Legacy:Static Mesh Package/Index
This page attempts to list the contents of the UT2003 and UT2004 Static Mesh Packages by theme. Please add to this page! If the meshes are from a bonus pack, please note the package name, and provide a link.
Use Quick Navigation (above) to find the type of static mesh that you're looking for rather than scrolling endlessly down the page.
Note The majority of this was put together by someone with UT2004 (who couldn't run a virgin install). It was then run through a script to prune out the (UT2K4) labels on packages that exist in UT2003, but if you are using UT2003, check to see if you have the package anyway.
All meshes available in UT2003 are also present in UT2004, though some textures may be missing.
Brief Description of the different style words.
- Alien
- Weird unnatural curves and colors
- Aztec
- Ruins and jungle
- Canyon
- Red Desert stone
- Cyberpunk
- The future where everything is neon lights and plastic. Think Blade Runner.
- Egyptian
- Sandstone, hieroglyphics, blue black and yellow motifs..
- Glacial
- Ice, snow and other cold things.
- Gothic
- Decorative, curly, and dark
- Hell
- Red or black evil looking, with excessive skulls and blood
- Industrial
- Present day factory : iron gratings, red and black warning strips, plane metal surfaces, oil and rust
- Magical
- Runic, Glowing and arcance stonework
- Medieval
- Worked stone surfaces, wood panels and metal banding
- Natural
- Moss covered, green or woody
- Quake
- Like the game, a world of scorched stone, rusted metal and unnecessary spikes
- Rusty
- Guess.
- Steampunk
- Futuristic view of the 19th century, where everything is pistons and cogs. Think Wild Wild West.
- Steelpunk
- The future where everything is made of metal and wiring. Think Star Wars space ships.
- Untextured
- Uses the default UT Texture, sometimes because the texture is missing, sometimes because you are supposed to add your own. See StaticMeshActor
- Urban
- Red Brick, concrete and city colors
- Volcanic
- Cold magma and lava formations, scorced surfaces
- AbaddonHardware - Steelpunk Teleporter
- AbaddonHardware - Steampunk Tank controls
- (UT2K4) AlienBrushes - Untextured
- BastienHardware_02 - Urban
- CP_Nightmare1_Epic - Gothic
Arches and Doorframes
- (UT2K4) CP_UT2K3_TechSetMesh1 - Steelpunk
- AbaddonHardware - Quake
- (UT2K4) Albatross_architecture - Medieval
- (UT2K4) AlienBrushes - Untextured
- AlienTech - Magical
- AlleriaHardware - SteelPunk (lots)
- AnubisStatic - Egyptian
- ArboreaHardware - Natural and Rocky
- AWHardware - Bloody Quake and Industrial
- (UT2K4) AW-RustMeshes - Warped Rusty
- BarrenHardware - Egyptian
- BarrenHardware-Epic - Big Sandstone Arch
- BarrenHardware-Epic - Snake Arches
- BastienHardware_02 - Urban
- (UT2K4) BenMesh01 - Medieval
- (UT2K4) BP_egyptnew - Egyptian Tech
- CavernStatic - Stone
- (UT2K4) CB-Desert1 - Canyon
- (BonusPack UT2K4) CBP2-Tropica-SM - Concrete
- cf_sm01 - Dark Stone
- cf_sm02 - Egyptian Tech
- Citadel_Static - Quake Portal
- (UT2K4) cp_Mechstaticpack1 - Steelpunk
- CP_Nightmare1_Epic - Hell, stone and Gothic
- (UT2K4) cp_stevetest1 - Steelpunk, Hell (same as CP_NIGHTMARE1_Epic) and stone
- (UT2K4) Desp_SMS-SM - Cyberpunk
- (UT2K4) DESP-MS - Steelpunk and Cyberpunk/Magical
- (UT2K4) DestTech-STA - Steel and steeltech
- X_LP_Evil1 Industrial and tech
See Signs
See Containers
See Railings
Beams and Ceiling Decorations
- AbaddonHardware - Rusty
- AlienTech - Alien
- AlleriaHardware - SteelPunk (lots) and Industrial (lots)
- (UT2K4) AW-2004Crystals - Crystal Beam
