Always snap to grid


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Revision as of 09:16, 8 October 2007 by VitalOverdose (Talk)

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Started out a programmer but jacked it in to study art/music. Years later while looking for ways to make money from my work i stumbled into ut2003 and have been hooked ever since.


Mapping Tutorials/Methods.

* How To Make Elevators With Doors That Follow The Lift.
* Moving Power Cores + nav points without breaking the bot support...AKA MoreMoverMagic.
* Flash Movie:GFX techniques : Metallic Textures.



All scripts can be downloaded as .u or .uc files.

Or at my website

Installing the Mod

The Dropship MOD/The_DropShip_Controller

A (beta)controller system for a vehicle dropship.


A customized search engine for firefox that lets you search unrealwiki plus these sites;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

To add the Unreal search engine to firefox go here

I'm here to explore as much about uscript as possible and hopefully find work in the games industry. Im self taught with Uscript using the UnrealWiki and atari forums.


Tarquin: Vital, I'm going to be removing a lot of your scripts from the site. They have far too many flaws, and obviously haven't been tested. I don't want visitors to the wiki thinking these are 'pro' tools they can actually use.

Vitaloverdose everything in my protools set has been tested and works fine. The emitter stuff hasn't been fully tested yet. But everything in the protools is working ok, its all been tested in the last few weeks.

Wormbo: Instead of putting all those classes in source code form onto the wiki, I recommend compiling them into a .U package so mappers can readily load them into UnrealEd or even import into MyLevel. This way you also get around any obvious errors due to typos etc.

MythOpus: I concur!

Vitaloverdose no problems, thats what ive been doing the last few days. About half my scripts have links to .uc and .u files and im sorting the rest out now.