Always snap to grid
Talk:What happens at map startup
From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site
Log: LoadMap: VCTF-SilkyTest1?name=Player1?team=255?game=SilkyGameContent.SilkyGameInfoContent?MaxPlayers=16?MinNetPlayers=0?NumPublicConnections=16?NumPrivateConnections=0?NumOpenPublicConnections=0?NumOpenPrivateConnections=0?bShouldAdvertise=True?bIsLanMatch=False?bUsesStats=True?bAllowJoinInProgress=True?bAllowInvites=True?bUsesPresence=True?bAllowJoinViaPresence=True?bAllowJoinViaPresenceFriendsOnly=False?bUsesArbitration=False?bIsDedicated=False?OwningPlayerName=?PingInMs=0?MatchQuality=0.000000?GameState=OGS_NoSession?GameMode=0?Difficulty=2?PureServer=1?LockedServer=0?Campaign=0?ForceRespawn=0?CustomMapName=?CustomGameMode=?GoalScore=20?TimeLimit=20?ServerDescription=?NumPlay=1 Log: Virtual memory allocation size: 72.93 MByte (76472320 Bytes) Log: Physical memory allocation size: 0.00 MByte (0 Bytes) Log: Game class is 'SilkyGameInfoContent' Log: Primary PhysX scene will be in software. Log: Creating Primary PhysX Scene. Log: Bringing World VCTF-SilkyTest1.TheWorld up for play (0) at 2010.02.04-02.33.17 Log: Bringing up level for play took: 0.251944 Log: Accessed None 'AccessControl' SilkyGameInfoContent VCTF-SilkyTest1.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.SilkyGameInfoContent_0 Function Engine.GameInfo:Login:05A4 Log: ########### Finished loading level: 3.162995 seconds Error: Can't start an online game that hasn't been created ScriptLog: START MATCH
So in terms of the uscript events where does this happen? To past a snippet of a UDK log file (trimmed abit of fat). As you can see we have Bringing the World and level for play, the game class is initialized before the PhysX scene. I just thought this might help if only alittle. --00zX 17:30, 12 February 2010 (UTC)
Log: Browse: DM-DE-Ironic?BonusVehicles=false?Game=XGame.xDeathMatch?Mutator=UnrealGame.MutGameSpeed,XGame.MutNoAdrenaline,XGame.MutQuadJump,XGame.MutRegen,XGame.MutSpeciesStats,UnrealGame.MutBerserk,UTClassic.MutUTClassic,XGame.MutFastWeapSwitch?bAutoNumBots=False?NumBots=1?Name=Player?Class=Engine.Pawn?Character=Jakob?team=255 Log: Collecting garbage Log: Purging garbage Log: (Karma): Level Karma Terminated. Log: Garbage: objects: 38583->36104; refs: 507369 Log: Game class is 'xDeathMatch' Log: Bringing Level DM-DE-Ironic.myLevel up for play (0) appSeconds: 108.986000... Log: (Karma): Autodetecting CPU for SSE Log: (Karma): Using SSE Optimizations Log: Spawning new actor for Viewport WindowsViewport Log: Precaching: DM-DE-Ironic.LevelInfo0 Log: Static mesh batches: 7264332 vertex bytes, 911532 index bytes Log: Allocating 16384 byte dynamic index buffer. Log: Allocating 24666 byte dynamic index buffer. Log: Finished precaching geometry in 3.060 seconds Log: Finished precaching textures in 3.881 seconds ScriptLog: START MATCH
A 2k4 log matches this snippet of source as its a closer engine version --00zX 17:47, 12 February 2010 (UTC)