- AWHardware - Meat Railings
- BarrenHardware - Hanging Star (EDetail01)
- (BonusPack UT2K4) CBP2-Tropica-SM - Straw Roof
- cf_DE - Iron Brace
- cf_sm01 - Iron Brace
- Citadel_Static - Dark Iron Brace
- Citadel_Static - Rock Ceiling
- Citadel_Static - Collapsing Medieval Ceiling
- (UT2K4) cp_Evil - Pipes
- CP_Nightmare1_Epic - Chains and grating
- (UT2K4) cp_stevetest1 - Steelpunk
- (UT2K4) Desp_SMS-SM - Steelpunk metal docking bars
- (UT2K4) DestTech-STA - Steelpunk Ceiling
- (UT2K4) Desp-TelMecoMex - Broken support beams
- (UT2K4) Desp-TelMecoMex - Hanging Cyberpunk/Steelpunk machinery
- ShiptechHardware pipe ceilings
- X_LP_Evil1 Industrial/tech (lots)
- (UT2K4) Albatross_architecture - Medieval Bridge
- ArboreaHardware - Natural Bridges
- (UT2K4) AWJunk2 - Untextured Junk Bridge
- (UT2K4) AW-RustMeshes - Rusty Junk Bridge
- BastienHardware_02 - Wooden Bridge
- (UT2K4) CB-Desert1 - Canyon Bridge
- (BonusPack UT2K4) CBP2-Tropica-SM - Wooden Bridge
- (BonusPack UT2K4) CBP2-Tropica-SM - Natural Bridge
- Citadel_Static - Quake Bridge
- Citadel_Static - Wooden Reinforced
See Set Pieces
Buttons and Levers
- AWHardware - Rusty Lever
- AWHardware - CyberPunk Button
See Platforms
- (UT2K4) Abaddon Hardware - Industrial
- (UT2K4) Abaddon Hardware - Rusty Inset Tanks
Ceiling Decorations
See Beams
See Ropes
See Rocks
See Pillars
Conveyor Belt
- AWHardware - Industrial (Moving)
- (UT2K4) Albatross_architecture - Crate
- AbaddonHardware - Oil Drum
- AlleriaHardware - Oil Drums
- (UT2K4) AS_Decos - Oil Barrel
- AWHardware - Radioactive Waste Barrel
- (UT2K4) AW-RustMeshes - Rusty Barrel
- (BonusPack UT2K4) CBP2-Tropica-SM - Steelpunk Crate
- (BonusPack UT2K4) CBP2-Tropica-SM - Oil Drum
- (UT2K4) cp_stevetest1 - Cyberpunk Barrels
- (UT2K4) cp_stevetest1 - Wooden Crate
- (UT2K4) Desp_SMS-SM - Steelpunk liquid containers
- (UT2K4) Desp_SMS-SM - Steelpunk Crate
- (UT2K4) DespFallencity-SM - Ammunition Crate
See Statues
Crystals and Treasure
- (UT2K4) 2k4Trophies - Large Shiney Trophy
- AlienTech - Large Worked Crystal
- AnubisStatic - Shiney Gold Brasier
- ArboreaHardware - Large Natural Crystal
- (UT2K4) AW-2004Crystals - Unworked Crystals in Rock (lots)
- BarrenHardware-Epic - Topaz jewel
- the team color chevrons: BastienHardware.Chevron. Textures are: Bastien.DOMSpecific.ArrowA and Bastien.DOMSpecific.ArrowB
- AbaddonHardware - Rusty Fanblade
- (UT2K4) Albatross_architecture - Rope Counterweight
- (UT2K4) AlienBrushes - Untextured Fitting
- AlienTech - Sin Catcher(?)
- AlleriaHardware - Door Teeth
- AnubisStatic - Shiney Disk
- ArboreaHardware - Natural Banner Support and bits
- ArboreaHardware - Large Natural Spine (ShieldVane)
- AWHardware - Factory Roof Vents and Chimney
- (UT2K4) AW-Junk - Giant Cog
- (UT2K4) AW-RustMeshes - Glowing column
- BarrenHardware - Crypts
- BarrenHardware-Epic - Egyptian Obelisk
- cf_sm02 - Egyptian Sun Pattern
- Citadel_Static - Spikey Balls and pillars
- CP_Nightmare1_Epic - Skull
- (UT2K4) DESP-MS - Large Hanging Cyberpunk looking things.
- (UT2K4) aw-Neutral - Untextured
- (BonusPack UT2K4) CBP2-Tropica-SM - Tropical Wooden Pier
- CP_Nightmare1_Epic - Rusty Industrial
- (UT2K4) cp_stevetest1 - Rusty Industrial (same as CP_Nightmare1)
Doors (Actual door meshes, not door frames)
- AlleriaHardware - Steelpunk
- ArboreaHardware - Stone
- AWHardware - Bloody Quake
- cf_sm02 - Egyptian / Steelpunk
- CavernStatic - Iron Gate
- (UT2K4) Desp_SMS-SM - Steelpunk
- (UT2K4) Desp_SMS-SM - Circular Metal Door (SKmach1)
- (UT2K4) Desp-TelMecoMex - Spiral Door (?)
