UE1:NBSP (Class): Difference between revisions

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Azura (talk | contribs)
Azura (talk | contribs)
Line 82: Line 82:
* string rts(coerce string t, coerce string r, coerce string w)
* string rts(coerce string t, coerce string r, coerce string w)
* int Hash(String a)
* int Hash(String a)
:: Returns some sort of hash based on the input string.
:: Returns some sort of numerical hash based on the input string.
- Cast nbspMagik (global variable) to String.
- Cast nbspMagik (global variable) to String.
- Append content of a.
- Append content of a.

Revision as of 17:25, 2 April 2009


This is the mutator part of NBSP.


  • var NBSPLog logger - Reference to an instance of the Logger ( NBSPLog (Class) ) class
  • var NBSPSettings settings
  • var NBSPReporter reporter - Reference to Reporter class
  • var NBSPWorker worker
  • var NBSPPackages packages
  • var NBSPMsgMutator fix
  • var NBSPChecker nbsp[256]
  • var NBSPPoll poll[256]
  • var NBSPNotify ny
  • var int nbspMagik - Used for generating magic number
  • var PlayerInfo PI[256] - Struct containing various information on players
  • var string paths, canvas, packs
  • var private float zTCT
  • var string PureVersion
  • var config string h
  • var Sound shs
  • var config string AllowedClientVersions - List of allowed client versions
  • var config bool UseNBSPLog;
  • var config string LogDirectory - Directory where external log should be placed.
  • var config bool LogSettings
  • var config bool LogIdentd
  • var config bool LogToExternal - Boolean to indicate if external log should be used.
  • var config bool UTPureMode
  • var config bool DebugMode - Used for toggling debug mode


  • AddMutator( Mutator m )
Added to keep the mutator chain working when NBSP is made the basemutator.
  • nlog( string a )
Logs to both normal log and external log as well as sending a message to messagingspectators.
  • dlog( string a )
Used for debug logging.
  • Spawned()
  • Tick( float a)
  • ServerInit ()
  • checkPackages ( NBSPChecker a, playerpawn b, int c )
NBSPChecker (Class)
  • CheckPackage ( int i, int j, int m )
  • RunningPackageCheck ( int c, int i, string e )
  • checkmods ( NBSPChecker a, playerpawn b, int c )
  • checkmods2 ( NBSPChecker a, playerpawn b, int c )
  • CheckClasses ( NBSPChecker a, playerpawn b, int i)
  • CheckActors ( NBSPChecker a, playerpawn b, int c, string e )
  • ScanConsole ( NBSPChecker a, playerpawn b, NBSPPoll p, string e )
  • int getArray ( int b, string c )
  • sortcanvas ( NBSPChecker a, playerpawn b, int c )
  • confpaths()
  • string getinfo (int b)
  • logclient (int b)
  • int getVersion(int i) { return PI[i].version; }
  • int returnCRC(int b, int i) { return PI[b].CRC[i]; }
  • string returnPaths(int b) { return PI[b].paths; }
  • NBSPPoll findpoll(int i) { return poll[i]; }
  • int amount(int i) { return PI[i].upackagecount; }
  • killPoll(int i)
Destroys all the NBSPPolls contained in the poll[] array.
  • DestroyPI(int i)
  • string IPOnly(string IP)
  • fa( NBSPChecker a, PlayerPawn p )
  • bool xx()
Returns true if the game has ended or the countdown is higher than zeeo in requireready mode.
  • ModifyLogin(out class<playerpawn> SpawnClass, out string pt, out string o)
  • string xxF(string o, string i, string v)
  • string xxG(string zc)
  • bool xxV(string n)
  • NextTeam(PlayerPawn p)
  • bool HandlePickupQuery(Pawn o, Inventory inv, out byte b)
  • DisableNBSP()
  • EnableNBSP()
  • bool IsPaused ()
returns true if the game is paused.
Tests the value of Level.Pauser.
  • Mutate( string a, PlayerPawn b )
  • Destroyed()
  • string rts(coerce string t, coerce string r, coerce string w)
  • int Hash(String a)
Returns some sort of numerical hash based on the input string.

- Cast nbspMagik (global variable) to String. - Append content of a. - Store result in a. - Repeat from 0 to the length of a : - Get substring of a at position c and return it's first character. - Transform the result into it's unicode representation. - Add the result to 37 * b. - Store the result in b. - End repeat - If b = 0 return a value of 1 - Return a value a b otherwise.

