Worst-case scenario: the UEd Goblin wipes the map and burns down your house.
UE2:BioRifle (UT2004)
From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site
- Package:
- XWeapons
- Direct subclass:
- ClassicBioRifle
- This class in other games:
- UT2003
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Default values[edit]
Property | Value | ||||||||||
AIRating | 0.55 | ||||||||||
AttachmentClass | Class'XWeapons.BioAttachment' | ||||||||||
BobDamping | 2.2 | ||||||||||
CenteredOffsetY | -8.0 | ||||||||||
CurrentRating | 0.55 | ||||||||||
CustomCrosshair | 7 | ||||||||||
CustomCrossHairColor |
CustomCrossHairScale | 1.333 | ||||||||||
CustomCrossHairTextureName | "Crosshairs.Hud.Crosshair_Triad1" | ||||||||||
Description | "The GES BioRifle continues to be one of the most controversial weapons in the Tournament. Loved by some, loathed by others, the BioRifle has long been the subject of debate over its usefulness. | Despite the debate, the weapon provides rapid-fire wide-area coverage in primary firing mode, and a single-fire variable payload secondary firing mode. In layman's terms, this equates to being able to pepper an area with small globs of Biosludge, or launch one large glob at the target." | |||||||||
DisplayFOV | 60.0 | ||||||||||
EffectOffset |
FireModeClass[0] | XWeapons.BioFire | ||||||||||
FireModeClass[1] | XWeapons.BioChargedFire | ||||||||||
HudColor |
IconCoords |
IconMaterial | Material'HudContent.Generic.HUD' | ||||||||||
InventoryGroup | 3 | ||||||||||
ItemName | "Bio-Rifle" | ||||||||||
Mesh | Mesh'Weapons.BioRifle_1st' | ||||||||||
PickupClass | Class'XWeapons.BioRiflePickup' | ||||||||||
PlayerViewOffset |
PlayerViewPivot |
Priority | 4 | ||||||||||
PutDownAnim | 'PutDown' | ||||||||||
SelectForce | "SwitchToFlakCannon" | ||||||||||
SelectSound | Sound'WeaponSounds.FlakCannon.SwitchToFlakCannon' | ||||||||||
SmallViewOffset |
simulated event AnimEnd (int Channel)
Overrides: Weapon.AnimEnd
Other instance functions[edit]
function byte BestMode ()
Overrides: Weapon.BestMode
function DropFrom (Object.Vector StartLocation)
Overrides: Weapon.DropFrom
function float GetAIRating ()
Overrides: Weapon.GetAIRating
simulated function bool HasAmmo ()
Overrides: Weapon.HasAmmo
function float SuggestAttackStyle ()
Overrides: Weapon.SuggestAttackStyle
function float SuggestDefenseStyle ()
Overrides: Weapon.SuggestDefenseStyle