UE2:FinalBlend (UT2003)
- Package:
- Engine
- This class in other games:
Applies final blending operations to a material. The main uses are enabling transparency for the result of Combiners and textures that have an alpha channel but don't use that, and to fix Z-ordering problems for Emitter particles and Shaders.
Property group 'FinalBlend'
Type: byte
The opacity value bound to use for masking when AlphaTest is enabled.
Type: bool
If enabled, masks off all parts of the material for which the alpha channel indicates an opacity smaller than AlphaRef.
Type: EFrameBufferBlending
The type of frame buffer blending to apply. See EFrameBufferBlending enum below.
Type: bool
Whether the backside of surfaces with this material should be rendered as well.
Type: bool
Default value: True
Type: bool
Whether to write to the Z-buffer. Setting this to false changes the way the material is sorted and might fix or cause problems in connection with emitters.
Default value: True
Frame buffer blending types.
- FB_Overwrite
- Renders the material completely opaque, completely ignoring the background colors.
- FB_Modulate
- FB_AlphaBlend
- Uses the alpha channel of the material to blend the background and material colors.
- FB_AlphaModulate_MightNotFogCorrectly
- Adds the material colors to the material alpha-scaled background colors. It's a bit like FB_Translucent, but uses the alpha channel instead of the material colors to decide how much the background affects the result.
- FB_Translucent
- Adds the material colors to the (material) brightness-scaled background colors. Basically, the brighter the material is, the less the background affects the result.
- FB_Darken
- Subtracts the material colors form the background colors.
- FB_Brighten
- Adds the alpha-scaled material colors to the original background colors.
- FB_Invisible
- Renders the material completely transparent.