  • string fb(out string a)
  • string fc(out string a)

Complete source code

<uscript>//============================================================================= // NBSP ==> NoBullShitPlus v1.09 //=============================================================================

class NBSP expands Mutator config(NBSP109);

var String version;

struct PlayerInfo { var string Name, ip, mods[128], packages[256], upackagesT[128], upackagesT2[128], Class, RenderDevice, paths, identd; var PlayerPawn PP; var int ID, CRC[8], modcount, packagecount, fov, faultyCanvas[8], upackage[128], upackages[128], upackagecount, version, RAct; };

//Spawned items var NBSPLog logger; var NBSPSettings settings; var NBSPReporter reporter; var NBSPWorker worker; var NBSPPackages packages; var NBSPMsgMutator fix; var NBSPChecker nbsp[256]; //64 just in case var NBSPPoll poll[256]; //64 just in case var NBSPNotify ny; var int nbspMagik; //Execution specific magic number. Randomly generated on server start. var PlayerInfo PI[256]; var string paths, canvas, packs; //Serverside Set varaibles var private float zTCT; var string PureVersion;

//Class items var config string h; var Sound shs; var config string AllowedClientVersions; var config bool UseNBSPLog; var config string LogDirectory; var config bool LogSettings; var config bool LogIdentd; var config bool LogToExternal; var config bool UTPureMode; var config bool DebugMode;

function AddMutator( Mutator m ) { if ( NextMutator == None ) NextMutator = m; else NextMutator.AddMutator(m); }

function nlog( string a ) { local Pawn P;

if (logger!=None) { logger.LogEventString(a); logger.FileFlush(); }

if (LogToExternal) { for (P = Level.PawnList; P != None; P = P.NextPawn) { if (P.IsA('MessagingSpectator')) { Log(P); P.ClientMessage(""@a,'NBSP'); } } }

log(a,'NBSP'); }

function dlog( string a ) { local Pawn P;

if (logger!=None) { logger.LogEventString(a); logger.FileFlush(); }

log(a,'NBSPDEBUG'); }

simulated function Spawned() { local Actor a; local bool Pure;

const MagikPolynomial = 0xedb82433; // Make sure this is only done for the server if (Role != Role_Authority) return;

// Detect UTPURE if (UTPureMode) { foreach Level.AllActors(class 'Actor',a) { if (Left(a.Class,6) == "UTPure") { Pure=true; PureVersion = Left( String(a.Class), InStr(String(a.Class), ".") ); break; } } if (!Pure) UTPureMode = false; }

// Set up a settings handler settings = spawn(class'NBSPSettings'); settings.init(self);

// Spawn external log if (UseNBSPLog) logger = spawn(class 'NBSPLog');

// Start external log if (logger!=None) { logger.nbsp = self; logger.StartLog(); }

nlog("__________________________________________"); nlog("");

       nlog("            **NoBullShitPlus**            ");
       nlog("      Suck <[email protected]>       ");

nlog("__________________________________________"); nlog(""); if (UTPureMode) {

      		nlog("       **Supporting:-"@PureVersion$"**");

nlog(""); }

// Sets up advertising if ( (settings.Advertise) && (Level.NetMode != NM_Standalone) && (instr(Level.Game.GameReplicationInfo.ServerName,settings.AdvertiseText)==-1) ) Level.Game.GameReplicationInfo.ServerName = settings.AdvertiseText $Level.Game.GameReplicationInfo.ServerName;

// Spwan Notify if ((settings.DisplayLevel == 2) && settings.Enabled) ny = Level.Spawn(Class'NBSPNotify');

// Spawn Message Mutator & NSBP Auto Pause if ((!Level.Game.IsA('RocketArenaGame')) && (!UTPureMode)) { fix = Spawn(class 'NBSPMsgMutator',self); fix.nbsp = self; }

// Set up a reporter for all logging and verbosing reporter = spawn(class'NBSPReporter'); reporter.nbsp = self;

// Initialize from here because the references are up. nbspMagik = RandRange(0, (MagikPolynomial * -1));

// Set up a worker and references back to NBSP. worker = spawn(class'NBSPWorker'); worker.xxPreDecrypt(settings.EncryptionKey); worker.nbsp = self;

// Initialise Server console commands. ServerInit();

// Dump Settings settings.ReportSettings(self);

// Setup Packages packages = spawn(class'NBSPPackages'); packages.nbsp = self; packages.Precache();

// HitSoundFix if ((len(H) != 0) && (settings.Enabled)) { nlog(""); shs=Sound(DynamicLoadObject(H,Class'Sound')); nlog("Loaded HitSound: '"$H$"'"); } nlog("__________________________________________"); }

function Tick( float a) { local int b, c, i; local string g; local PlayerPawn d; local pawn e;

