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My rants Page :)


Well I’m mostly a UT 99 only player, but as I bought UT2004 I figured I might as well play it and download some stuff for it. After downloading a lot of skins, I decided to write this.

First of all, the Epic skins for Ut2004 where really nice…in DM mode…when you went into a teamgame, and they changed to red or blue, that’s all they seemed to be, just blobs of red or blue floating around, the teamcolours seemed to totally dominate and ruin the skin. I mean, I know its important to see teamcolours, or you get accidental teamkilling, but look at the skins in Unreal Tournament original, they showed that you could manage to make a nice skin, and still show an appropriate amount of team colour.

So anyway, being slightly disappointed with the Epic skins, I headed to various sites and downloaded a few from there, and some, totally kick ass, they are amazing, and have enough teamcolour on them, not too much to change them to shapes of red or blue, but enough to make the team identifiable and still, look like a really cool skin.

When I download a skin, I always check to see if it has teamcolours or not, if it doesn’t have teamcolours, I will not download it. So anyway, after downloading the ones that looked nice and said had teamcolours, I installed them all into UT2004 and loaded the game up, I went to check some of them out, and some, like I said above, kicked ass, and others, which I was appalled at, HAD NO TEAMCOLOUR! If you say on the site that it has teamcolour, I expect it to actually have what you say it has!

Teamcolours are not:

  • 4 versions of the skin, one in red (even if its on blue) one in blue, (no matter what team its on) etc.
  • Skins that have no team markings on at all

If you make a really cool skin and release it, but it doesn’t have teamcolours, except DM players, not many people will download it, and if you say that it has teamcolours when it doesn’t, people will just delete it, and probably not bother to download any other skins made by you.


xX)(Xx :)
