Legacy:Standard Unreal Object Definition

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The header file below is taken from the Publicly Released 432 Header Files, Component of the Engine, Inc. Folder. These files are downloaded from the Epic Games Website.

See Legacy:Standard Unreal Object Definition/Discuss to comment, debate, analyze, whatever.

Tim Sweeney, UnObject Header File
Standard Unreal Object Definitions, Engine

<uscript> /*============================================================================= UnObj.h: Standard Unreal object definitions. Copyright 1997-1999 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Revision history: * Created by Tim Sweeney =============================================================================*/

/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Forward declarations.


// All engine classes. class UBitmap; class UTexture; class UFont; class UPalette; class USound; class UMusic; class UPrimitive; class UMesh; class UModel; class UPolys; class ULevelBase; class ULevel; class UPendingLevel; class UPlayer; class UViewport; class UNetConnection; class UConsole;

// Other classes. struct FTextureInfo; class AActor; class ABrush; class FDecal; class ADecal; class FScan;

/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- UBspNode.


// Flags associated with a Bsp node. enum EBspNodeFlags { // Flags. NF_NotCsg = 0x01, // Node is not a Csg splitter, i.e. is a transparent poly. NF_ShootThrough = 0x02, // Can shoot through (for projectile solid ops). NF_NotVisBlocking = 0x04, // Node does not block visibility, i.e. is an invisible collision hull. NF_PolyOccluded = 0x08, // Node's poly was occluded on the previously-drawn frame. NF_BoxOccluded = 0x10, // Node's bounding box was occluded. NF_BrightCorners = 0x10, // Temporary. NF_IsNew = 0x20, // Editor: Node was newly-added. NF_IsFront = 0x40, // Filter operation bounding-sphere precomputed and guaranteed to be front. NF_IsBack = 0x80, // Guaranteed back.

// Combinations of flags. NF_NeverMove = 0, // Bsp cleanup must not move nodes with these tags. };

// // Identifies a unique convex volume in the world. // struct ENGINE_API FPointRegion { // Variables. class AZoneInfo* Zone; // Zone actor. INT iLeaf; // Bsp leaf. BYTE ZoneNumber; // Zone number.

// Constructors. FPointRegion() {} FPointRegion( class AZoneInfo* InLevel ) : Zone(InLevel), iLeaf(INDEX_NONE), ZoneNumber(0) {} FPointRegion( class AZoneInfo* InZone, INT InLeaf, BYTE InZoneNumber ) : Zone(InZone), iLeaf(InLeaf), ZoneNumber(InZoneNumber) {} };

// // FBspNode defines one node in the Bsp, including the front and back // pointers and the polygon data itself. A node may have 0 or 3 to (MAX_NODE_VERTICES-1) // vertices. If the node has zero vertices, it's only used for splitting and // doesn't contain a polygon (this happens in the editor). // // vNormal, vTextureU, vTextureV, and others are indices into the level's // vector table. iFront,iBack should be INDEX_NONE to indicate no children. // // If iPlane==INDEX_NONE, a node has no coplanars. Otherwise iPlane // is an index to a coplanar polygon in the Bsp. All polygons that are iPlane // children can only have iPlane children themselves, not fronts or backs. // class FBspNode // 64 bytes { public: enum {MAX_NODE_VERTICES=16}; // Max vertices in a Bsp node, pre clipping. enum {MAX_FINAL_VERTICES=24}; // Max vertices in a Bsp node, post clipping. enum {MAX_ZONES=64}; // Max zones per level.

// Persistent information. FPlane Plane; // 16 Plane the node falls into (X, Y, Z, W). QWORD ZoneMask; // 8 Bit mask for all zones at or below this node (up to 64). INT iVertPool; // 4 Index of first vertex in vertex pool, =iTerrain if NumVertices==0 and NF_TerrainFront. INT iSurf; // 4 Index to surface information.

// iBack: 4 Index to node in front (in direction of Normal). // iFront: 4 Index to node in back (opposite direction as Normal). // iPlane: 4 Index to next coplanar poly in coplanar list. union { INT iBack; INT iChild[1]; }; INT iFront; INT iPlane;

INT iCollisionBound;// 4 Collision bound. INT iRenderBound; // 4 Rendering bound. BYTE iZone[2]; // 2 Visibility zone in 1=front, 0=back. BYTE NumVertices; // 1 Number of vertices in node. BYTE NodeFlags; // 1 Node flags. INT iLeaf[2]; // 8 Leaf in back and front, INDEX_NONE=not a leaf.