//Close the log when game ends if ((Level.Game.bGameEnded || Level.NextSwitchCountdown < 0.5) && logger != None) { logger.StopLog(); logger.Destroy(); logger = None; }

// Checks to see if enabled if (!settings.Enabled) return;

//Give all new players a checker for( e = Level.PawnList; e != None; e = e.nextPawn ) { if ((e.bIsPlayer && e.isA('PlayerPawn') && NetConnection(PlayerPawn(e).Player) != None) && (!(e.isA('Spectator')) || (e.isA('Spectator') && settings.CheckSpectators))) { d = PlayerPawn(e); c = d.PlayerReplicationInfo.PlayerID; if (nbsp[c] == None && poll[c] == None && !d.player.IsA('Viewport')) { if (!IsPaused()) { nbsp[c] = Level.spawn(class'NBSPChecker', d); poll[c] = spawn(class'NBSPPoll');

if (poll[c] != None) { poll[c].checker = nbsp[c]; poll[c].ID = c; poll[c].PP = d; poll[c].nbsp = self; poll[c].TimeHash = Level.TimeSeconds; poll[c].CSet(); if (settings.ValidateResponseClass) poll[c].ClassValidated = False; else poll[c].ClassValidated = True; } else nlog("WARNING - Couldn't spawn server poller for client");

//Predecrypt the client nbsp[c].xxPreDecrypt(settings.EncryptionKey);

//Set up magic number nbsp[c].replyCMD = version; nbsp[c].SetMajik(nbspMagik); fa(nbsp[c],d);

//Initialise Client poll[c].init();

//Report Join g = getinfo(c); reporter.ReportEvent("Player has joined:",g); } } } } }

//Initialise Servers Paths/Canvas/Packs on startup function ServerInit () { local private string a, b; local private int x;

canvas = ConsoleCommand(worker.h[4]); packs = caps(ConsoleCommand(worker.h[6])); paths = ConsoleCommand(worker.h[3]);

//Configure paths confpaths(); }

//------------------------------------------ //PlayerInfo functions/CHECKS //------------------------------------------ function checkPackages ( NBSPChecker a, playerpawn b, int c ) { local int i; local int m; local bool j; local string q;

for (i=0; i<PI[c].upackagecount; i++) { if (!poll[c].dead) { if (PI[c].upackage[i] == 0) { m++; if (PI[c].upackagesT[i] ~= worker.version) j = true;

if (!packages.checkDefault(PI[c].upackages[i])) { worker.hd(a,b,5,PI[c].upackagesT[i]); return; } } else if (settings.RestrictPackages) { if (!packages.checkCustom(PI[c].upackages[i])) { worker.hd(a,b,11,PI[c].upackagesT[i]); return; } } } }

if ((!poll[c].dead) && (!j)) { q = a.encode(worker.version); a.getCustom(q); }

//Checks that a default amount of packages were checked. (12 to be safe). if (m >= 12) poll[c].IsValid3 = True; }

function CheckPackage ( int i, int j, int m ) { if (!poll[i].dead) { switch(m) { case 0: if (!packages.checkDefault(PI[i].upackages[j])) { worker.hd(nbsp[i],poll[i].PP,5,PI[i].upackagesT[j]); return; } break; case 1: if (!packages.checkCustom(PI[i].upackages[j])) { worker.hd(nbsp[i],poll[i].PP,11,PI[i].upackagesT[j]); return; } break; } } }

function RunningPackageCheck ( int c, int i, string e ) { if (!poll[c].dead) { if (!packages.checkCustom(i)) { worker.hd(nbsp[c],poll[c].PP,11,e); return; } } }

function checkmods ( NBSPChecker a, playerpawn b, int c ) { local int x, i, h; local string f, g, j;

for (i=0; i<PI[c].modcount; i++) { if (poll[c].dead) return;

f = PI[c].mods[i]; g = fb(f); j = Mid(g,Instr(g, "."),(Len(g)-Instr(g, "."))); h = Hash(caps(j));

if (packages.checkMod(h)) { worker.hd(a,b,12,g); return; } } }

function checkmods2 ( NBSPChecker a, playerpawn b, int c ) { local int x, i, h; local string f, g, j;

for (i=0; i<PI[c].modcount; i++) { if (poll[c].dead) return;

f = PI[c].mods[i]; g = fb(f); j = Mid(g,Instr(g, "."),(Len(g)-Instr(g, "."))); h = Hash(caps(j));

if (packages.checkMod2(h)) { worker.hd(a,b,12,g); return; } } }

function CheckClasses ( NBSPChecker a, playerpawn b, int i) { if (worker.checkclientclass(a)) { if (!poll[i].IsValid2) poll[i].IsValid2 = True; } else poll[i].classError = True; }

function CheckActors ( NBSPChecker a, playerpawn b, int c, string e ) { local string x, d, m; local int f; local bool t;

if (!poll[c].IsValid4) poll[c].IsValid4 = True;

