I'm a doctor, not a mechanic
UE2:Object (UT2004)
- 1 Constants
- 2 Properties
- 3 Enums
- 4 Structs
- 5 Functions
- 5.1 Static native functions
- 5.2 Other static functions
- 5.3 Iterator functions
- 5.4 Native functions
- 5.4.1 ClearConfig
- 5.4.2 Disable
- 5.4.3 Enable
- 5.4.4 GetPropertyText
- 5.4.5 GetReferencers
- 5.4.6 GetStateName
- 5.4.7 GotoState
- 5.4.8 IsA
- 5.4.9 IsInState
- 5.4.10 IsOnConsole
- 5.4.11 IsSoaking
- 5.4.12 PlatformIs64Bit
- 5.4.13 PlatformIsMacOS
- 5.4.14 PlatformIsUnix
- 5.4.15 PlatformIsWindows
- 5.4.16 SaveConfig
- 5.4.17 SetPropertyText
- 5.5 Events
- 5.6 Other instance functions
- 6 Operators
- Package:
- Core
- Direct subclasses:
- WebApplication, BrowserFilters, GUI, Actor, AdminBase, AnimEditProps, AnimNotifyProps, AnimNotify, Bitmap, BrushBuilder, CacheManager, CameraEffect, Canvas, ChallengeGame, CheatManager, Commandlet, CrosshairPack, CustomBotConfig, CustomFilter, CustomLadderInfo, DecoText, DrawOpBase, GameConfigSet, GameProfile, PlayerRecordClass, I3DL2Listener, Interactions, KarmaParamsCollision, LIPSincAnimProps, LIPSincControllerProps, LIPSincPrefsProps, LadderInfo, LevelSummary, ListItem, Locale, LogEntry, Manifest, MapVoteHistory, MaplistRecord, MatObject, MatchConfig, MatchInfo, MaterialFactory, Material, MeshObject, NotifyProperties, ONSPowerLinkCustomSetup, ObjectArray, ObjectPool, Palette, ParticleEmitter, PlayInfo, PlayerInput, Player, PropertyManagerBase, ReachSpec, Resource, RosterEntry, SPHighScoreBase, SPProfileExporter, SVehicleWheel, ScriptedAction, SequEditProps, SkaarjMeshes, SkelPrefsEditProps, Sound, SpeciesType, Spline, StreamBase, StringArray, Subsystem, TextToSpeechAlias, Time, UT2K4RosterGroup, WeaponFire, WebRequest, WebResponse, WebSkin, XAdminBase, XPawnGibGroup, XPawnSoundGroup, XPrivilegeBase, XUtil, Primitive, Factory, Font, MeshAnimation
- Known custom subclasses:
- Crusha/UltimateMappingTools, Crusha/UltimateMappingTools/UltimateMathAux
- This class in other games:
- RTNP, U1, UT, UE2Runtime, UT2003, U2, U2XMP, UDK, UT3
The base class all objects. Because all other classes directly or indirectly inherit from the Object class, all constants, enums, structs, functions and operators defined here could be called "global" constants, enums, etc.
Value: 0x00000001
Supports editor undo/redo.
Value: 0x00000004
Can be referenced by external package files.
Value: 0x00004000
Can't be saved or loaded.
Value: 0x00080000
Keep object around for editing even if unreferenced.
Value: 0x00100000
Don't load for game client.
Value: 0x00200000
Don't load for game server.
Value: 0x00400000
Don't load for editor.
Value: 0x7fffffff
Maximum possible int value in UnrealScript. The minimum possible int value is 0x80000000 or ~MaxInt
. (That's a tilde, the bitwise complement operator.)
Value: 3.1415926535897932
The closest approximation of Pi that fits into UnrealScript's float type.
Property group 'Object'
Type: name
Modifiers: native, const, editconst, noexport
The name of this object. An object's name is defined when the object is created and it's impossible to change later at runtime.
Internal variables
Type: Class
Modifiers: native, const, editconst
The class of this object.
Type: int
Modifiers: native, const
Internal flags of this object.
Type: pointer
Array size: 7
Modifiers: native, private, const
Other internal data for this object.
Type: Object
Modifiers: native, const
The outer object containing this object. For resources like Textures this is usually the package or group, for Actors this is usually the map package of the level currently being played.
Coordinate axes.
- The X axis.
- The Y axis.
