My program doesn't have bugs. It just develops random features.


From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site
Revision as of 15:31, 10 March 2003 by Wormbo (Talk | contribs)

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Experiment with Wiki markup on this page: Click the Edit text of this page link at the bottom of the page to start. This page is periodically cleaned up so don't post anything you want to keep.

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The sandbox will be cleaned from time to time. Don't leave anything here that you don't want to be deleted.

  • Coders who want to show other coders bits of code (for example, when asking someone to help troubleshoot your code in an IRC channel) can use the ScratchPad.
  • If you want to submit material to this Wiki but can't find the right page, add it to the Inbox page.

  • some quick examples... this is a bullet list
  • it's just a * at the start of a paragraph. a single return character ends the list item
  • this is emphasized text
  • this is very emphasized text
  • this is extremely emphasized text
  • some simple html tags work:2, underlined with this <u></u> tag., but it's best to stick to Wiki markup.
this is indented
this is double indented... and so on.
this is a Definition List (DL in HTML) 
this is the definition for the term
  1. this is a numbered list
  2. next item
  3. unfortunately, # and * lists don't mix
  • Bullet 1
    1. Number 1 in bullet 1
    2. Number 2 in bullet 1
  • Bullet 2

This is a header

  • the space on the inside of the == is important
  • use more = signs to make lower level headings (h2 up to h5)

Test Links

Yes, all the below are links.

Guest:Have i got a user?

Tarquin: No, you're a guest. :)

I guess this is the right place to mess around. Someone tell me if it isn't. And if it isn't, I apologize.

  • I guess
  • this markup is
  • a lot simpler
  • than the wikiwiki
  • information pages imply?

But I don't understand how links quite work....

Guest: I guess that's supposed to be my name?

Test 1

Test 2

This is a header?

Test 4

"So, how do I insert images?"

Icaruz: Would be my 'name of choice'. But it seems I cannot register with my hotmail account... Do you have an Unreal Wiki mailserver?

Oops, seems I was talking about the forum...

Wonders where the Wiki markup is derived from....

Oh well...

SavannahLion: If I change ID's for whatever reason, how does one retain their name?


  • === Test2 ===
    • ==== Test3 ====


=== Test2 ===
==== Test3 ====

One works, the other doesn't.... Shame. I don't like how it slaps the headers to the far left without implying a sort of category... Oh well... I guess I'll have to find a compromise.

Dummy change to a [[Legacy:New Tst Page|New tst page]]

Wormbo: Don't create new pages for fun, and especially check the spelling before creating them. o_O