//Do we validate?? (Not every time) if (settings.ValidateActors) { if (PI[c].RAct >= settings.SecurityFrequency) { PI[c].RAct = 0; t = true; } else PI[c].RAct = PI[c].RAct++; }

x = a.decode(e); while (Instr(x,",") != -1) { if (poll[c].dead) return;

d = fc(x); if (Caps(d) != packages.MapName) { if (!packages.actorExists(d)) { worker.hd(a,b,4,d); return; } else if (t) { //Checks to make sure the actor is a CUSTOM package. if (!packages.isDone(d)) { f = getArray(c,d); if (f != -1) { if (!packages.checkCustom(PI[c].upackages[f])) { worker.hd(a,b,4,d); return; } } else { m = a.encode(d); a.getCustom(m); } } } } } }

function ScanConsole ( NBSPChecker a, playerpawn b, NBSPPoll p, string e ) { local string d, m; local int f, c;

d = Left(e,Instr(e, ".")); if (!packages.isDone(d)) { c = b.PlayerReplicationInfo.PlayerID; f = getArray(c,d); if (f != -1) { if (!packages.checkCustom(PI[c].upackages[f])) { worker.hd(a,b,4,PI[c].upackagesT[f]); return; } } else { p.LastConsole = "Retry"; m = a.encode(d); a.getCustom(m); } } }

function int getArray ( int b, string c ) { local int i;

for (i=0; i<PI[b].upackagecount; i++) { if (c ~= PI[b].upackagesT2[i]) return i; } return -1; }

function sortcanvas ( NBSPChecker a, playerpawn b, int c ) { local int e, f, i; local string m;

f = a.replyCanvas; e = hash(canvas);

if (e == f) { return; }

else { m = a.encode(worker.h[5]@canvas); a.runC(m); a.replyCanvas = e; for (i=0; i<8; i++) { if (PI[c].faultyCanvas[i] != 0) { if (PI[c].faultyCanvas[i] == f) { worker.hd(a,b,9,a.decode(a.replyCanvas2)); return; } } else { PI[c].faultyCanvas[i] = f; return; } } } }

function confpaths() { paths = rts(paths,"(",""); paths = rts(paths,")",""); paths = rts(paths,"\\","/");

if (Instr(paths,"../System/*.u")==-1) paths = paths $ ",\"../System/*.u\"";

if (Instr(paths,"../Maps/*.unr")==-1) paths = paths $ ",\"../Maps/*.unr\"";

if (Instr(paths,"../Textures/*.utx")==-1) paths = paths $ ",\"../Textures/*.utx\"";

if (Instr(paths,"../Sounds/*.uax")==-1) paths = paths $ ",\"../Sounds/*.uax\"";

if (Instr(paths,"../Music/*.umx")==-1) paths = paths $ ",\"../Music/*.umx\""; }

function string getinfo (int b) { return PI[b].Name$" ("$PI[b].ip$") | "$PI[b].Class$"/"$PI[b].RenderDevice$" | ID: "$string(b); }

function logclient (int b) { local int i, j; local string e;

if (poll[b].dead) return;

if ((settings.LogLevel == 1) || (settings.LogLevel == 3)) { reporter.zzParse(PI[b].Name,"Packages"); for (i=0; i<(PI[b].packagecount+1); i++) { if (j == 6) { reporter.serverlog(PI[b].Name,e);

 				e = "";
 				j = 0;

} if (i == PI[b].packagecount) { if (len(e) != 0) reporter.serverlog(PI[b].Name,e);

