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UT2004 :: Actor >> Trigger >> Wormhole (Package: custom)

by VitalOverdose

// Wormhole By vitaloverdose, Feb 2006, http://www.Vitaloverdose.com
class Wormhole Extends Trigger
var    Array<Actor>                 TpAct;
Var () Array< Class< Emitter > >    VecTagFxPool;
Var () Array< Class< Emitter > >    AmbiantFxPool;
Var () Array< Class< Emitter > >    TeleportFxPool_Vec;
Var () Array< Class< Emitter > >    TeleportFxPool_Self;
Var () Sound                        TeleportSound;
Var () Emitter                      SpawnedAmbiantFx;
var () Emitter                      SpawnedVecFx;
Var () bool                         bScanDest;
var () bool                         bPlayTelePortEffect;
Var () float                        ReScanDelay;
Var () float                        SafeSpawnlocScanRadius;
Var () Vector                       ActualBoostForce;
Function PostBeginPlay()
 SpawnFx( Self.Location , AmbiantFxPool  , Self );
 If ( ( bScanDest == False ) && ( (AmbiantFxpool.Length <= 0 ) || ( ReScanDelay <= 0 )) )
Simulated Function ScanTpAct()
 Local Actor FoundTelPoint;
 if (TpAct.Length>0)
foreach AllActors( Class'Actor' , FoundTelPoint,'TP' )
                   TpAct[0] = FoundTelPoint;
Function Touch( Actor Other)
 if (Other.IsA('Vehicle'))
 if ( Other.IsA('pawn'))
Simulated function  TPort( Pawn TPPawn )
 local actor SafeSpawnactor;
 TPPawn.SetLocation( SafeSpawnactor.Location);
 TPPawn.SetRotation( SafeSpawnactor.Rotation );
 TPPawn.OldRotYaw  = TPPawn.Rotation.Yaw;
Simulated Function Vectel(Pawn PTele)
 Local EPhysics     Entryphysics;
 Local Vehicle      Teleporting;
 local Rotator      OldRot;
 Local Rotator      NewRot;
 local actor        SafeSpawnactor;
 Teleporting      = Vehicle(pTele);
 NewRot           = Teleporting.Rotation;
 EntryPhysics     = Teleporting.Physics;
 ActualBoostForce = Teleporting.Velocity * 500;
 if ( SafeSpawnactor != none )
     oldRot       = Teleporting.Rotation;
     NewRot.Yaw   = SafeSpawnactor.Rotation.Yaw + Teleporting.Rotation.Yaw - Self.Rotation.Yaw;
     posttel(Teleporting  , Newrot , EntryPhysics );
function Timer()
Simulated Function  SpawnFx( Vector SpawnPos ,Array< Class< Emitter > > FxSpawnpool, Actor Hardattachedto )
 Local int            PickedNumb;
 local Class<Emitter> ChosenFxClass< SEMI >
 local Emitter        SpawnedFx;
 if ( FxSpawnpool.Length <= 0 )
     PickedNumb    = FxSpawnpool.Length;
     PickedNumb    = Rand(PickedNumb);
     ChosenFxClass = FxSpawnpool[PickedNumb];
 SpawnedFx = Spawn( ChosenFxClass , self , , SpawnPos , Rotation );
 if ( (SpawnedFx != none ) && ( Hardattachedto != none ) )
     SpawnedFx.SetBase( Hardattachedto );
Function actor FindSafeSpawnLoc( float ScanRadius )
 local pawn         Foundpawn;
 local Array<Actor> TempTpAct;
 Local Int          Counter;
 Local int          PickedRNDNo;
 local actor        SafeSpawnactor;
 TempTpAct.Length  = tpact.Length;
 TempTpAct         = TpAct;
 for ( Counter=0;Counter<tpact.Length;Counter++)        //here i want to pick Numbs at Random from a list
     {                                                 //First west up the Numbs in sequential order and then
      PickedRNDNo   = Rand( tempTpAct.Length -1 )+1;        //pick a RND No based on the Length of the list.Once Picked
      SafeSpawnactor  = tempTpAct[PickedRNDNo];      //the Numb is removed from the list and anOther Numb is pick
      tempTpAct.remove( PickedRNDNo ,1 );              //is Picked based on the new Length of the list
      foreach radiusActors( Class'pawn' , Foundpawn , ScanRadius , SafeSpawnactor.location )
                           if ( ( Foundpawn != Self ) && ( Foundpawn.bCollideActors == True ) )
                               SafeSpawnactor =none;
      return SafeSpawnactor;
Simulated function Posttel( Pawn Teleporting , Rotator Newrot , EPhysics EntryPhysics )
 local Vector PointOfBoostFoce;
 local Actor  RotRelation;;
 Teleporting.SetPhysics( EntryPhysics );
 Teleporting.Controller.moveTimer = -1.0;
 Teleporting.SetmoveTarget( Self );
 Teleporting.Controller.SetRotation( NewRot );
 Teleporting.SetRotation( NewRot );
 if ( Teleporting.IsA('ONSChopperCraft')  ||
      Teleporting.IsA('ONSHoverCraft')    ||
     Teleporting.KSetStayUpright( true , true );
 if ( bDirectional )
     RotRelation = Self;
    RotRelation = Teleporting;
 Vehicle(Teleporting).KAddImpulse( ActualBoostForce >> RotRelation.rotation , PointOfBoostFoce >> RotRelation.rotation );
 if ( TeleportSound != None )
     PlaySound( TeleportSound );

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