- X_LP_Evil1 industrial and tech
Door Frames
See Arches
- AlleriaHardware.Miscellaneous.pConsoleA01AL - TV Monitor
- AbaddonHardware - Rusty TV Monitor
- AbaddonHardware - Wires
- AlleriaHardware - Wires (lots)
- AlleriaHardware - Rusty TV Monitor
- AlleriaHardware - Computer Console
- (UT2K4) AS_Weapons_SM - Large Cyberpunk Console
- AWHardware - Cyberpunk Console (Trappanel)
- (UT2K4) cp_Mechstaticpack1 - Console on pillar
- (UT2K4) cp_stevetest1 - Steelpunk Monitors
- (UT2K4) Desp_SMS-SM - Cyberpunk holopanel
- (UT2K4) Desp_SMS-SM - Cyberpunk Wiring
- X_LP_Evil1 industrial wires
See Lifts
See Platforms
See Trees
- AbaddonHardware - Industrial
- AlleriaHardware - Industrial and Steelpunk
- (UT2K4) AW-RustMeshes - Rusty
- BastienHardware_02 - Rusty And Quake
- (UT2K4) cp_Evil - Iron
- (UT2K4) DespTech-STA - Shiney Steelpunk
Hazards and Traps
- AWHardware - Spinning Sawblade
- (UT2K4) AW-Steel - Molten Steel Stream
- BastienHardware_02 - Lava Flow
Jump Pads
- AlienTech - Magical
- ArboreaHardware - Magical. Same as AlienTech.
- cf_sm02 - Egyptian
- (UT2K4) cp_stevetest1 - Cyberpunk
- (UT2K4) ShipTechHardware.Miscellaneous.JumpPad_01 - Cyberpunk
- (UT2K4) ShipTechHardware.Miscellaneous.JumpCenter_01,02,03 and 04 and jumppad_02 - Cyberpunk. Parts make above jumppad.
Junk and Scrap
- (UT2K4) AS_Vehicles_SM - Burnt out Ion Tank
- (UT2K4) AWJunk2 - Untextured Junk Pile
- (UT2K4) AW-Junk - Piles of rusty scrap
- (UT2K4) AW-Junk - Twisted Girders
- (UT2K4) AW-Junk - Burnt out car
- (UT2K4) AW-Junk - Smashed Vehicles
- (UT2K4) AW-RustMeshes - Chairs
- (UT2K4) AW-RustMeshes - Junk Pile
- (UT2K4) AW-RustMeshes - Bathtub
- (BonusPack UT2K4) CBP2-Tropica-SM.usx - Burnt out fighter
- (UT2K4) cp_stevetest1 - Scrap Door
- (UT2K4) cp_stevetest1 - Destroyed power core
- (UT2K4) cp_stevetest1 - Burned out vehicles
- (UT2K4) cp_stevetest1 - Toilet Jeep (!)
- (UT2K4) DespFallencity-SM - Burnt out 20th Century Car and Van
See Liquid Effects
Ladders (and Ladder-like meshes)
Due to the lack of ladder meshes I thought it useful to list meshes that could be stretched, tweaked & copied to be used as climbable surfaces (for those of us less savvy with external 3D programs that can build static meshes). There are numerous others in the UT2004 library, if you find any that can be concievably useful, please list them here.
- BarrenHardware.MiscTrim01BA - A flat trim piece, recommended draw scale 1, 1, 1
- BastienHardware.trim - A trim piece , recommended draw scale 0.5, 2.0, 8.0
- Nirvana.stoneDeco5 - A set of pillars, ornate, recommended draw scale 0.3, 0.3, 0.3
- Nirvana.Goth1w - A set of pillars, ornate, recommended draw scale 0.4, 0.15, 0.2
- HumanoidHardware - Wall Mounted Ladder Rungs
See Buttons((
- AbaddonHardware - Circular Rusty Steampunk
- (UT2K4) Albatross_architecture - Medieval
- AlleriaHardware - Industrial
- AntalusStatic - Natural
- BastienHardware_02 - Chain And Grate
- cf_DE - Industrial Lift
- cf_sm01 - Steelpunk Lift
- cf_sm02 - Egyptian (lots)
- Citadel_Static - Circular Stone
- Lightcone: JWDecember.Lighting.OutsideLightCone
- AbaddonHardware - Rusty (lots)
- AlienTech - Large Natural and Alien
- AlleriaHardware - Industrial and Steelpunk (lots)
- ArboreaHardware - Natural and Alien
- AWHardware - Rusty Industrail
- (UT2K4) AW-MechMeshes - Cyberpunk Light
- (UT2K4) AW-RustMeshes - Junky Alien Light
- BarrenHardware - Egyptian
- BastienHardware - Industrial
- BastienHardware_02 - Industrial
- CavernStatic - Industrial
- Citadel_Static - Quake
- Comp - Industrial
- (UT2K4) cp_Mechstaticpack1 - Cyberpunk
- (UT2K4) cp_stevetest1 - Steelpunk and Cyberpunk
- (UT2K4) Desp_SMS-SM - Cyberpunk (leaf)
- (UT2K4) DESP-MS - Cyberpunk
- (UT2K4) DestTech-STA - Steelpunk
- HumanoidHardware - Industrial (Caged Light)
- ShiptechHardware Industrial
- X_AW-Tech Tech/mech
- X_LP_Evil1 Tech/industrial?