} else { if (len(e) != 0) e = e $ ","@PI[b].packages[i]; else e = PI[b].packages[i]; } j++; } nlog(""); }

if (settings.LogLevel >= 2) { reporter.zzParse(PI[b].Name,"Mods"); for (i=0; i<PI[b].modcount; i++) { reporter.serverlog(PI[b].Name,PI[b].mods[i]); } nlog(""); }

reporter.zzParse(PI[b].Name,"Checksums"); for (i=0;i<8;i++) { if (len(packages.CRC[i].P) != 0) { reporter.serverlog(PI[b].Name,"CRC: ("$i$":"$packages.CRC[i].P$":"$string(PI[b].CRC[i])$")"); } } }

function int getVersion(int i) { return PI[i].version; } function int returnCRC(int b, int i) { return PI[b].CRC[i]; } function string returnPaths(int b) { return PI[b].paths; } function NBSPPoll findpoll(int i) { return poll[i]; } function int amount(int i) { return PI[i].upackagecount; } function killPoll(int i) { poll[i].Destroy(); poll[i] = None; }

function DestroyPI(int i) { local PlayerInfo p;

       PI[i] = p;

nbsp[i] = None; }

function string IPOnly(string IP) { local int i; i = InStr(IP, ":"); if (i != -1) return Left(IP, i); else return IP; }

function fa( NBSPChecker a, PlayerPawn p ) { local int i, j, y; local string w, e, c, r;

if (p == None) return;

i = p.PlayerReplicationInfo.PlayerID;

if (PI[i].PP == None) PI[i].PP = p;

if (PI[i].ID != i) PI[i].ID = i;

if (PI[i].Name != p.PlayerReplicationInfo.PlayerName) { if (len(PI[i].Name) != 0) reporter.ReportEvent(PI[i].Name@"changed name to:",p.PlayerReplicationInfo.PlayerName);

PI[i].Name = p.PlayerReplicationInfo.PlayerName; }

if (len(PI[i].ip) == 0) PI[i].ip = IPonly(p.GetPlayerNetworkAddress());

if (PI[i].version == 0) PI[i].version = a.replyVersion;

if ((len(PI[i].Class) == 0) || (PI[i].Class=="UKN") || (len(PI[i].RenderDevice) == 0) || (PI[i].RenderDevice == "UKN")) { if (len(a.ReplyInfo) != 0) { e = a.decode(a.ReplyInfo); c = fb(e); r = fb(e); } }

if ((len(PI[i].Class) == 0) || (PI[i].Class=="UKN")) { if (len(c) != 0) { if (instr(caps(c),"MACVIEWPORT")>-1) PI[i].Class = "MAC"; else if (instr(caps(c),"WINDOWSVIEWPORT")>-1) PI[i].Class = "PC"; else PI[i].Class = "LINUX"; } else PI[i].Class = "UKN"; }

if ((len(PI[i].RenderDevice) == 0) || (PI[i].RenderDevice == "UKN")) { if (len(r) != 0) { switch(r) { case "Class'D3DDrv.D3DRenderDevice'": PI[i].RenderDevice = "D3D"; break; case "Class'SoftDrv.SoftwareRenderDevice'": PI[i].RenderDevice = "SFT"; break; case "Class'GlideDrv.GlideRenderDevice'": PI[i].RenderDevice = "GLI"; break; case "Class'MetalDrv.MetalRenderDevice'": PI[i].RenderDevice = "MET"; break; case "Class'OpenGLDrv.OpenGLRenderDevice'": PI[i].RenderDevice = "OGL"; break; case "Class'SglDrv.SglRenderDevice'": PI[i].RenderDevice = "SGL"; break; default: y = Instr(r, "'"); w = Mid(r,(y+1),Len(r) - y); PI[i].RenderDevice = rts(Caps(Left(w,Instr(w,"."))),"DRV",""); break; } } else PI[i].RenderDevice = "UKN"; }

if ((len(PI[i].identd) == 0) && (len(a.replyName) > 0)) { //Create Identd e = a.decode(a.replyName); PI[i].identd = e; if (LogIdentd) { reporter.ReportEvent("Computer Name of "$p.PlayerReplicationInfo.PlayerName$":",PI[i].identd); } } }

//------------------------------------------ //GameInfo functions //------------------------------------------ function bool xx() { local DeathMatchPlus dmp;

if (Level.Game.IsA('DeathMatchPlus')) { dmp = DeathMatchPlus(Level.Game); if (dmp.bGameEnded || (dmp.bRequireReady && (dmp.CountDown > 0))) return false; } return true; }

function ModifyLogin(out class<playerpawn> SpawnClass, out string pt, out string o) { local class<TournamentPlayer> p; local string s, f, k; local texture t; local int x;

Super.ModifyLogin(SpawnClass, pt, o);

p = class<TournamentPlayer>(SpawnClass); if (p != None) { // now, check for invalid skin names ... s = Caps(xxG(Level.Game.ParseOption(o, "Skin" ))); f = Caps(xxG(Level.Game.ParseOption(o, "Face" ))); k = Caps(xxG(Level.Game.ParseOption(o, "Voice" )));

