UE1:LavaZone (UT)

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Revision as of 09:56, 19 December 2008 by Wormbo (talk | contribs) (added class description)
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UT Object >> Actor >> Info >> ZoneInfo >> LavaZone
This class in other games:

Players and objects entering this zone will continually receive heat damage. While players will die pretty quickly in a LavaZone, attempting to escape is aided by the fact that players can swim in it like in a WaterZone. Flags dropping into lava are returned immediately, pickups are destroyed.

Default values

Property Value
bDestructive True
bNoInventory True
bPainZone True
bWaterZone True
DamagePerSec 40
DamageType 'Burned'
EntryActor Class'UnrealShare.FlameExplosion'
EntrySound Sound'UnrealShare.Generic.LavaEn'
ExitActor Class'UnrealShare.FlameExplosion'
ExitSound Sound'UnrealShare.Generic.LavaEx'
Member Value
X 0.585938
Y 0.195313
Z 0.078125