Once I get that upgrade to 36-hour days, I will tackle that. – Mychaeel


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Facts About Me

Name Jonas Eriksson
DOB 1972-03-27
Location Nyköping / Sweden
eMail wizzie@linux.nu

Brief History

I started programming around 1986 on my good old VIC-20, making really silly basic program like textbased mini-adventure games and such. To cut a long story short, I then went through ZX Spectrum, Commodore 64, Amiga and finally ended up with PC. I also went through a few developing languages like Basic, Assembler, C/C++, Java, ASP (JavaScript mode. Didn't like VBScript) and ASP.NET (C#).

I have worked as a Web Developer at a few companies and ended up as a programmer at Amuze in Stockholm/Sweden as a game developer where i was a part of the development team behind HeadHunter for Sega Dreamcast and Sony Playstation 2.

Right now i'm going to school again to better a few of my grades and I'll most likely be in school for a couple of years.


The first time I came in contact with Unrealscript was in late 1998 when i tried to make a silly little weapon. Well, it seemed to work, atleast at the moment, but what I've heard it broke right away after the next patch released and by that time I had moved on to other areas so I never fixed the code for it. I didn't touch UnrealScript again for quite some time, untill last month actually when I ran down to the city a bought UT2003.

Current Project

Yepp, I am working on a total conversion, like many others. The major difference is that we are only 2 developers for this conversion.

Actually, we are just 1 developer and 1 Graphician. The more chefs the worse the soup, so to speak.

Our goal isn't to create a semi-pro development team with lots of contributors and such, that will only stagger development at a stage like this since we just started. Instead we have this as a learning experience. We both need a goal to work against while learning. So I won't provide any more info on the project, not even a url for info or anything. All info will be announced when and if we feel we've reached a releasable beta version.

Code snippets

Here are a few things i've made that kindof 'spawned' from the mod i'm working on

- A radar that always show teammates position on the HUD.
- This one sets the joining players cameraview every 6th second to a new positinon based on available actors in the level. It tries to find a good point of view by picking a random actor and see if it can use that position as a camera source, checking the surrounding are for collisions to eliminiate clipping in the viewport and then trying to find a good viewtarget as close as possible but no closer than 800 units.
- Code for adjusting the legs angle acording to the pawns running direction. (Yes, the link is spelled wrong. Perhaps a friendly soul will rename that page to PawnLegsRotation instead of PawnLeggsRotation some day :))


Flashman: Hi Wizz, welcome to the Wiki!

Wormbo: Welcome to the Wiki, Wizzie. :) Please add yourself to the Project Contributors list.

ZxAnPhOrIaN: Hi and welcome to the wiki! :) :tup:

EntropicLqd: I like you project approach. Good luck with it. Hope to see something in a couple of years time. :)

Tarquin: Hello and welcome :D

Wizzie: Thank you all. As they say, better late response than never :D