UE1:NBSPLog (Class)

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Displays a logo.



Complete source code

<uscript>== Purpose ==

This class is used for external logging.


  • var private bool xxhacktheplanet - Unused boolean ?
  • var NBSP nbsp - Reference to instance of NBSP ( NBSP (Class) ) mutator class.


Possible improvements

  • Test if nbsp equals none.

Complete source code

<uscript>//============================================================================= // NBSPLog ==> NoBullShitPlus v1.09 //=============================================================================

class NBSPLog extends StatLogFile;

var private bool xxhacktheplanet; var NBSP nbsp;

function StartLog() { local string FileName;

if (len(nbsp.LogDirectory) != 0) FileName = nbsp.LogDirectory$"NBSP."$Level.Month$"."$Level.Day$"."$Level.Year$"_"$Level.Hour$"."$Level.Minute$"."$Level.Second; else FileName = "../Logs/NBSP."$Level.Month$"."$Level.Day$"."$Level.Year$"_"$Level.Hour$"."$Level.Minute$"."$Level.Second;

StatLogFile = FileName$".tmp"; StatLogFinal = FileName$".log"; OpenLog(); }

function Timer() {} // Don't log pings every 30 seconds

defaultproperties { StatLogFile="./NBSP.log" }</uscript> </uscript>