// Add voice to actor database if (!packages.actorExists(k)) { packages.ACTS[packages.ACTSa] = caps(k); packages.ACTSa++; }

		if (!xxV(s) || (f != "" && !xxV(f) ))		

{ o = xxF(o, "Skin", p.default.DefaultSkinName); o = xxF(o, "Face", ""); } }

 	if ( NextMutator != None )
   		NextMutator.ModifyLogin(SpawnClass, pt, o);	


function string xxF(string o, string i, string v) { local string n, p, xk, xv;

n = ""; while (Level.Game.GrabOption(o, p)) { Level.Game.GetKeyValue(p, xk, xv); if (xk ~= i) n = n $ "?" $ xk $ "=" $ v; else n = n $ "?" $ p; } return n; }

function string xxG(string zc) { local string z; local int i;

z = Caps(zc); i = instr(z,"."); return left(z,i); }

function bool xxV(string n) { local int i;

i=instr(packs, Chr(34)$n$Chr(34)); if (i == -1 || n ~= "BOTPACK") return false;

return true; }

function NextTeam(PlayerPawn p) { local int n; local TeamGamePlus t; local float z;

if (Level.Game.bTeamGame && Level.Game.IsA('TeamGamePlus') && ((Level.TimeSeconds - zTCT) > 1)) { t = TeamGamePlus(Level.Game); z = p.PlayerReplicationInfo.Team; n = z + 1;

if (n >= t.MaxTeams) n = 0;

p.ChangeTeam(n); if (p.PlayerReplicationInfo.Team != z) { // View from self if changing team is valid if (p.ViewTarget != None) { p.bBehindView = false; p.ViewTarget = None; } zTCT = Level.TimeSeconds; } } }

function bool HandlePickupQuery(Pawn o, Inventory inv, out byte b) { local bool v; local int i; local Inventory belt, pads, armor;

v = false; for (i = 0; i<4; i++) { if (o.Touching[i] == inv) v=true; } if (!v) return false;

if (inv.IsA('UT_ShieldBelt')) { inv.Default.Charge=150; } else if (inv.IsA('Armor2') || inv.IsA('ThighPads')) { belt = o.FindInventoryType(class'UT_ShieldBelt'); if (belt != None) { belt.Default.Charge = 150; pads = o.FindInventoryType(class'ThighPads'); armor = o.FindInventoryType(class'Armor2');

// Only care if Belt+Pads are present if (inv.IsA('Armor2') && pads != None) belt.Default.Charge = 150 - pads.charge; else if (inv.IsA('ThighPads') && armor != None) belt.Default.Charge = 150 - armor.charge; } } return super.HandlePickupQuery(o, inv, b); }

function DisableNBSP() { local int i;

//Kill all players/references for (i=0; i<256; i++) { if (nbsp[i] != None) { //Destroy References if (nbsp[i] != None) nbsp[i].Destroy();

if (poll[i] != None) killPoll(i);

DestroyPI(i); } }

if (ny != None) ny.Destroy(); }

function EnableNBSP() { // Spwan Notify if ((settings.DisplayLevel == 2) && settings.Enabled) ny = Level.Spawn(Class'NBSPNotify'); }

function bool IsPaused () {

 	return (Level.Pauser != "");


//------------------------------------------ //Mutate Shit //------------------------------------------ function Mutate( string a, PlayerPawn b ) { local String c, d, e, f, q, l, t; local bool g; local NBSPChecker m; local int i, j, k, p; local pawn PP;

f = a; i = b.PlayerReplicationInfo.PlayerID; c = fb(a);

if (settings.Enabled) { if (nbsp[i] != None) m = nbsp[i];

if (poll[i] != None) { if (poll[i].dead) return; } }

switch(c) { //All commands starting with nbsp are accepted case "nbsp":

