I'm a doctor, not a mechanic
UE2:AIScript (U2XMP)
From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site
- Package:
- Engine
- This class in other games:
- UT2003, UT2004, U2, UE2Runtime
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AIScript - used by Level Designers to specify special AI scripts for pawns placed in a level, and to change which type of AI controller to use for a pawn. AIScripts can be shared by one or many pawns. Game specific subclasses of AIScript will have editable properties defining game specific behavior and AI This is a built-in Unreal class and it shouldn't be modified.
Property group 'AIScript'[edit]
Type: class<AIController>
Type: name
Tag of next ScriptedSequence
Type: float
skill modifier (same scale as game difficulty)
Internal variables[edit]
Type: AIScript
Instance functions[edit]
function SpawnControllerFor (Pawn P)