Legacy:Unreal Engine
From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site
This is a legacy page imported from the old Unreal Wiki. Please avoid editing or moving it and improve Unreal Engine instead. |
The Unreal Engine is the core software at the heart of UT, UT2003 and other games.
It has a two-tier structure:
- the C++ code, which in Unreal we call the "native" stuff. This handles all the low-level stuff and platform-specific things. It runs a Wikipedia:virtual machine similar to the Wikipedia:Java virtual machine, on which runs...
- the UnrealScript stuff. This is an object-oriented language that looks similar to Java or Javascript.
Most work with the engine is done in UnrealScript.
- Key Engine Concepts to get you started
- Terminology - the Unreal engine dictionary
- Game Info : Gameplay and Gametype
- Game Event Flow
- Controller Overview
- Player Info : PlayerController and Pawn
- Bot Support and Artificial Intelligence
- Taking Damage - how it works
- Inventory, Weapon, Pickup
- Interaction
- GUI and GUI Overview
- Replication
- Topics On Modeling
- Topics On Mapping
- Making Mods and Mutator Topics
- Console Commands
- Game Ini File
- Compiling with UCC / Compiler Errors
- MyLevel pseudo-package – storing resources into maps
- BSP Tree – Really technical, intuitive, but generalized description
- Unreal Engine Core – Preliminary, hypothetical, I think we need Divine Intervention here...
- Object Oriented Programming Overview – How it works in the unreal engine
- OCD – Object Collision Detection in UT.
- Replication – Unreal netcode
- Terminology – Abbreviations, acronyms and technical terms
- Server Query In Perl
- Karma
- Skeletal Mesh: How to control animations and individual bones from UnrealScript
Object Physics
Suggested Overview Topics
- Kinematics
- Classical Dynamics Theory for Rigid Bodies
- Interpolation
- Particle Animation
- Algorithms
Bob_The_Beheader: Maybe link to an external site (like, from a university) on advanced physics for these topics??? ...except particle animation... but this is definately not what I learned in high school... :)
SuperApe: This page needs updating pretty badly. Many of the Overview pages are available now.