- The Z axis.
Camera orientations.
- CAMORIENT_Interpolate
World and physics detail modes.
- DM_Low
- Low detail.
- DM_High
- Normal detail.
- DM_SuperHigh
- Highest detail.
Draw pivot positions, e.g. for aligning text or materials.
- DP_UpperLeft
- Upper left corner.
- DP_UpperMiddle
- Center of upper side.
- DP_UpperRight
- Upper right corner.
- DP_MiddleRight
- Center of right side.
- DP_LowerRight
- Lower right corner.
- DP_LowerMiddle
- Center of lower side.
- DP_LowerLeft
- Lower left corner.
- DP_MiddleLeft
- Center of left side.
- DP_MiddleMiddle
- Center of entire object.
- SHEER_None
See Object structs.
Static native functions
See Object static native functions.
Other static functions
Removes Num characters from the start of Source and appends them to Dest. If the source string contains less than the specified number of characters, all of them are appended to the destination string.
Returns the last part of a dot-separated full object name.
Note that GetItemName(string(SomeObjectReference))
is the same as string(SomeObjectReference.Name)
, as long as the object reference is not None.
Modifies Text by replacing every occurrences of Replace with With. Only occurrences in the original text are replaced, additional occurrences created as a result of a replacement are ignored.
Iterator functions
Iterates over the engine's internal object list and returns all objects of the specified class and all of its subclasses.
Note: This iterator is much more expensive than AllActors. Use it only when you have no other choice and select the base class very carefully.
Native functions
Clears the entire config section or only the configuration for the specified property and reloads the default value. For PerObjectConfig classes, only the config section for this object is cleared. Globalconfig properties are not affected unless they are declared in this object's class.
Disables the specified probe function. Invalid names, including names of non-probe functions, will generate a log warning.
Enables the specified probe function. Invalid names, including names of non-probe functions, will generate a log warning.
Returns the value of the specified property as a string. The result may differ from the value typecasted to string. Especially arrays and all kinds of structs can be converted to a string representation. This function will return an empty string if the specified property doesn't exist or is not public.
Builds a list of objects referencing the specified object.
Returns the name of the object's current state.
Switches to a new state and optionally starts executing that state's state code at the specified label. If the object previously was in a state, that state's EndState() event is called right before the state switch. If a valid NewState name was specified, that new state's BeginState() event is called right after the state switch.
- NewState - The new state's name. If the empty name
was specified, the object will be in the null state after the switch and no BeginState() event is executed. The special name'Auto'
is a synonym for the state with the auto modifier. This parameter defaults to the current state's name if omitted. - Label - The state label to begin state code execution at. Defaults to
if omitted. Unless the label was omitted, an invalid label name will generate a log warning.
Returns True if the object's Class name equals ClassName or if the object's class directly or indirectly extends a class with that name.
Returns True if the object's current state's name equals TestState or if the current state directly or indirectly extends a parent state with that name.
Returns True if the game runs on a console platform, e.g. Xbox.
Returns True if the game runs through its 64bit binaries. With 32bit game binaries this function always returns False, even if the underlying operating system and hardware are 64bit.
Returns True if the game runs under MacOS.
Returns True if the game runs on a 32bit or 64bit Unix platform, e.g. Linux.
Returns True if the game runs on a 32bit or 64bit Windows platform.
Saves this objects configurable properties. For PerObjectConfig classes, the values of configurable properties are written to a separate section labeled with this object's name and its class name. For other classes, the values of configurable properties are written to the object's class config section and also become the class default values. Values of globalconfig properties are written to the config section of the class that declared the property.
Sets the value of the specified property. The format of the PropValue is similar to the return value of the GetPropertyText() function. If the specfied property doesn't exist, is declared with the const modifier or not public, no new value is assigned. SetPropertyText() will return False in this case.
Note that the return value True does not automatically mean that a valid new value was assigned to the property. An invalidly formatted value string could have unpredictable results. Depending on the type of property, nothing could happen at all, a null value may be assigned or even only a partial value, especially for struct properties.
Called for the new state right after the state switch before GotoState() returns.
Called for non-Actor objects right before the new operator returns.
Called for the old state right before the state switch during GotoState().
Other instance functions
Returns a random float value between Min and Max. Since this is an instance functions, you will have to use FRand() to generate the desired range of values:
Min + (Max - Min) * FRand()
See Object operators.