Worst-case scenario: the UEd Goblin wipes the map and burns down your house.
From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site
Object >> BrushBuilder >> TerrainBuilder (Package: Editor)
Creates a BSP Based Terrain for the red builder brush
- Height, Width and Breadth - these are the H,W and B of the terrain
- Width Segments - These are the number of vertices in the width
- Breadth Segments - These are the number of vertices in the breadth
With this you can build terrain for UT. It costs some time if it's large, since you have to move one vertex at a time. To move a vertex, set the grid points to 64 to avoid BSP cuts. Then select a vertex, Hold alt and a mouse button or both, and move the point. Avoid moving them over others, because then you have a risk of crashing. Save often when doing this.