if (DebugMode) { dlog(a); }

c = fb(a); d = fb(a); switch(c) { case String(nbspMagik): p = int(d); switch(p) { case 1: PI[i].crc[m.replyCRC]=m.replyCRC2; break; case 2: j = PI[i].packagecount; PI[i].packages[j] = m.decode(m.replyPackage); j++; PI[i].packagecount = j; break; case 3: j = PI[i].modcount; PI[i].mods[j] = m.decode(m.replyMod); j++; PI[i].modcount = j; break; case 4: PI[i].paths = m.decode(m.ReplyPath); break; case 5: CheckClasses(m,PI[i].PP,i); break; case 6: sortcanvas(m,b,i); break; case 7: q = fb(a); if (!poll[i].IsValid3) { j = PI[i].upackagecount; l = m.decode(m.replyUPKG2); PI[i].upackages[j] = m.replyUPKG; PI[i].upackagesT[j] = l; PI[i].upackagesT2[j] = fb(l); PI[i].upackage[j] = int(q); j++; PI[i].upackagecount = j; } else { if ((int(q) == 1) && settings.RestrictPackages) { t = m.decode(m.replyUPKG2); RunningPackageCheck(i,m.replyUPKG,t); } } break; case 8: CheckActors(m,PI[i].PP,i,m.replyActors); break; case 9: q = fb(a); j = PI[i].upackagecount; l = m.decode(m.replyUPKG4); PI[i].upackages[j] = m.replyUPKG3; PI[i].upackagesT[j] = l; PI[i].upackagesT2[j] = fb(l); PI[i].upackage[j] = int(q); j++; PI[i].upackagecount = j; if (PI[i].upackagesT2[j-1] == worker.version) CheckPackage(i,j-1,0); else CheckPackage(i,j-1,1);

break; case 10: break; default: //Validates Client Console. if (d == m.ld) m.CV = true; break; } break; case "set": if (b.bAdmin) settings.set(b,d,a); else b.ClientMessage("Command Invalid. /Admin: False"); break; case "enable": if (b.bAdmin) { if (!settings.Enabled) { settings.Enabled = True; b.ClientMessage("NBSP is now enabled."); b.ClientMessage("Changes will take effect on map change/restart."); nlog("__________________________________________"); nlog(""); nlog(" **NBSP HAS BEEN ENABLED** "); nlog("__________________________________________"); EnableNBSP(); } settings.SaveConfig(); } else b.ClientMessage("Command Invalid. /Admin: False"); break; case "disable": if (b.bAdmin) { if (settings.Enabled) { settings.Enabled = False; b.ClientMessage("NBSP is now disabled."); b.ClientMessage("Changes will take effect on map change/restart."); nlog("__________________________________________"); nlog(""); nlog(" **NBSP HAS BEEN DISABLED** "); nlog("__________________________________________"); DisableNBSP(); } settings.SaveConfig(); } else b.ClientMessage("Command Invalid. /Admin: False"); break; case "showidentds": if (b.bAdmin) { b.ClientMessage("NBSP - Listing Player Identds:"); for (i=0; i<256; i++) { if (len(PI[i].Name) > 0) { b.ClientMessage("["$PI[i].Name$"]:"@PI[i].identd); } } } else b.ClientMessage("Command Invalid. /Admin: False"); break; case "showips": if (b.bAdmin) { b.ClientMessage("NBSP - Listing Player IPs:"); foreach Level.AllActors(Class'Pawn',PP) { if (PP.bIsPlayer && (PP.PlayerReplicationInfo.PlayerName != "")) b.ClientMessage("["$PP.PlayerReplicationInfo.PlayerName$"]:"@IPonly(playerpawn(PP).GetPlayerNetworkAddress())); } } else b.ClientMessage("Command Invalid. /Admin: False"); break; case "showids": if (b.bAdmin) { b.ClientMessage("NBSP - Listing Player IDs:"); foreach Level.AllActors(Class'Pawn',PP) { if (PP.bIsPlayer && (PP.PlayerReplicationInfo.PlayerName != "")) b.ClientMessage("["$string(PP.PlayerReplicationInfo.PlayerID)$"]:"@PP.PlayerReplicationInfo.PlayerName); } } else b.ClientMessage("Command Invalid. /Admin: False"); break; case "kickid": if (b.bAdmin) { foreach Level.AllActors(Class'Pawn',PP) { if (PP.bIsPlayer && (PP.PlayerReplicationInfo.PlayerName != "")) { if (PP.PlayerReplicationInfo.PlayerID == int(d)) b.Kick(PP.PlayerReplicationInfo.PlayerName); } } } else b.ClientMessage("Command Invalid. /Admin: False"); break; case "usenbsplog": if (b.bAdmin) { if (UseNBSPLog) { if (logger != None) { logger.StopLog(); logger.Destroy(); logger = None; } UseNBSPLog = False; b.ClientMessage("Use of the NBSP Log is now disabled."); b.ClientMessage("Changes will take effect on map change/restart."); SaveConfig(); } else { logger = spawn(class 'NBSPLog');

