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UC File

From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site
Revision as of 03:46, 8 November 2003 by Tarquin (Talk | contribs)

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This is just a text file containing UnrealScript source code. You can edit this with any text editor, though we recommend you use something that supports syntax highlighting.

Shell Integration

You can add UnrealScript files to the Windows Explorer context menu's New list. This conveniently makes a file with the correct extension, and you can also use the template below to set up the basics of the class.

	extends ;

With TweakUI

If you have TweakUI installed, save the above script and a UC file anywhere, and drag the file onto TweakUI's New tab.

Via the registry

Otherwise, save the script in C:\WINDOWS\ShellNew\UnrealClass.uc

Then in the Windows Registry, create a key:


Add the value:

FileName  UnrealClass.uc

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