. (<pre></pre>)</pre>
The quick [[Legacy:Brown Fox|brown fox]] jumps over &ndash; the ''lazy dog''. (verbatim paragraph, character markup is processed)
<tt>&nbsp;</tt><code>The [[Legacy:Quick Brown|quick brown]] fox jumps over the ''lazy dog''. (<code></code>)</code>
<uscript> The quick [[brown fox]] jumps over the ''lazy dog''. (<uscript>)</uscript>
Wah!  I figured it out.  Opera seems to fail to switch back to the normal monospaced font after inserting a HTML entity (from a different font, like <code>&rarr;</code>), and thus everything following the arrow in the following paragraph is formatted as Lucida Sans Unicode:
  File -> Save -> File Format
I'm filing a bug report to Opera Software at the moment.  [http://mb.link-m.de/opera6-unicodechars.html Here's the test case.]
:''I saw it too, but now (after several crashes and Tweak UI -> Repair Font Folder) it works like it's supposed to. &ndash; [[Legacy:Wormbo|Wormbo]] (No wait! That en-dash in front of'' Wormbo ''is displayed inside of the'' W''. Another bug of Opera?)''
: You mean, Opera 6.01 displays "Save -> File Format" in Courier New after the first "->"?  &rarr;[[Legacy:Mychaeel|Mychaeel]]
: Yes, but it seems like there's another display error now.
Fooling around with this... testing testing [http://www.beyondunreal.com/ testing link.] -Bean
(messages shunted to [[Legacy:Bean|Bean]]. Delete on read. :) )
I think bot navigation, pathnoding, and basic bot pathing should all be combined. It would be much cleaner. Just a suggestion. &rarr;[[Legacy:Bean|Bean]]
'''Tarquin:'''  Oh, definitely. It's been on my list of "arg, I really don't want to have to deal with this myself" pages for a while. Mention it on [[Legacy:Project Discussion|Project Discussion]], on one of the pages in question, or just dive in & make changes :D. [[Legacy:Artificial Intelligence|Artificial Intelligence]] is the main topic page, just make sure anything on the subject is linked to from there.
Without <code><wiki></code>:
{{innerbox| Quotation
With <code><wiki></code>:
{{innerbox| Quotation <br />Yadda
'''Mychaeel:'''  Should change the <code><blockquote></code> CSS to have less padding at the bottom.  The <code><p></code> margin and the <code><blockquote></code> padding adds up...
'''Tarquin:'''  will do. Might also remove the border from Textbook style.
'''Mychaeel:'''  Changed it for Chilled Blue Plain. <code>blockquote { padding:12px 12px 4px 12px; }</code>
'''Mychaeel:'''  Fixed the behavior of <code>> ...</code> quotation syntax:  It supports the <code>\\</code> paragraph continuation/linebreak sequence now.  No need for <code>
</code> anymore in quotation blocks.
XXXX  The quick brown fox <br />XXXX  jumps over the lazy dog. <br />XXXX  The five boxing wizards :-) <br />XXXX  jump quickly. <br />XXXX  Jackdaws love my big <br />XXXX  sphinx of quartz. :-D
Okay, who stole my diaphragm?
While we're on the topic of pangrams: Cwm fjord-bank glyphs vext quiz.
[[Legacy:Testing A New Page|Testing a new page]]
=Unreal Wiki Wumping=
==Wumpus Wookies==
===Wiki Wumpus Wumping for Wookies ===
Wiki Wumping <br />For Wumpus Wumping Wookies
==== Character Wumping Good ===
* Equals
* Forward Slash
* Asterisks
* Pound
* Simicolon
* Colon
# Ton and what do you get.
# Tons and what do you get.
# Tons and what do you get.
; Unreal Tournament : Wumpus Fragging for Wookies.
; UnrealEd : Wookie Wumping for Wiki Wumpuses.
; Unreal Wiki : Wiki Wumping Wumpus Wookie.
{{classbox| [[Legacy:Wiki|Wiki]] >> [[Legacy:Wookie|Wookie]] >> Wumpus}}
// Wiki Wumping
local int Wumpus;
local int Wiki
for (Wumpus = Wiki; Wumpus >= Wiki; Wumpus++)
And soooooo much more.
'''Niaht:''' Greetings all. Nice to meet you. That's it for the sandbox for me. Time to move on to something more productive.
