Talk:Compiler errors overview

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Revision as of 19:52, 9 November 2010 by Eliot (talk | contribs) (Errors format)
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Errors format

I thought of changing the format of errors, because it kinda looked like everything's floating. Here's the table format I thought of:

Error Message
#0001 Unexpected 'defaultproperties'
This seems to occur when you have an end of multi-comment preceded by a line comment on the same line. See Compiler issues. Keep in mind that you can not specify default properties in code while using the UnrealEd internal script editor. Doing so will give you this error as well. To change the default properties of a class in UnrealEd, you need to type editdefault class=classname in the command line of the editor.
Correct and Wrong example

As you see i did give the error an number for reference purpose. Please let me know your opinions, also if you will use it then make sure you turn it into a template instead to avoid duplicating so much code. The colors might need some work hehe :P --Eliot 02:52, 10 November 2010 (UTC)