Light Beams
See Special Effects
Liquid Effects
- (UT2K4) AW-Steel - Molten Steel Stream
- BastienHardware_02 - Lava Flow
- CavernStatic - Lava filled Natural Caverns
- (UT2K4) cp_enviromesh1- Waterfall
- CP_Nightmare1_Epic - Lava Fonts
- (UT2K4) DEBonusMeshes - Puddle
Machinery and Tanks
- AbaddonHardware - Industrial Tank
- AlienTech - Alien
- AlleriaHardware - Steelpunk Tanks and valves
- AlleriaHardware - Tank with Computer Console
- AlleriaHardware - Industrial wall units
- ArboreaHardware - Alien Reactors
- (UT2K4) AS_Decos - Hellbender Engine
- AWHardware - Circular Sawblades and machines
- (UT2K4) AW-PhysicMeshes - Untextured Fan
- (UT2K4) AW-RustMeshes - Industrial
- BarrenHardware - Egyptian
- Comp - Large Boiler
- (UT2K4) cp_Evil - Large Pump
- CP_Nightmare1_Epic - Red Steel Conduit
- CP_Nightmare1_Epic - Fiery Pipe Nozzle
- CP_Nightmare1_Epic - Torture Machine
- (UT2K4) cp_stevetest1 - Onslaught cyberpunk powercore
- (UT2K4) cp_stevetest1 - Cyberpunk Wall Machinery
- (UT2K4) Desp_SMS-SM - Steelpunk metal docking bars
- (UT2K4) Desp_SMS-SM - Steelpunk and Alien Generator
- (UT2K4) Desp_SMS-SM - Cyberpunk Air Vent
- (UT2K4) DestTech-STA - Steelpunk Generator
- Citadel_Static - Windmill Fan
- (UT2K4) DespFallencity-SM - Train Track
- (UT2K4) Desp-TelMecoMex - Hanging Blue drapes (?)
Node Bases
- (BonusPack UT2K4) CBP2-Tropica-SM - Aztec
- (UT2K4) cp_stevetest1 - Cyberpunk
See tunnels
Pillars, Columns and Supports
- (UT2K4) CP_UT2K3_TechSetMesh1 - Steelpunk (single)
- AbaddonHardware - Rusty (lots) and Steelpunk
- (UT2K4) Albatross_architecture - Medieval
- AlleriaHardware - Industrial (lots) and Steelpunk (lots)
- ArboreaHardware - Stone Columns
- ArboreaHardware - Natural Supports (lots)
- (UT2K4) AW-2004Crystals - Crystal Spire
- (UT2K4) AW-Bridge - Untextured Supports
- AWHardware - Tiled Column
- (UT2K4) AW-PhysicMeshes - Untextured
- (UT2K4) AW-Tech - Untextured girders
- BarrenHardware - Sandstone and Egyptian (lots)
- BarrenHardware-Epic - Yellow Brick Pillar
- BastienHardware - Industrial Heavy Support
- BastienHardware_02 - Wooden Pillar
- BastienHardware_02 - Stone Columns
- (UT2K4) BenMesh01 - Girder
- (UT2K4) BenMesh01 - Medieval Pillars
- (UT2K4) BenMesh01 - SteelTech Support
- (UT2K4) BP_egyptnew - Egyptian Supports and pillars
- (BonusPack UT2K4) CBP2-Tropica-SM - Urban Supports and pillars
- (BonusPack UT2K4) CBP2-Tropica-SM - Aztec Pillars
- (BonusPack UT2K4) CBP2-Tropica-SM - White wood support
- Citadel_Static - Collapsing Medieval Pillar
- Comp - Industrial
- (UT2K4) cp_Mechstaticpack1 - Cyberpunk pillars with computer console
- CP_Nightmare1_Epic - Dark Quake/Hell
- CP_Nightmare1_Epic - Hellish Pillars with flame effect
- (UT2K4) Desp_SMS-SM - Cyberpunk and steeltech pillars and supports
- (UT2K4) DESP-MS - Patterned Shaped stone
- (UT2K4) DestTech-STA - Steelpunk
- (UT2K4) Desp-TelMecoMex - Steelpunk
- (UT2K4) CP_UT2K3_TechSetMesh1 - Steelpunk (single)
- AbaddonHardware - Rusty (lots) and Quake
- (UT2K4) AlienBrushes - Untextured
- AlleriaHardware - Industrial (Concrete), interior & exterior
- ArboreaHardware - Stone
- AWHardware - Steelpunk vent
- (UT2K4) AW-Junk - Rusty
- AWPipes - Rusty Industrial
- (UT2K4) AW-RustMeshes - Rusty
- (UT2K4) AW-Tech - Untextured Steelpunk
- (UT2K4) cf_static1 - Shiney
- Comp - Steampunk
- (UT2K4) Corrosion_Hardware - Blue Steel
- (UT2K4) cp_Evil - Rusted
- CP_Nightmare1_Epic - Fiery pipe nozzle
- (UT2K4) cp_simplewall_meshs - Steelpunk
- (UT2K4) CP_UT2K3_TechSetMesh1 - Industrial
- (UT2K4) Desp_SMS-SM - Cyberpunk pipes
- (UT2K4) DESP-MS - Industrial L bend pipe
- (UT2K4) DESP-MS - Decorative Runic Pipes (SKpipe)
- (UT2K4) DestTech-STA - Steelpunk
- X_AW-Tech Tech/mech
- X_LP_Evil1 Industrial (pipe network)
- AbaddonHardware - Rusty
- (UT2K4) AW-RustMeshes - Lava hole
- CP_Nightmare1_Epic - Red Rust
- (UT2K4) DESP-MS - Stone
- (UT2K4) Desp-TelMecoMex - Damaged Urban Floor Section
Platforms, Floors, Catwalks and Walkways
- CP_Nightmare1_Epic – the same as those in AbaddonHardware.Floors, but without the messed-up floor polys.