'''DJPaul:''' Hi MC!
'''MC Spanky:''' W0RD!!!!! D!S EES 50 L33T!!!!!
function Test(bool bIdiot)
    if (bIdiot)
        log("See, it even has UScript parsing!");
// leadIn holds the starting characters before any text
headingLevel = leadIn.length;
// cap max heading level at 6
if(headingLevel > 6)
  headingLevel = 6;
// we want = to be h6 and ====== to be h1
headingLevel -= 7;
Eay My Test
''Eat My Test''
'''Ike Bart:''' I'll eat it! :D
*I ate the test
**I ate the test
***I ate the test
****I ate the test
*****I ate the test
******I ate the test for the sixth time
**Eating test
*Eating test
# Test Item
# Item Test
## Sub number 1
## Sub number 2
### Sub-sub number 1
### Sub-sub number 2
#### What goes here?
==Ahhh But can it do this? ==
can Unreal Wiki do multiple lines in a list item?
* start <br />seccond line indented correctly with a line break token
* end
more ='s should mean higher heading level, not lower
(this should be java but oh well)
:'''Tarquin:'''  number of "=" corresponds to H* HTML tag. Welcome to the wiki, whoever you are. :)
And everybody say..... YATTA!
'''Mychaeel:'''  Although its use is discouraged, you can use the HTML <code><img></code> tag now.
<img src="/wiki-ext/zipunr.icon.gif" width=32 height=32>
<img src="/wiki-ext/zipunr.icon.gif" width=64 height=64>
<img src="/wiki-ext/zipunr.icon.gif" width=32 height=64>
<img src="/wiki-ext/zipunr.icon.gif" width=64 height=32>
|> a > sign in a table
| style="text-align: right" |but here it means right-align
|<nowiki>> again </nowiki>
| style="text-align: right" |same here
In general, < and > are normal characters
Ok, I'm trying to create a really, really long paragraph here just to mess around with the diff functionality of the Wiki. I'll try to make it as long as possible, but it seems like i'm running out of ideas pretty fast. :( OK, maybe it's already enough.
'''Ike Bart:''' I added H6 and H7 to this to see how they would look.  It is obvious that H1 doesn't work.
'''Ike Bart:''' H6 seems to do something without the box, and H7 is the same as H6.
'''Wormbo:''' In HTML there's only H1 - H6 AFAIK. H1 is probably reserved for the page's topic. (i.e. "Unreal Wiki") It's just large black text, you can test that with the <code><h1></code> tag.
What happens if I do this?
'''Mychaeel:'''  Somebody sees it, frowns, and restores the original text.
'''Mychaeel:'''  No newline before here.
'''Mychaeel:''' Single newline before here.
'''Mychaeel:''' No newline before here.
==More Testing==
Whoops, H1 headings...
probably should have used &lt;nowiki>
Some not so interesting text.
Who cares... :-)
even more testing:
Some even less interesting text.
...and again it's two lines of than.
So much power, so little knowledge.. :(
===Little Lists ===
* Does
** It
** Work ?
meh. bleh!
LedZep's testing to see how this works...
working on organization and usability of the home page
; my prop : Defines the enum:
;; foo : it does this
;; bar : it's a bar
'''Boksha:''' Just a test, right?
===SpeciesType ===
This document describes how to use the
{{classbox| [[Legacy:Object|Object]] >> [[Legacy:SpeciesType|SpeciesType]]}}
to implement different species with different characteristics in UT2003.
These characteristics can be e.g.:
* the ground speed of a pawn
* the jump height of a pawn
* the acceleration when running
* change the damage done to a pawn (like a species having an armoured skin)
* change the damage that this pawn does to others (like a species having a nasty punch)
First, lets start with an overview of the classes that contribute to the species-system (they are explained in more detail later):
; SpeciesType : This class and it's subclasses define the species and their individual characteristics. UT2003 e.g. comes with several build-in species like <tt>SPECIES_Alien</tt>, <tt>SPECIES_Bot</tt>, <tt>SPECIES_Human</tt> (where the humans have some sub-species, namely SPECIES_Egypt, SPECIES_Merc and SPECIES_Night) and <tt>SPECIES_Juggy</tt> You can easily expand these to form your own species with their own characteristics.
