UE1:Create a ScriptedTexture

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A ScriptedTexture


can only be created statically via UnrealEd's Texture Browser.

UnrealEd 2

The "New Texture" dialog in UnrealEd 2.
The "New Texture" dialog in UnrealEd 2.
  1. Open the Texture Browser.
  2. Select File -> New... from the browser's menu.
  3. Specify a target package and texture name, optionally also a group name.
  4. Set the texture class to ScriptedTexture.
  5. Pick texture dimensions that fit your needs.
  6. Click OK.

As always, you need to save the package, unless you put the texture in the myLevel pseudo-package.

UnrealEd 1

The "Create a new texture" dialog in UnrealEd 1.
The "Create a new texture" dialog in UnrealEd 1.
  1. Switch to the Texture Browser.
  2. Click New at the bottom of the browser panel.
  3. Specify a target package and texture name, optionally also a group name.
  4. Set the texture class to ScriptedTexture.
  5. Pick the desired texture dimensions.
  6. Click Create this texture.

Again, you need to save the package if you don't use myLevel.