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Legacy:Solid Snake/CeGUIStyles
From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site
Chaos Engine:: ceInterface >> ceGUIStyles
ceGUIStyles are the 'style' of the GUIComponet as such. While this extends GUIStyles, most of its functionality has been stripped away and removed, and replaced into ceModuleInfo instead such as the drawing responsibilities that GUIStyles used to do. However, you can subclass this to return its original function if you wished.
- FloatData (array<float>)
- This stores an array of temporary float data that you can use.
- IntData (array<int>)
- This stores an array of temporary int data that you can use.
- VectorData (array<vector>)
- This stores an array of temporary vector data that you can use.
- StringData (array<string>)
- This stores an array of temporary string data that you can use.
- function class<ceModuleInfo> GetModuleInfo()
- This returns the current module info class set within ceGUIController. If it isn't there then class'ceModuleInfo' will be returned to avoid any access none errors.
- function ceModuleInfo.s_GUIDrawStyle GetStyle(MenuState MenuState)
- This returns the style data set which is stored from the module that is returned by GetModuleInfo(). This allows the style to out source its style.
- function bool InternalOnDraw(Canvas Canvas, eMenuState MenuState, float Left, float Top, float Width, float Height)
- This handles the drawing of the GUIComponent. By default, this then calls the PreDrawComponent, DrawComponent and the PostDrawComponent within ceModuleInfo through a static function. ActualLeft, ActualWidth, ActualTop and ActualHeight are calculated here and sent to ceModuleInfo as well. You can override this function in subclasses, but remember to return true, otherwise the native rendering function will also be called.