Legacy:The Unreal Universe

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Revision as of 11:42, 1 April 2008 by DalinSeivewright (talk | contribs)
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What this thread is about, is the Unreal universe itselfs. Please add more details if you feel for it. Mostly of the info are taken from the official games, but if you find a story from a public known source who still are unofficial (like the Community Bonus Packs), you are welcome to place them in here too, just remember to add a note where its from.

General Unreal Timeline

Races of Unreal

More to come...


empty_other: I may not be able to write to much, because in about a week, i will lose all internetconnection, and it will probarly last long. Hopefully, somebody interested in this subject, may continuin all this... And sorry my English, feel free to rewrite everything if i express myself to clumsy... ;)

empty_other: Some of my other thoughts was a list of the most known people(aliens/whatever), and an overview of all those biggest corporations (Trident, Liandri etc) but still only thoughts...