// Functions. UBOOL IsCsg( DWORD ExtraFlags=0 ) const { return (NumVertices>0) && !(NodeFlags & (NF_IsNew | NF_NotCsg | ExtraFlags)); } UBOOL ChildOutside( INT iChild, UBOOL Outside, DWORD ExtraFlags=0 ) const { return iChild ? (Outside || IsCsg(ExtraFlags)) : (Outside && !IsCsg(ExtraFlags)); } ENGINE_API friend FArchive& operator<<( FArchive& Ar, FBspNode& N ); };

// // Properties of a zone. // class ENGINE_API FZoneProperties { public: // Variables. AZoneInfo* ZoneActor; // Optional actor defining the zone's property. FLOAT LastRenderTime; // Most recent level TimeSeconds when rendered. QWORD Connectivity; // (Connect[i]&(1<<j))==1 if zone i is adjacent to zone j. QWORD Visibility; // (Connect[i]&(1<<j))==1 if zone i can see zone j.

// Serializer. friend FArchive& operator<<( FArchive& Ar, FZoneProperties& P ) { guard(FZoneProperties<<); return Ar << *(UObject**)&P.ZoneActor << P.Connectivity << P.Visibility; Ar << P.LastRenderTime; unguard; } };

/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- UBspLeaves.


// // Information about a convex volume. // class FLeaf { public: // Variables. INT iZone; // The zone this convex volume is in. INT iPermeating; // Lights permeating this volume considering shadowing. INT iVolumetric; // Volumetric lights hitting this region, no shadowing. QWORD VisibleZones; // Bit mask of visible zones from this convex volume.

// Functions. FLeaf() {} FLeaf( INT iInZone, INT InPermeating, INT InVolumetric, QWORD InVisibleZones ) : iZone(iInZone), iPermeating(InPermeating), iVolumetric(InVolumetric), VisibleZones(InVisibleZones) {} friend FArchive& operator<<( FArchive& Ar, FLeaf& L ) { guard(FLeaf<<); return Ar << AR_INDEX(L.iZone) << AR_INDEX(L.iPermeating) << AR_INDEX(L.iVolumetric) << L.VisibleZones; unguard; } };

/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- UBspSurf.


// // One Bsp polygon. Lists all of the properties associated with the // polygon's plane. Does not include a point list; the actual points // are stored along with Bsp nodes, since several nodes which lie in the // same plane may reference the same poly. // class FBspSurf { public:

// Persistent info. UTexture* Texture; // 4 Texture map. DWORD PolyFlags; // 4 Polygon flags. INT pBase; // 4 Polygon & texture base point index (where U,V==0,0). INT vNormal; // 4 Index to polygon normal. INT vTextureU; // 4 Texture U-vector index. INT vTextureV; // 4 Texture V-vector index. INT iLightMap; // 4 Light mesh. INT iBrushPoly; // 4 Editor brush polygon index. SWORD PanU; // 2 U-Panning value. SWORD PanV; // 2 V-Panning value. ABrush* Actor; // 4 Brush actor owning this Bsp surface. TArray<FDecal> Decals; // 12 Array decals on this surface TArray<INT> Nodes; // 12 Nodes which make up this surface

// Functions. ENGINE_API friend FArchive& operator<<( FArchive& Ar, FBspSurf& Surf ); };

