Worst-case scenario: the UEd Goblin wipes the map and burns down your house.

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'''Timing''' is a family of functions using which you can schedule other functions to be called asynchronously
'''Timing''' is a family of functions using which you can schedule other functions to be called asynchronously
at a interval. Only <code>SetTimer</code> exists in UT2004.
at a interval. Only <code>SetTimer</code> exists in UT2004.
Like in JavaScript, despite asynchronous nature of SetTimer, UnrealScript is still
'''single-threaded'''. It means that you don't have to worry about thread-safety. Race conditions are still possible though.
== Functions ==
== Functions ==

Revision as of 09:36, 31 August 2011

Timing is a family of functions using which you can schedule other functions to be called asynchronously at a interval. Only SetTimer exists in UT2004. Like in JavaScript, despite asynchronous nature of SetTimer, UnrealScript is still single-threaded. It means that you don't have to worry about thread-safety. Race conditions are still possible though.



native final function SetTimer(
    float inRate, 
    optional bool inbLoop, // not optional in UT2004
    optional Name inTimerFunc='Timer', // doesn't exist in UT2004
    optional Object inObj // doesn't exist in UT2004

Sets a timer to call the given function at a set interval. Defaults to calling the 'Timer' event if no function is specified. If inRate is set to 0.f it will effectively disable the previous timer.

  • inRate - time interval, in gameplay seconds. If inRate <= 0.0, it'll reset the timer.
  • inbLoop - if false, it'll fire only once. Default to false.
  • inTimerFunc - function name.
  • inObj - unknown.


native final function ClearTimer(
    optional Name inTimerFunc='Timer', 
    optional Object inObj 

Clears a previously set timer.

  • inTimerFunc - function name.
  • inObj - unknown.


native final function bool IsTimerActive(
    optional Name inTimerFunc='Timer', 
    optional Object inObj

Checks is specified timer is active.

  • inTimerFunc - function name.
  • inObj - unknown.


native final function float GetTimerCount(
    optional Name inTimerFunc='Timer',
    optional Object inObj

Gets the current count for the specified timer, defaults to 'Timer' if no function is specified. Returns -1.f if the timer is not currently active. See GetTimerRate below for explanation.

  • inTimerFunc - function name.
  • inObj - unknown.


native final function float GetTimerRate(
    optional name TimerFuncName = 'Timer', 
    optional Object inObj
* <code>inTimerFunc</code> - function name.
* <code>inObj</code> - unknown.

Gets the current rate for the specified timer. GetTimerRate('SomeTimer') - GetTimerCount('SomeTimer') is the time remaining before 'SomeTimer' is called. In other words, "count" starts at 0, increases, and when it reaches "rate", timer is fired.

How to make seconds real

Multiply rate by WorldInfo.TimeDilation. Of course, this method isn't absolutely reliable, as TimeDilation may change before timer fires.

See also