Talk:What happens at map startup

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Revision as of 12:20, 12 February 2010 by Wormbo (talk | contribs)
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Log: LoadMap: VCTF-SilkyTest1?name=Player1?team=255?game=SilkyGameContent.SilkyGameInfoContent?MaxPlayers=16?MinNetPlayers=0?NumPublicConnections=16?NumPrivateConnections=0?NumOpenPublicConnections=0?NumOpenPrivateConnections=0?bShouldAdvertise=True?bIsLanMatch=False?bUsesStats=True?bAllowJoinInProgress=True?bAllowInvites=True?bUsesPresence=True?bAllowJoinViaPresence=True?bAllowJoinViaPresenceFriendsOnly=False?bUsesArbitration=False?bIsDedicated=False?OwningPlayerName=?PingInMs=0?MatchQuality=0.000000?GameState=OGS_NoSession?GameMode=0?Difficulty=2?PureServer=1?LockedServer=0?Campaign=0?ForceRespawn=0?CustomMapName=?CustomGameMode=?GoalScore=20?TimeLimit=20?ServerDescription=?NumPlay=1
Log: Virtual  memory allocation size:  72.93 MByte (76472320 Bytes)
Log: Physical memory allocation size:   0.00 MByte (0 Bytes)
Log: Game class is 'SilkyGameInfoContent'
Log: Primary PhysX scene will be in software.
Log: Creating Primary PhysX Scene.
Log: Bringing World VCTF-SilkyTest1.TheWorld up for play (0) at 2010.02.04-02.33.17
Log: Bringing up level for play took: 0.251944
Log: Accessed None 'AccessControl'
	SilkyGameInfoContent VCTF-SilkyTest1.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.SilkyGameInfoContent_0
	Function Engine.GameInfo:Login:05A4
Log: ########### Finished loading level: 3.162995 seconds
Error: Can't start an online game that hasn't been created

So in terms of the uscript events where does this happen? To past a snippet of a UDK log file (trimmed abit of fat). As you can see we have Bringing the World and level for play, the game class is initialized before the PhysX scene. I just thought this might help if only alittle. --00zX 17:30, 12 February 2010 (UTC)

Log: Browse: DM-DE-Ironic?BonusVehicles=false?Game=XGame.xDeathMatch?Mutator=UnrealGame.MutGameSpeed,XGame.MutNoAdrenaline,XGame.MutQuadJump,XGame.MutRegen,XGame.MutSpeciesStats,UnrealGame.MutBerserk,UTClassic.MutUTClassic,XGame.MutFastWeapSwitch?bAutoNumBots=False?NumBots=1?Name=Player?Class=Engine.Pawn?Character=Jakob?team=255
Log: Collecting garbage
Log: Purging garbage
Log: (Karma): Level Karma Terminated.
Log: Garbage: objects: 38583->36104; refs: 507369
Log: Game class is 'xDeathMatch'
Log: Bringing Level DM-DE-Ironic.myLevel up for play (0) appSeconds: 108.986000...
Log: (Karma): Autodetecting CPU for SSE
Log: (Karma): Using SSE Optimizations
Log: Spawning new actor for Viewport WindowsViewport
Log: Precaching: DM-DE-Ironic.LevelInfo0
Log: Static mesh batches: 7264332 vertex bytes, 911532 index bytes
Log: Allocating 16384 byte dynamic index buffer.
Log: Allocating 24666 byte dynamic index buffer.
Log: Finished precaching geometry in 3.060 seconds
Log: Finished precaching textures in 3.881 seconds

A 2k4 log matches this snippet of source as its a closer engine version --00zX 17:47, 12 February 2010 (UTC)

Well, the UDK log shows an Accessed None in Engine.GameInfo:Login. As stated in the article, players are added after everything this article describes, so you already have one boundary there. The other boundary is the "Bringing up for play" log, which is one of the first lines in the code snippet. UnrealScript initialization happens somewhere between those two. —Wormbo 19:20, 12 February 2010 (UTC)