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From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site
- {{code|simulated event '''PostRender''' ({{cl|Canvas}} '''Canvas''')}} {{code|simulated event '''PreRender''' ({{cl|Canvas}} '''Canvas''')}} ...2 KB (262 words) - 09:10, 17 May 2008
- {{code|function '''DrawGameStats''' ({{cl|Canvas}} '''C''', {{cl|GameReplicationInfo}} '''GRI''')}} {{code|function '''DrawLeaderBoard''' ({{cl|Canvas}} '''C''', {{cl|GameReplicationInfo}} '''GRI''')}} ...860 bytes (84 words) - 09:11, 17 May 2008
- {{code|function '''DrawGameStats''' ({{cl|Canvas}} '''C''', {{cl|GameReplicationInfo}} '''GRI''')}} {{code|function '''DrawLeaderBoard''' ({{cl|Canvas}} '''C''', {{cl|GameReplicationInfo}} '''GRI''')}} ...860 bytes (84 words) - 09:11, 17 May 2008
- ; bool FloatingPreDraw(Canvas C ): ; FloatingRendered(Canvas C ): ...2 KB (177 words) - 03:21, 17 May 2008
- ...'''Button_DrawSmallButton''' ({{cl|UWindowSmallButton}} '''B''', {{cl|Canvas}} '''C''')}}|function '''Checkbox_Draw''' ({{cl|UWindowCheckbox}} '''W''', {{cl|Canvas}} '''C''')}} ...7 KB (787 words) - 09:11, 17 May 2008
- {{code|function '''DrawGameStats''' ({{cl|Canvas}} '''C''', {{cl|GameReplicationInfo}} '''GRI''')}} {{code|function '''DrawLeaderBoard''' ({{cl|Canvas}} '''C''', {{cl|GameReplicationInfo}} '''GRI''')}} ...1 KB (105 words) - 09:10, 17 May 2008
- {{code|simulated event '''DrawScoreboard''' ({{cl|Canvas}} '''C''')}} ...e|function {{cl|Font}} '''GetSmallerFontFor''' ({{cl|Canvas}} '''Canvas''', [[int]] '''offset''')}} ...2 KB (262 words) - 09:10, 17 May 2008
- {{code|simulated event '''DrawScoreboard''' ({{cl|Canvas}} '''C''')}} ...e|function {{cl|Font}} '''GetSmallerFontFor''' ({{cl|Canvas}} '''Canvas''', [[int]] '''offset''')}} ...2 KB (262 words) - 09:11, 17 May 2008
- {{code|function '''DrawOptions''' ({{cl|Canvas}} '''Canvas''', [[int]] '''StartX''', [[int]] '''StartY''', [[int]] '''S {{code|function '''DrawValues''' ({{cl|Canvas}} '''Canvas''', [[int]] '''StartX''', [[int]] '''StartY''', [[int]] '''S ...2 KB (162 words) - 09:11, 17 May 2008
- {{code|function '''DrawBackGround''' ({{cl|Canvas}} '''Canvas''', [[bool]] '''bNoLogo''')}} ...617 bytes (57 words) - 09:10, 17 May 2008
- {{code|function '''DrawBackGround''' ({{cl|Canvas}} '''Canvas''', [[bool]] '''bNoLogo''')}} ...617 bytes (57 words) - 09:10, 17 May 2008
- {{code|simulated function '''DisplayLocalMessages''' ({{cl|Canvas}} '''C''')}} {{code|function '''Draw2DLocationDot''' ({{cl|Canvas}} '''C''', {{tl|Vector|Object|structs}} '''Loc''', [[float]]  ...8 KB (810 words) - 05:55, 28 July 2008
- {{code|simulated event '''PostRender''' ({{cl|Canvas}} '''Canvas''')}} {{code|simulated function '''DrawCrossHair''' ({{cl|Canvas}} '''Canvas''', [[int]] '''StartX''', [[int]] '''StartY''')}} ...2 KB (234 words) - 09:10, 17 May 2008
- {{code|function '''AutoWidth''' ({{cl|Canvas}} '''C''')}} {{code|function '''BeforePaint''' ({{cl|Canvas}} '''C''', [[float]] '''X''', [[float]] '''Y''')}} ...893 bytes (93 words) - 09:10, 17 May 2008
- {{code|function '''DrawOptions''' ({{cl|Canvas}} '''Canvas''', [[int]] '''StartX''', [[int]] '''StartY''', [[int]] '''S {{code|function '''DrawValues''' ({{cl|Canvas}} '''Canvas''', [[int]] '''StartX''', [[int]] '''StartY''', [[int]] '''S ...2 KB (183 words) - 09:11, 17 May 2008
- {{code|simulated event '''UpdateScoreBoard''' ({{cl|Canvas}} '''Canvas''')}} ...754 bytes (76 words) - 09:11, 17 May 2008
- {{code|simulated event '''PostRender''' ({{cl|Canvas}} '''Canvas''')}} {{code|simulated function '''DrawCredits''' ({{cl|Canvas}} '''Canvas''', [[int]] '''CredNumber''')}} ...4 KB (465 words) - 09:10, 17 May 2008
- ; DrawScoreboard ([[Legacy:Canvas|Canvas]] C) : Calls ''UpdateGRI'' and ''UpdateScoreBoard''. ...nWidthMedium and when it finds one smaller or equal to the [[Legacy:Canvas|Canvas]]'s ClipX (Bottom right clipping region) then it returns that font. Otherw ...4 KB (455 words) - 11:44, 21 November 2005
- ...a "real" Canvas object, allowing the entire range of [[Legacy:Canvas (UT3)|Canvas (UT3)]] features to be used. ...dsUpdate (transient) : Whether the texture needs to be redrawn. The Render(Canvas) delegate will be called at the end of the tick, just before all other rend ...2 KB (334 words) - 16:08, 9 February 2008