- AbaddonHardware - Decorative Stone Platform
- AbaddonHardware - Rusty Industrial Walkways (lots)
- (UT2K4) AlienBrushes - Untextured
- AlienTech - Gothic and Alien
- AlleriaHardware - Rusty and non-rusty Industrial
- ArboreaHardware - Natural/Alien Catwalks (lots)
- (UT2K4) AW-Junk - Rusty Platforms
- AWPipes - Industrial Grate
- BastienHardware - Industrial Ramps
- BastienHardware_02 - Urban Platform
- (UT2K4) BP_egyptnew - Egyptian Mozaic
- CavernStatic - Industrial Floor
- (BonusPack UT2K4) CBP2-Tropica-SM - GunPlatform
- cf_sm01 - Detailed Tiled Floor
- cf_sm02 - Natural Rock Platforms
- (UT2K4) cf_static1 - Untextured
- CP_Nightmare1_Epic - Rusty Industrial and Steelpunk platforms
- (UT2K4) cp_stevetest1 - Cyberpunk floors. (erm... where?)
- (UT2K4) Desp_SMS-SM - Cyberpunk walkways
- (UT2K4) DestTech-STA - Shiney Steelpunk
- (Not in base UT2K4) Desp-TelMecoMex - Round Raised platforms
- (Not in base UT2K4) Desp-TelMecoMex - Warped metal flooring
- X_LP_Evil1 steel industrial
- ShiptechHardware - Steelpunk
- HumanoidHardware - Industrial
Railings and Barriers
- AbaddonHardware - Rusty
- (UT2K4) Albatross_architecture - Gothic (omfg)
- AlleriaHardware - Industrial
- (UT2K4) AS_Decos - Construction Workers Barricade
- (UT2K4) AW-PhysicMeshes - Untextured
- (BonusPack UT2K4) CBP2-Tropica-SM - Industrial
- (UT2K4) CB-StaticMesh - Sandbag barricade
- (UT2K4) Corrosion_Hardware - Blue Steel
- (UT2K4) cp_Evilstatic2 - Dark metal Stair rail
See Stairs and See Platforms
Rocks & Cliffs
- a few in ArboreaLandscape
- CB-Desert1 - also has a few trees
- CB-Desert2
- IceCliffs - rock/snow walls like in BR-IceFields
- AbaddonHardware - Volcanic
- (UT2K4) Albatross_architecture - Cliffs and Stones
- AlleriaHardware - Glacial
- AntalusStatic - Rocks and Cliffs
- ArboreaHardware - Natural Rocks
- (UT2K4) ArboreaLanscape - Natural Cliffs (lots) and Rocks
- (UT2K4) AW-Natural - Rock Talon
- (UT2K4) AW-Nature - Untextured Rock
- BarrenHardware - Sandstone Rock
- BastienHardware_02 - Volcanic Rock and stalagmite
- (UT2K4) BenMesh01 - Rocks
- CavernStatic - White stalagmite
- (UT2K4) CB-Desert1 - Canyon Cliffs, rocks and pillars (lots)
- (UT2K4) CB-Desert2 - Large Rocks
- cf_sm01 - Brown Rocks
- Citadel_Static - Volcanic Island
- (UT2K4) cp_enviromesh1- Dark Cave Front
- (UT2K4) cp_stevetest1 - Black rock
- (UT2K4) DESP-MS - Patterned Rock
- AbaddonHardware - Volcanic rocks (single)
- (UT2K4) Albatross_architecture - Medieval Bricks
- (UT2K4) Albatross_architecture - Planks
- (UT2K4) AW-2004Crystals - Crystal fragments
- BastienHardware_02 - Blocks
- (UT2K4) BP_egyptnew - Sandblock
- (BonusPack UT2K4) CBP2-Tropica-SM - Wooden Pallet
- CP_Nightmare1_Epic - Gothic Brick
- (UT2K4) cp_stevetest1 - Girder
- (UT2K4) cp_stevetest1 - Sandstone
- cp_wasteland_mesh - Rock
- (UT2K4) Desp-TelMecoMex - Cracked Concrete Rubble
See Set Pieces
Ropes and Chains
- AWHardware - Industrial Chain
- BastienHardware_02 - Rusty chain
- CP_Nightmare1_Epic - Red Chain
See Junk
Set Pieces, Rooms and Buildings
- AbaddonHardware - Tunnel Dome
- AlleriaHardware - Ice Dome
- AnubisStatic - Pyramid
- ArboreaHardware - Natural Arena
- ArboreaHardware - Wide Natural Platform
- AWHardware - Industrial Circular Spawn Room
- (UT2K4) AW-Junk - Rusty SteelPunk Building
- (UT2K4) AW-Junk - Silo
- (UT2K4) AW-Nature - Garfunkle ( a bandstand?)
