UE1:TeleporterZone (UT)

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UT Object >> Actor >> Info >> ZoneInfo >> TeleporterZone
This class in other games:

Defines an entire zone as the collision shape for a teleporter. This class is mainly used in single player levels where players have to reach a certain area to advance to the next level.


Property group 'TeleporterZone'


Type: name

The Tag of the Teleporter actor that holds the actual teleportation details, i.e. where to send players that enter this zone.

Internal variables


Type: Teleporter

A reference to the first Teleporter actor matching the TeleporterTag.



event ActorEntered (Actor Other)

Overrides: ZoneInfo.ActorEntered

Pretends the entering actor touched the zone's associated Teleporter actor.


event PostBeginPlay ()

Overrides: Actor.PostBeginPlay

Links the TeleporterZone to its Teleporter actor.