// Flags describing effects and properties of a Bsp polygon. enum EPolyFlags { // Regular in-game flags. PF_Invisible = 0x00000001, // Poly is invisible. PF_Masked = 0x00000002, // Poly should be drawn masked. PF_Translucent = 0x00000004, // Poly is transparent. PF_NotSolid = 0x00000008, // Poly is not solid, doesn't block. PF_Environment = 0x00000010, // Poly should be drawn environment mapped. PF_ForceViewZone = 0x00000010, // Force current iViewZone in OccludeBSP (reuse Environment flag) PF_Semisolid = 0x00000020, // Poly is semi-solid = collision solid, Csg nonsolid. PF_Modulated = 0x00000040, // Modulation transparency. PF_FakeBackdrop = 0x00000080, // Poly looks exactly like backdrop. PF_TwoSided = 0x00000100, // Poly is visible from both sides. PF_AutoUPan = 0x00000200, // Automatically pans in U direction. PF_AutoVPan = 0x00000400, // Automatically pans in V direction. PF_NoSmooth = 0x00000800, // Don't smooth textures. PF_BigWavy = 0x00001000, // Poly has a big wavy pattern in it. PF_SpecialPoly = 0x00001000, // Game-specific poly-level render control (reuse BigWavy flag) PF_SmallWavy = 0x00002000, // Small wavy pattern (for water/enviro reflection). PF_Flat = 0x00004000, // Flat surface. PF_LowShadowDetail = 0x00008000, // Low detaul shadows. PF_NoMerge = 0x00010000, // Don't merge poly's nodes before lighting when rendering. PF_CloudWavy = 0x00020000, // Polygon appears wavy like clouds. PF_DirtyShadows = 0x00040000, // Dirty shadows. PF_BrightCorners = 0x00080000, // Brighten convex corners. PF_SpecialLit = 0x00100000, // Only speciallit lights apply to this poly. PF_Gouraud = 0x00200000, // Gouraud shaded. PF_NoBoundRejection = 0x00200000, // Disable bound rejection in OccludeBSP (reuse Gourard flag) PF_Unlit = 0x00400000, // Unlit. PF_HighShadowDetail = 0x00800000, // High detail shadows. PF_Portal = 0x04000000, // Portal between iZones. PF_Mirrored = 0x08000000, // Reflective surface.

// Editor flags. PF_Memorized = 0x01000000, // Editor: Poly is remembered. PF_Selected = 0x02000000, // Editor: Poly is selected. PF_Highlighted = 0x10000000, // Editor: Poly is highlighted. PF_FlatShaded = 0x40000000, // FPoly has been split by SplitPolyWithPlane.

// Internal. PF_EdProcessed = 0x40000000, // FPoly was already processed in editorBuildFPolys. PF_EdCut = 0x80000000, // FPoly has been split by SplitPolyWithPlane. PF_RenderFog = 0x40000000, // Render with fogmapping. PF_Occlude = 0x80000000, // Occludes even if PF_NoOcclude. PF_RenderHint = 0x01000000, // Rendering optimization hint.

// Combinations of flags. PF_NoOcclude = PF_Masked | PF_Translucent | PF_Invisible | PF_Modulated, PF_NoEdit = PF_Memorized | PF_Selected | PF_EdProcessed | PF_NoMerge | PF_EdCut, PF_NoImport = PF_NoEdit | PF_NoMerge | PF_Memorized | PF_Selected | PF_EdProcessed | PF_EdCut, PF_AddLast = PF_Semisolid | PF_NotSolid, PF_NoAddToBSP = PF_EdCut | PF_EdProcessed | PF_Selected | PF_Memorized, PF_NoShadows = PF_Unlit | PF_Invisible | PF_Environment | PF_FakeBackdrop, PF_Transient = PF_Highlighted, };

/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- FLightMapIndex.


// // A shadow occlusion mask. // class ENGINE_API FShadowMask { public: AActor* Owner; TArray<BYTE> ShadowData; friend FArchive& operator<<( FArchive& Ar, FShadowMask& M ) { return Ar << *(UObject**)&M.Owner << M.ShadowData; } };

// // Describes the mesh-based lighting applied to a Bsp poly. // class ENGINE_API FLightMapIndex { public: INT DataOffset; INT iLightActors; FVector Pan; FLOAT UScale, VScale; INT UClamp, VClamp; BYTE UBits, VBits; friend FArchive& operator<<( FArchive& Ar, FLightMapIndex& I ) { guard(FLightMapIndex<<); Ar << I.DataOffset; Ar << I.Pan; Ar << AR_INDEX(I.UClamp) << AR_INDEX(I.VClamp); Ar << I.UScale << I.VScale; Ar << I.iLightActors; return Ar; unguard; } };

/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPolys.


// Results from FPoly.SplitWithPlane, describing the result of splitting // an arbitrary FPoly with an arbitrary plane. enum ESplitType { SP_Coplanar = 0, // Poly wasn't split, but is coplanar with plane SP_Front = 1, // Poly wasn't split, but is entirely in front of plane SP_Back = 2, // Poly wasn't split, but is entirely in back of plane SP_Split = 3, // Poly was split into two new editor polygons };

// // A general-purpose polygon used by the editor. An FPoly is a free-standing // class which exists independently of any particular level, unlike the polys // associated with Bsp nodes which rely on scads of other objects. FPolys are // used in UnrealEd for internal work, such as building the Bsp and performing // boolean operations. // class ENGINE_API FPoly { public:

  1. if 0 //WDM -- remove this...?