- BarrenHardware-Epic - Large Eye Design
- BarrenHardware-Epic - Flagstone Bunker Room
- BastienHardware_02 - Volcanic Terrain
- (UT2K4) BenMesh01 - Urban Ruin
- (UT2K4) BP_egyptnew - Ruined Walls
- (UT2K4) cass_staticmesh - Prebuilt interconnecting Cyberpunk rooms
- CavernStatic - Lava filled Natural Caverns
- CavernStatic - Gothic Crossroad
- (BonusPack UT2K4) CBP2-Tropica-SM - Natural Rock Formation
- cf_sm02 - Space Pyramid
- (UT2K4) cp_stevetest1 - Steel Entry Dome (mecharmorshell)
- (UT2K4) cp_stevetest1 - Urban Ruins
- (UT2K4) DESP-MS - Arcane/Cyberpunk 6 road junction
- (UT2K4) DestTech-STA - Steelpunk Shiney blocks (Used to build hyperblast spaceship)
See Tables
- (UT2K4) AS_Weapons_SM - Guidance Arrow
- AWHardware - Slaughterhouse Moving Billboard
- (UT2K4) AW-Junk - Rusty Cyberpunk Arrows
- (UT2K4) AW-Junk - Rusty Domination Letters
- (UT2K4) AW-RustMeshes - Rusty Plate And stand
- BarrenHardware - Heiroglyphs
- BastienHardware - Cyberpunk Arrows
- BastienHardware_02 - Chain Banner
- (BonusPack UT2K4) CBP2-Tropica-SM.usx - Rusty Plate
- (UT2K4) cp_stevetest1 - Cyberpunk domination letters
- (UT2K4) cp_stevetest1 - Healing Plus
- (UT2K4) cp_stevetest1 - Direction arrow
Sky Zones
- skyring: skyline-meshes-epic.skyeffects.Skyline-skyringero
- AntalusStatic - Country pastures and blue sky
- (UT2K4) AS_Weapons_SM - Cityscape in dome
- (UT2K4) AW-Bridge - Untextured Skyzone
- (UT2K4) AW-RustMeshes - Junkyard
- AWStellarMeshes - Moon and Stars
- BastienHardware_02 - Volcanic Hills
- (BonusPack UT2K4) CBP2-Tropica-SM - Distant Trees
- cf_sm01 - Asteroid Meshes
- cf_sm01 - Atmosphere ball
- cf_sm01 - Red Planet
- cf_sm01 - Corona Ball
- cf_sm02 - Faint Planet
- Citadel_Static - Dark Mountains
- CP_Nightmare1_Epic - Distant Crucifixes, hangmen and towers
- CP_Nightmare1_Epic - Red Fog
- (UT2K4) cp_stevetest1 - Shock Ring
- (UT2K4) Desp_SMS-SM - Planet Earth
Special Effects
- AWHardware - Light Cone
- AWMagicHardware - Shiney Portal (missing texture)
- BarrenHardware-Epic - Fog Ring
- BastienHardware - Rectangle Light beam
- BastienHardware_02 - Rolling Fog
- cf_sm01 - Red Concentric Rings
- (UT2K4) cp_stevetest1 - Laser Beam Effects
- (UT2K4) cp_stevetest1 - Atomic Rings
- (UT2K4) cp_stevetest1 - Shockwaves and explosions
- (UT2K4) cp_stevetest1 - Electrical sparks
- (UT2K4) cp_stevetest1 - Energy Spheres
- (UT2K4) cp_stevetest1 - Force Fields
- (UT2K4) DanielsMeshes - Magma Ball
Spawn Points, Weapon Bases, Item Bases
- (UT2K4) 2K4chargerMESHES - Charger Bases
- (UT2K4) Albatross_architecture - Weapon tiles
- AlleriaHardware - Industrial Spawn (pExhaust)
- cf_sm02 - Egyptian
- (UT2K4) cp_stevetest1 - Health, Weapon and Armour Charger base
- (UT2K4) cp_stevetest1 - Cyberpunk Flag base
Stairs and Ramps
- Pipe_Static.General.TubeStaira - set of steps with lights
- ShiptechHardware.Miscellaneous.Asteps02CS - 4 plain steps
- Pipe_Static.General.TubeStepSingle - single step
- AbaddonHardware - Quake
- (UT2K4) Albatross_architecture - Medieval
- AlienTech - Alien
- AlleriaHardware - Rusty stairs
- AlleriaHardware - Industrial ramps
- BastienHardware - Industrial Ramp
- BastienHardware_02 - Medieval
- (UT2K4) BP_egyptnew - Flagstone
- (BonusPack UT2K4) CBP2-Tropica-SM - Dark Industrial Stairs
- cf_sm02 - Egyptian
- Citadel_Static - Sand Ramp
- (UT2K4) cp_stevetest1 - Cyberpunk
- (UT2K4) cp_stevetest1 - Urban Ruined stairs
- (UT2K4) DESP-MS - Cyberpunk enclosed
Statues and Corpses
- AbaddonHardware - Mutilated Corpse (victim)
- (UT2K4) Albatross_architecture - Albatross statue
- AnubisStatic - Anubis (Egyptian Dog-Headed god) Statue
- AnubisStatic - Pharoh
- AnubisStatic - Sphinx
- AWHardware - Meat Shank
