I love the smell of UnrealEd crashing in the morning. – tarquin


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Hello and Merry Christmas,

I,ve discovered a new world! The UnReal Editor, When I create a map and try to play the map on my machine what

other things I'm I supposed to have. The map, the INI, the INT, the TGA, what else is there? I have looked at other peoples maps

and extracted them to a temp folder and followed their examples as to where to place to different files but my map does not

appear in the Menu when I load the game.

I've downloaded every tutorial I could get my hands on and brought the bought book with disk from Jason Busby watched VTM

after VTM but he never goesinto the INI. or INT, (or I fell asleep during that part, 80 Hours is a long time) ,(not that his VTM's were boring I may have missed that one.)

Anyway the reason I wrote you is this, if you decide to help let me know and I'll get you the file and let you have a look at them.

No one I can find has a flow chart for making a map. That would be nice for beginners. In Ghost Recon you just load a map save it

to the name of mission and if you want a campaign you write an XML for the different mission in the list of mission in that campaign. Raven Shield is a lot different.

Will, if you decide to help let me know or if you decide not to help letting me know would be nice to. Since I've tried the forums with no luck I thought this is the next best thing.

Merry Christmas have a Happy and safe New year