; xPawn : xPawn has the member <tt>SpeciesType xPawn.Species</tt> to define the Species that this xPawn is of.
; MutSpeciesStats : Is a mutator that activates the species-system ingame.
; SpeciesGameRules : Are species-specific game rules activated by the MutSpeciesStats.
; .upl files : define player-models, including their assigned species.
These classes are explained in more detail now.
* has a the member <tt>Species</tt> of type <tt>SpeciesType</tt> that defines its Species. This member's default property is set in the defaultproperties.
It's real value is determined at runtime in the function <tt>xPawn.Setup</tt> that uses the class <tt>xUtil</tt> to find the player record that is defined for a character name:
rec = class'xUtil'.static.FindPlayerRecord("Gorge");
This function is native, that is, it is implemented in the C/C++ core and its sourcecode is not accessible, but I assume it just searches all .upl files and returns the player record who's DefaultName matches the given character name.
====.upl ====
The .upl files define the characters, i.e. how they look (Mesh, Skin), what portrait they have in the player selection menu, their favoirite weapon (in case its a bot) and of course their species type. I guess since you can set the sex of an character in the .upl file that this also defines the voice of that character. .upl files are located in the UT2003/System directory and look like this:
* activates the <tt>SpeciesGameRules</tt> to use the species-specific damage system.
* modifies xPawns to species-specific attributes like GroundSpeed, WaterSpeed, Jump-Height etc. in <tt>ModifyPawn</tt>.
* modifies damage done to an xPawn, depending on the species of that pawn (<tt>SpeciesGameRules.ModifyReceivedDamage</tt>)
* modifies damage done to an xPawn, depending on the species of the instigator (<tt>SpeciesGameRules.ModifyImpartedDamage</tt>)
This class modifies a pawn depending on the characteristics defined for that species.
Following characteristics can be set:
; PawnClassName : The Pawn class to use for that species, e.g. "xGame.xPawn"?
; SpeciesName : A name for the species, e.g. "Human"
; AirControl :
; GroundSpeed :
; WaterSpeed :
; JumpZ :
; ReceivedDamageScaling : factor to apply when this species receives damage. Might increase or decrease the received damage, e.g. a tough species decreases the butterfly net damage.
; DamageScaling : factor to apply when this species does damage to another lawn. For example, a species having a fruit punch might increase the damage.
; AccelRate :
; WalkingPct :
; CrouchedPct :
; DodgeSpeedFactor :
; DodgeSpeedZ :
These characteristics all modify the pawn P by multiplication, for example:
P.JumpZ = P.Default.JumpZ * Default.JumpZ;
'''Omarr:''' Wow.. this page is really scary, but helpful!
'''ZxAnPhOrIaN:''' YUP
'''L0cky:'''  It's kinda schizo!
'''L0cky:'''  Tarquin, a JavaScript search box to search the textfield would be a very usefull feature :)
{{innerbox|All Your Base Are
Somewhere Else...
; What this is : Is what
;so what is this then
: without a thingy
; SomeThingy : Some description here<br />Now these lines are<br />in the right place. :)
; A different method<nowiki>:</nowiki> :
You could also use the <nowiki><wiki></nowiki> tag like this.
The advantage is, that you can put complex [[Legacy:Wiki Markup|Wiki Markup]] in this block.
{| class="wikitable"
| colspan="2" style="text-align: center" |Tables     
'''Smattbac:''' Can you get the two "wrong" lines to line up with the "Some Description here" line?
'''G-LiTe:''' Hey, I'm new here. :) And I definitly agree with this page being scary :D
Let's see if I can answer your question smattbac
; SomeThingy :
Some description here <br />test 1 2 3
that's as far as I could get, it's still not quite right though. <br />I wouldn't know if you wanted to put any text inbetween either. <br />Better ask one of the gurus around here ;)
now I hope I didn't screw anything up... :S
'''Wormbo:''' I corrected the example above. You were almost correct G-LiTe, but the space behind the <nowiki><wiki></nowiki> messed it up, because that counts like a space on a new line, which means <tt>fixed font width</tt>. Hmm, <code>;)</code> at the beginning of a line isn't parsed as smiley but as definition list. o_O
'''Confused person:''' huh? ;)
{{innerbox|The gods do not deduct from man's allotted span the hours spent in fishing. -Babylonian Proverb

Latest revision as of 21:35, 21 April 2008