My program doesn't have bugs. It just develops random features.


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TUTHealerAmmo - The Healer Part 3 of 9 - Source Code

// class name : TUTHealerAmmo
// class type : Ammunition
// description: The Healer's ammunition properties
// author     : HSDanClark
// TODO       :
class TUTHealerAmmo extends Ammunition;
#EXEC OBJ LOAD FILE=InterfaceContent.utx
    ItemName="Tutorial Healer Ammo"                     
    PickupClass=class'TUTHealerAmmoPickup'  // This links the ammo to the pickup
                                            // that you need to place in the game.
    MaxAmmo=120                             // The maximum Healer ammo you can carry
    InitialAmount=40                        // The amount of ammo you get when you 
                                            // first pick up the Healer