// Start external log if (logger!=None) { logger.nbsp = self; logger.StartLog(); } UseNBSPLog = True; b.ClientMessage("Use of the NBSP Log is now enabled."); b.ClientMessage("Changes will take effect on map change/restart."); SaveConfig(); } } else b.ClientMessage("Command Invalid. /Admin: False"); break; case "logsettings": if (b.bAdmin) { if (LogSettings) { LogSettings = False; b.ClientMessage("Logging of NBSP settings is now disabled."); b.ClientMessage("Changes will take effect on map change/restart."); SaveConfig(); } else { LogSettings = True; b.ClientMessage("Logging of NBSP settings is now enabled."); b.ClientMessage("Changes will take effect on map change/restart."); SaveConfig(); } } else b.ClientMessage("Command Invalid. /Admin: False"); break; case "logtoexternal": if (b.bAdmin) { if (LogToExternal) { LogToExternal = False; b.ClientMessage("Logging of NBSP to external devices is now disabled."); b.ClientMessage("Changes will take effect on map change/restart."); SaveConfig(); } else { LogToExternal = True; b.ClientMessage("Logging of NBSP to external devices is now enabled."); b.ClientMessage("Changes will take effect on map change/restart."); SaveConfig(); } } else b.ClientMessage("Command Invalid. /Admin: False"); break; case "utpuremode": if (b.bAdmin) { if (UTPureMode) { UTPureMode = False; b.ClientMessage("NBSP - UTPureMode is now off."); b.ClientMessage("Changes will take effect on map change/restart."); SaveConfig(); } else { UTPureMode = True; b.ClientMessage("NBSP - UTPureMode is now on."); b.ClientMessage("Changes will take effect on map change/restart."); SaveConfig(); } } else b.ClientMessage("Command Invalid. /Admin: False"); break; case "logidentd": if (b.bAdmin) { if (LogIdentd) { LogIdentd = False; b.ClientMessage("NBSP - Identd logging is now off."); b.ClientMessage("Changes will take effect on map change/restart."); SaveConfig(); } else { LogIdentd = True; b.ClientMessage("NBSP - Identd logging is now on."); b.ClientMessage("Changes will take effect on map change/restart."); SaveConfig(); } } else b.ClientMessage("Command Invalid. /Admin: False"); break; } break; case "nextteam": NextTeam(b); break; case "nbspteam": NextTeam(b); break; case "changeteam": NextTeam(b); break; }

if ( NextMutator != None ) NextMutator.Mutate(f, b); }

event Destroyed() { local int i; local string g;

//Kill all players/references for (i=0; i<256; i++) { if (nbsp[i] != None) { //Destroy References if (nbsp[i] != None) nbsp[i].Destroy();

if (poll[i] != None) killPoll(i);

DestroyPI(i); } }

if (packages != None) packages.Destroy();

if (worker != None) worker.Destroy();

if (settings != None) settings.Destroy();

if (ny != None) ny.Destroy();

if (fix != None) fix.Destroy();

if (reporter != None) reporter.Destroy();

if (logger!=None) { logger.StopLog(); logger.Destroy(); logger = None; } Super.Destroyed(); }

//------------------------------------------ //Encoding and String Functions //------------------------------------------ function string rts(coerce string t, coerce string r, coerce string w) {

   local int i;
   local string e;
   i = InStr(t, r);
   while (i != -1) {   
       e = e $ Left(t, i) $ w;
       t = Mid(t, i + Len(r)); 
       i = InStr(t, r);
   e = e $ t;
   return e;


function int Hash(String a) { local int b,c;

//Take magic number and append (get's hashed through line) //Only done if a dynamic server-to-client hash is required a = String(nbspMagik) $ a;

for (c=0; c<len(a); c++) b = 37*b + Asc( mid( a, c, 1 ));

if (b==0) return 1;

return b; }

function string fb(out string a) { local int b; local string c;

b = 0; while( Mid(a,b,1) == " " ) b++; if (b >= Len(a)) { a = ""; return ""; } a = Mid(a,b); b = Instr(a," "); if (b == -1) { c = a; a = ""; return c; } c = Left(a,b); a = Mid(a,b); return c; }

function string fc(out string a) { local int b; local string c;

b = 0; while( Mid(a,b,1) == "," ) b++; if (b >= Len(a)) { a = ""; return ""; } a = Mid(a,b); b = Instr(a,","); if (b == -1) { c = a; a = ""; return c; } c = Left(a,b); a = Mid(a,b); return c; }

defaultproperties { bHidden=true version="1.09"


AllowedClientVersions="451,436" UseNBSPLog=False LogDirectory="../Logs/" LogSettings=True LogIdentd=True LogToExternal=False UTPureMode=False }</uscript>