- BarrenHardware - Egyptian Statues (lots)
- cf_DE - Skeleton and Corpses
- cf_sm02 - Anubis Statue
- CP_Nightmare1_Epic - Corpse Torso
- CP_Nightmare1_Epic - Dragons head
- CP_Nightmare1_Epic - Skull
- (UT2K4) cp_stevetest1 - Player Gibs
See Pillars
Tables and Shelves
- (UT2K4) AS_Decos - Industrial Shelves
- AWHardware - Bloody Butchers Block
- BarrenHardware - Altars
Tanks (Not the vehicle kind)
See Machinery
- AbaddonHardware - Rusty Hook
- AWHardware - Butchers Cleaver
- AWHardware - Bloody Hook
- BarrenHardware - Egyptian Staff
- (UT2K4) cp_stevetest1 - Fire Extinguisher
- (UT2K4) DespFallencity-SM - C4 Explosives
- ArboreaHardware - Stone (WallFirePot)
- (UT2K4) Albatross_architecture - Torch
- AnubisStatic - Torch
- (UT2K4) AW-RustMeshes - Tramp's barrel
- BarrenHardware - Gold Brazier
- BastienHardware - Stone Brazier
- BastienHardware_02 - Wall Sconce
- AbaddonHardware - Quake Tower Top
- (UT2K4) Albatross_architecture - Medieval Tower Top
- BarrenHardware-Epic - Flagstone Bunker Room
- BastienHardware - Iron Watchtower
- BastienHardware_02 - Black Medieval
- (UT2K4) BenMesh01 - Medieval Tower Top (Same as Albatross)
- Citadel_Static - Dark Quake
- (UT2K4) cp_stevetest1 - Medieval
- (UT2K4) DESP-MS - Cyberpunk / Magical Tower Wall and Tp (External mesh only)
See Hazards
Trees & plants
- StaticMesh'TowerStatic.Rock.TowerDecoGrassA'(the grass static mesh found in DM-Antalus)
- StaticMesh'TowerStatic.Rock.TowerTreeShrub'
- AbaddonHardware - Volcanic
- AlienTech - Tree Branch
- AntalusStatic - Pine Trees (lots)
- ArboreaHardware - Trees (lots)
- ArboreaHardware - Ferns, grass, vines and shrubs
- ArboreaHardware - Large Tree Trunk
- (UT2K4) AW-Nature - Untextured Trees
- (UT2K4) AW-RustMeshes - Dead Tree
- (UT2K4) BenMesh01 - Frozen Shrub
- (UT2K4) BenMesh01 - Grass
- (UT2K4) BenMesh01 - Palmtrees
- (UT2K4) BenMesh01 - Frozen Firtree
- (UT2K4) CaveDecoMeshes - Mushrooms
- (UT2K4) CB-Desert1 - Desert Trees
- (BonusPack UT2K4) CBP2-Tropica-SM - Grass and Ferns and Shrubs
- (BonusPack UT2K4) CBP2-Tropica-SM - Palm Trees (lots)
- (UT2K4) cf_staticMushrooms - Mushrooms (lots)
- Citadel_Static - Cactus and Grass
- Citadel_Static - Evil Plant
- Citadel_Static - Tree Stump
- Citadel_Static - Thorns
- (UT2K4) cp_stevetest1 - Ferns and leaves
- (UT2K4) cp_stevetest1 - Mushrooms (same as cf_staticMushrooms)
- (UT2K4) X_BG-FloraGen - Tree trunks and separate tree canopies (lots of good options)
See Crystals
Trim and Wall Ornaments
- AbaddonHardware - Stone Spikes
- AbaddonHardware - Pipe Valves
- (UT2K4) Albatross_architecture - Medieval
- AlleriaHardware - Wall Wiring
- (UT2K4) AlienBrushes - Untextured
- AlleriaHardware - SteelPunk
- ArboreaHardware - Rocky
- AWHardware - Tiled
- BarrenHardware - Wall Ornaments
- BarrenHardware - sandstone
- BastienHardware - Steelpunk
- (BonusPack UT2K4) CBP2-Tropica-SM - Aztec
- (UT2K4) Corrosion_Hardware - Steelpunk
- (UT2K4) cp_Evilstatic2 - Steampunk
- (UT2K4) Desp_SMS-SM - Cyberpunk Wall Ornaments
- (UT2K4) Desp_SMS-SM - Steelpunk Trim
- (UT2K4) DESP-MS - Steelpunk
- (UT2K4) DESP-MS - Cyberpunk Circular Trim
Tunnels and Passages
- AlleriaHardware - Metal Pipes (lots)
- AW_AlleriaHW - Metal Pipes
- (UT2K4) AW-Junk - Junkyard
- (UT2K4) AW-Tech - Untextured
- BastienHardware - Concrete Pipes
- BastienHardware_02 - Natural Rock Tunnels
- CavernStatic - Natural Caverns
- (UT2K4) DESP-MS - Cyberpunk and Steelpunk and Rusty passages
- (UT2K4) AS_Decos - Bomber Plane
- (UT2K4) AS_Vehicles_SM - Skaarj and Human Space Fighter
- BulldogMeshes - Bulldog armoured Jeep
- (UT2K4) cp_stevetest1 - Onslaught and Assault Vehicles and turrets
- (UT2K4) cp_stevetest1 - Toilet Jeep (!)
