Gah - a solution with more questions. – EntropicLqd
Weapons in UT2003 have been divided up into multiple actors, of which this one is intimately involved. WeaponFire actors and their children form the FireMode[i] array in Weapon which manifests itself on the screen as the different modes of firing a weapon can do (typically the primary and secondary fire). The properties for the firing of a weapon reside in the weaponfire classes, including fire rate, damage, etc.
- bool bSplashDamage
- bool bSplashJump
- bool bRecommendSplashDamage
- bool bTossed
- bool bLeadTarget
- bool bInstantHit
other useful stuff
- bool bPawnRapidFireAnim
- for determining what anim the firer should play
- bool bReflective
- bool bTimerLoop
- bool bFireOnRelease
- if true, shot will be fired when button is released, HoldTime will be the time the button was held for
- bool bWaitForRelease
- if true, fire button must be released between each shot
- bool bModeExclusive
- if true, no other fire modes can be active at the same time as this one
- bool bIsFiring
- bool bNowWaiting
- bool bServerDelayStopFire
- bool bServerDelayStartFire
- bool bInstantStop
muzzle flash & smoke
- bool bAttachSmokeEmitter
- bool bAttachFlashEmitter
- float TimerInterval
- float NextTimerPop
- Weapon Weapon
- pawn Instigator
- LevelInfo Level
- Actor Owner
- float NextFireTime
- float PreFireTime
- seconds before first shot
- float MaxHoldTime
- float HoldTime
- int ThisModeNum
- float TransientSoundVolume
- float TransientSoundRadius
- Name PreFireAnim
- Name FireAnim
- Name FireLoopAnim
- Name FireEndAnim
- Name ReloadAnim
- float PreFireAnimRate
- float FireAnimRate
- float FireLoopAnimRate
- float FireEndAnimRate
- float ReloadAnimRate
- float TweenTime
- Sound FireSound
- Sound ReloadSound
- Sound NoAmmoSound
Force Feedback
- String FireForce
- String ReloadForce
- String NoAmmoForce
- float FireRate
- seconds between shots
- float ServerStartFireTime
- class<Ammunition> AmmoClass
- int AmmoPerFire
- int AmmoClipSize
- float Load
camera shakes
- vector ShakeRotMag
- how far to rot view
- vector ShakeRotRate
- how fast to rot view
- float ShakeRotTime
- how much time to rot the instigator's view
- vector ShakeOffsetMag
- max view offset vertically
- vector ShakeOffsetRate
- how fast to offset view vertically
- float ShakeOffsetTime
- how much time to offset view
- class<Projectile> ProjectileClass
- float BotRefireRate
- float WarnTargetPct
- class<xEmitter> FlashEmitterClass
- xEmitter FlashEmitter
- class<xEmitter> SmokeEmitterClass
- xEmitter SmokeEmitter
- float AimError
- 0=none 1000=quite a bit
- float Spread
- rotator units. no relation to AimError
- enum ESpreadStyle (SpreadStyle)
- SS_None
- SS_Random
- spread is max random angle deviation
- SS_Line
- spread is angle between each projectile
- SS_Ring
Known Subclasses
- WeaponFire
- BallTarget
- FM_Turret_AltFire_Shield
- FM_Turret_AltFire_Minigun
- InstantFire
- AssualtFire
- ClassicSniperFire
- FM_SpaceFighter_InstantHitLaser
- FM_Turret_IonCannon_Fire
- FM_Turret_Minigun_Fire
- MinigunFire
- ShockBeamFire
- SniperFire
- LinkFire
- PainterFire
- PainterZoom
- ProjectileFire
- AssaultGrenade
- BallShoot
- BioChargedFire
- BioFire
- FlakAltFire
- FlakFire
- FM_BallTurret_Fire
- FM_LinkTurret_Fire
- FM_Sentinel_Fire
- FM_SpaceFighter_AltFire
- LinkAltFire
- RedeemerFire
- RocketFire
- RocketMultiFire
- ShockProjFire
- TransFire
- ShieldAltFire
- ShieldFire
- SniperZoom
- TransRecall
OlympusMons: Need to get some stuff happening for the ut2004 weaponfire class. Ok so I did pretty much straight from the source but comments will be addded.
Category:Legacy Class (UT2004)
Category:Legacy Class Tree
Category:Legacy To Do – add functions and bring properties into standard format