// The changes to these values allow things like the 2D shape editor and brush clipping // to create large polys with many sides if they need to. // enum {MAX_VERTICES=32}; // Maximum vertices an FPoly may have.

  1. else

enum {MAX_VERTICES=16}; // Maximum vertices an FPoly may have.

  1. endif

enum {VERTEX_THRESHOLD=MAX_VERTICES-2}; // Threshold for splitting into two.

FVector Base; // Base point of polygon. FVector Normal; // Normal of polygon. FVector TextureU; // Texture U vector. FVector TextureV; // Texture V vector. FVector Vertex[MAX_VERTICES]; // Actual vertices. DWORD PolyFlags; // FPoly & Bsp poly bit flags (PF_). ABrush* Actor; // Brush where this originated, or NULL. UTexture* Texture; // Texture map. FName ItemName; // Item name. INT NumVertices; // Number of vertices. INT iLink; // iBspSurf, or brush fpoly index of first identical polygon, or MAXWORD. INT iBrushPoly; // Index of editor solid's polygon this originated from. SWORD PanU,PanV; // Texture panning values. INT SavePolyIndex; // Used by multiple vertex editing to keep track of original PolyIndex into owner brush UBOOL bFaceDragSel;

// Custom functions. void Init (); void Reverse (); void SplitInHalf (FPoly *OtherHalf); void Transform (const FModelCoords &Coords, const FVector &PreSubtract,const FVector &PostAdd, FLOAT Orientation); int Fix (); int CalcNormal ( UBOOL bSilent = 0 ); int SplitWithPlane (const FVector &Base,const FVector &Normal,FPoly *FrontPoly,FPoly *BackPoly,int VeryPrecise) const; int SplitWithNode (const UModel *Model,INT iNode,FPoly *FrontPoly,FPoly *BackPoly,int VeryPrecise) const; int SplitWithPlaneFast(const FPlane Plane,FPoly *FrontPoly,FPoly *BackPoly) const; int Split (const FVector &Normal, const FVector &Base, int NoOverflow=0 ); int RemoveColinears (); int Finalize (int NoError); int Faces (const FPoly &Test) const; FLOAT Area ();

// Serializer. ENGINE_API friend FArchive& operator<<( FArchive& Ar, FPoly& Poly );

// Inlines. int IsBackfaced( const FVector &Point ) const {return ((Point-Base) | Normal) < 0.f;} int IsCoplanar( const FPoly &Test ) const {return Abs((Base - Test.Base)|Normal)<0.01f && Abs(Normal|Test.Normal)>0.9999f;} };

// // List of FPolys. // class ENGINE_API UPolys : public UObject { DECLARE_CLASS(UPolys,UObject,CLASS_RuntimeStatic,Engine)

// Elements. TTransArray<FPoly> Element;

// Constructors. UPolys() : Element( this ) {}

// UObject interface. void Serialize( FArchive& Ar ) { guard(UPolys::Serialize); Super::Serialize( Ar ); if( Ar.IsTrans() ) { Ar << Element; } else { Element.CountBytes( Ar ); INT DbNum=Element.Num(), DbMax=DbNum; Ar << DbNum << DbMax; if( Ar.IsLoading() ) { Element.Empty( DbNum ); Element.AddZeroed( DbNum ); } for( INT i=0; i<Element.Num(); i++ ) Ar << Element(i); } unguard; } };

/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- FVerts.


// // One vertex associated with a Bsp node's polygon. Contains a vertex index // into the level's FPoints table, and a unique number which is common to all // other sides in the level which are cospatial with this side. // class FVert { public: // Variables. INT pVertex; // Index of vertex. INT iSide; // If shared, index of unique side. Otherwise INDEX_NONE.

// Functions. friend FArchive& operator<< (FArchive &Ar, FVert &Vert) { guard(FVert<<); return Ar << AR_INDEX(Vert.pVertex) << AR_INDEX(Vert.iSide); unguard; } };

/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- FDecals.


// // Decal associated with a surface // class FDecal { public: // Variables. FVector Vertices[4]; // Vertices of decal on surface (offset from the surface base). ADecal* Actor; // ADecal actor associated with this decal. TArray<INT> Nodes; // The FBspNode indices on which this decal lies.

// Functions. friend FArchive& operator<< (FArchive &Ar, FDecal &Decal) { guard(FDecal<<); if( !Ar.IsLoading() && !Ar.IsSaving() ) Ar << *(UObject**)&Decal.Actor; return Ar; unguard; } };

/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The End.