- (UT2K4) DespFallencity-SM - Landing Jet
- (UT2K4) DespFallencity-SM - Rusty Tube Train
See Platforms
Wall Ornaments
See Trim
- (UT2K4) CP_UT2K3_TechSetMesh1 - Steelpunk
- AbaddonHardware - Steampunk and Quake
- (UT2K4) AlienBrushes - Alien Untextured
- AlleriaHardware - Steelpunk and Industrial
- ArboreaHardware - Worked Stone
- (UT2K4) AW-2004Crystals - Natural Crystal Wall
- (UT2K4) AW-DemoMeshes - Wall Panel
- (UT2K4) AW-Junk - Junky
- BarrenHardware - Egyptian
- BarrenHardware-Epic - Egyptian Tiled
- BarrenHardware-Epic - Black Stone
- BastienHardware_02 - Natural Rock
- (BonusPack UT2K4) CBP2-Tropica-SM - Concrete
- CP_Nightmare1_Epic - Floating brick
- CP_Nightmare1_Epic - Gothic
- CP_Nightmare1_Epic - Pulsating Flesh
- (UT2K4) cp_simplewall_meshs - Steelpunk
- (UT2K4) cp_stevetest1 - Rock Cyberpunk and Steelpunk
- (UT2K4) Desp_SMS-SM - Cyberpunk
- (UT2K4) DestTech-STA - Steelpunk and Shiney
See Liquid Effects
Weapon Bases
See Spawn Points
Weaponry and items
- (UT2K4) AS_Weapons_SM - Defence Turret, Ion Turret and Link Turret
- (UT2K4) AS_Weapons_SM - Automatic Turrets
- (UT2K4) AW-Junk - Laser Canon (FailedWeapon)
- (UT2K4) cp_stevetest1 - Vehicles and turrets
- (UT2K4) cp_stevetest1 - All Weapon Meshes, ammo, pickups etc
- (UT2K4) cp_stevetest1 - Bombing Run Ball
- (UT2K4) Albatross_architecture - Wooden Shutter
- AlleriaHardware - Steelpunk
- (UT2K4) AW-Tech - Untextured
- cf_sm01 - Big Glass
- CP_Nightmare1_Epic - Hell
- (UT2K4) DEBPchecker Rusty Windowframe set pieces with separate glass
- (UT2K4) Desp_SMS-SM - Steel WIndowframe
- (UT2K4) DestTech-STA - Shiney Steelpunk
- X_AW-Tech Tech
Daid303: Someone pointed me at this: http://forums.unrealplayground.com/showthread.php?t=20562 but I don't have time to add it right now. Feel free to do it.
Mosquito: Holy crap, how did I ever live without this page?!
SuperApe: Perhaps this page is done? Does the info in the above link to the UP thread need to be added here? If so, let's do it. If not, let's remove the Break the Curse of the Static Meshes! link on the Recent Changes page (and others, if any).
Doogle: I just noticed in the Special Effects section, AWMagicHardware - Shiney Portal (missing texture).
The missing texture is usefull as a CameraTextureClient target, it uses four ScriptedTextures that when used as the target for CameraTextureClient actors it will fade between the different views.
Neilthecellist: Hm... This page seems beyond the typical usefulness. But while I'm on this page, I've got a question: How often is this page updated? (I'm not used to non-standard wiki's... Is there a "history" button anywhere?
Wormbo: See "View other revisions" at the bottom of this page. Old revisions are pruned once in a while, though.
Cowlike 15:35, 29 September 2008 (UTC) There could be a list in this vein that tells what static pack can go with a given texture pack, like AlleriaHardware.usx <--> AlleriaArchitexture.utx, some are less obvious if you just look at filenames .