Legacy talk:DynamicAmbientSound

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Revision as of 08:37, 16 December 2015 by SeriousBarbie (talk | contribs) ("before" -> "in front of" EN is not my native...)
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Bug in terminating the number of Sounds

If you have a look at the script, you'll find the following: <uscript>function BeginPlay () {

local int i;

// Calculate how many sounds the user specified numSounds=6; for (i=0; i<16; i++) { if (Sounds[i] == None) { numSounds=i; break; } } [...] </uscript> If all array fields of Sounds[] have a value, no one will be None and numSounds will stay at 6. I guess the developer has forgotten the "1" in front of the "6" - with the statement "numSounds=16;" the code determinates the number of sounds correctly. --SeriousBarbie (talk) 05:30, 16 December 2015 (EST)