UE1:NBSPServerActor (Class)

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Revision as of 05:03, 1 April 2009 by Azura (talk | contribs) (Purpose)
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This class is used as an alternative way to load NBSP.


  • None.


Possible improvements

Complete source code

<uscript>//============================================================================= // NBSPServerActor ==> NoBullShitPlus v1.09 //=============================================================================

class NBSPServerActor extends Actor;

function PostBeginPlay() { local NBSP a;


// Make sure it wasn't added as a mutator foreach AllActors(class 'NBSP',a) return;

a = Level.Spawn(Class'NBSP'); a.NextMutator = Level.Game.BaseMutator; Level.Game.BaseMutator = a;

// Fix the MaxTimeMargin for Epic class'playerpawn'.default.maxtimemargin = 1; class'playerpawn'.staticsaveconfig(); }

defaultproperties {

