Mostly Harmless


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UT :: Actor (UT) >> Pawn (UT) >> ScriptedPawn >> Squid (Package: UnrealI)

A water creature with six tentacles that swims around in water. Uses the melee attacks slap, grab and thrust. Jumps around when out of water.

The Squid. Most likely you'll only see the six tentacles and the mouth. ;)


The Squid has a default health of 260.

Squid Group

byte SlapDamage 
Slap and grab damage. Defaults to 30.
byte ThrustDamage 
Defaults to 35.

Sounds Group

Sound thrust 
Sound slapgrabhit 
Sound thrusthit 
Sound slap 
Sound turn 
Sound grab 
Sound spin 
Sound flop 


Wormbo: Any information about a Squid's size?